Men Who Loved Children


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
This is an essay in the works and I would like to share my rough thoughts that I have penned down in my mind right now.

It focuses primarily on five great men: Michael Jackson, Pytor Illich Tchaikovsky, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, J.M. Barrie, and Lewis Carroll.

At some point in their lives, all five of these men have been accused of [child] abuse.

Let us begin with Michael. (Although I won't continue it long because we all already know most of the stuff).

Michael was accused twice. Wrongly. And he was vindicated at last. Michael Jackson always remained a child at heart and continued to see God in see the divine in their eyes. He loved, quite simply, LOVE...and
he loved children because they were so innocent. Almost like Jesus, he always had children with him. They drowned out his sorrow in their jubilant giggles and curious questions.

Like Michael...we had another dreamer, a sorrow-filled man...Lewis Carroll.
This man wrote "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland." These books were inspired by a young girl named Alice Liddell...but there is more to the story's history.
Mr. Carroll, after some successful poetry befriended the Liddell family and soon began spending a lot of time with the two boys. Later, he also befriended the three daughters of the family. He would often take them on boating and fishing trips with him.
Mr. Carroll, also a photographer, loved taking pictures...especially of children. He said the purity of a child beguiled and touched him very much and so that was his prime interest when photographing.
He took pictures of many children, including Alice and the Liddell children. There was huge controversy when pictures of naked children taken in photographic and NOT pornographic sense were found but Carroll insisted it
was the, against, unmarred purity of the angel-like children that he loved and wanted to capture.
Lewis Carroll showed Alice [Liddell] his early draft of "Alice's Adventure's In Wonderland" after she insisted. She was around eight or nine at the time.
Although Lewis later denied, after being accused of purposing to young Alice for marriage, that no - the work was not inspired by any real was mildly obvious that it was. There were a lot of references in the book to Alice... including the dedication (to Alice Pleasance Liddell) and the birth date of her referenced...also a poem in which each first letter of every line spells out
Alice's name.
Through out his life Carroll was plagued as strange, although a genius a generous hearted man, and also a pedophile. It was never proven. Nor could it be...for it was absolutely false. He was also a stutterer, but his stutter was almost non-existent with kids and a lot more with adults.
Later, people accused him of being on drugs when he wrote Alice In Wonderland which was again denied by him.
Now comes J.M. of Peter Pan...
His work was inspired by the Davies' boys whom he befriended and visited often. In time spent with them his ideas for Peter Pan arose. Through out his life, Mr. Barrie remained uninterested in adult matters and loved spending time with children. He had been accused of being a pedophile because of the extensive time he spent with the Davies' boys.
Mr. Barrie paid no heed to such disgusting accusations and instead continued to do what he loved most, write and play

Mr. Tchaikovsky, the composer Michael himself loved very much, had a deep affection for young children as he felt they inspired his work very much. He often spent time with young boys for they reminded him of his childhood. Tchaikovsky was accused, also, of being strange...weird...and..."taking advantage of children." He was also accused of having sexual relations with not only little boys but also men.

Mozart (I have posted a thread about this in MJ's Groove Theory earlier on
Michael and his similarities) remained a child through out his life and preferred time spent with children and animals over adults as his own childhood had been lost in performing. He was accused of abusing his youthful girl pupils, usually daughters of rich Russian or Italian men.


Leonardo Da Vinci, Socrates, Desartes, Tolstoy, Plato, Einstein, Dr. Seuss, Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin...
and many other men also remained mere children at heart and loved and preferred their company over adults.

* I would love your feedback. Thanks :)
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Interesting subject. I like reading about topics like this that offer a unique perspective on Michael. I don't know the personal lives of the other 4 men you listed so can't really add more to this discussion than conjecture. But I'm sure some or all of them were wrongfully accused. There are so many people in the world who assume the worst of people.

let me add that right now :)

* it's me who forgot it lol. I wrote it :p

but thank you dearly for reminding me. That will add to my essay. :)
that was really interesting and made alot of sence.I knew of J.M. Barrie espeacialy after seeing the movie Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp. this all just goes to show that through out history innocent people have been accoused of being something they werent just like Michael was through out his life. I just wish everyone could see that and finally let all this go.
that was really interesting and made alot of sence.I knew of J.M. Barrie espeacialy after seeing the movie Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp. this all just goes to show that through out history innocent people have been accoused of being something they werent just like Michael was through out his life. I just wish everyone could see that and finally let all this go.

Thanks. And about the was a lovely film and I did like how it didn't concentrate too much on Mr. Barrie's negative aspects of life ... But know that there were many ... Especially about his marriage and his love for children.

I hope in the next hundred or so years we will get such a movie as Finding Neverland for Michael too. Positivity was all he was about.
I think it's sad that when men have close relationships with children, other than their own, they are automatically thought of having wrong intentions. Yet, women who hang around children are not thought of as suspicious. It’s a double standard. Yes, there are some men who have wrong intentions, but there are many who do not.

Michael and J.M. Barrie have always been innocent in my eyes. I’m unsure of the other men that you’ve mentioned, as I do not know much about them, but it is very interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Just saw the film "Chaplin" and I concluded, after reading some background information of Mr. Charlie Chaplin, he is also fit to go on this list. :)
Really interesting post. Thank you so much, never knew about a few of those guys. I do think it is so wrong that in todays society people cant befriend children who arnt related to them without being acused of things so horrible!
It's not only in "today's" society... it's in society as a whole...

Winston Churchill once said: There is no public opinion, there is only published opinion.

At the end of the day, people are stupid...they'll believe whatever garbage you stuff down their throats as long as everyone else is doing it.

The cliche: if he jumps off a bridge, will you do it too? , isn't just a cliche for no reason. It's a cliche because it has been right so many times when said.
I've read about those other men as well. But thanks for reposting a short summary of how those great geniuses had been viewed in their lifetime. Michael will be vindicated in time. For now he is happy and no longer has the burdens of this earthly life.
Wow, what an interesting topic! It's cool that you have so many examples to compare. I had known about J.M. Barrie and Lewis Carroll, but not about the others. I didn't know Mozart was so similiar! So thanks for sharing.

A while ago, I read a little about Peter Pan Syndrome because of my interest in MJ (I don't necessarily think he had it). But what's interesting is the double-standard that exists in the first place. The social norms tell us it's unusual for adults to be friends with children, and with men the view is always skewed into something much worse. Someone on MJJC mentioned a while back that Oprah had a big sleepover with a bunch of young girls and nothing was made of that, but with MJ of course it's automatically made sinister. But children often dream limitlessly and let their imaginations run free, so as MJ said we can learn a lot from them. I doubt MJ could have been as creative and boundless as he was if he didn't take on that kind of mindset. And tt's really interesting that the other people you mentioned happen to be geniuses and noted artists themselves.

I hope in the next hundred or so years we will get such a movie as Finding Neverland for Michael too. Positivity was all he was about.

I hope so too. It shouldn't take so much effort, but anything that lends to more understanding about him and his loving nature. MJ deserves that much and more :(.
I hope in the next hundred or so years we will get such a movie as Finding Neverland for Michael too. Positivity was all he was about.

A while ago, I read a little about Peter Pan Syndrome because of my interest in MJ (I don't necessarily think he had it). But what's interesting is the double-standard that exists in the first place. The social norms tell us it's unusual for adults to be friends with children, and with men the view is always skewed into something much worse. Someone on MJJC mentioned a while back that Oprah had a big sleepover with a bunch of young girls and nothing was made of that, but with MJ of course it's automatically made sinister. But children often dream limitlessly and let their imaginations run free, so as MJ said we can learn a lot from them. I doubt MJ could have been as creative and boundless as he was if he didn't take on that kind of mindset. And tt's really interesting that the other people you mentioned happen to be geniuses and noted artists themselves.

I hope so too. It shouldn't take so much effort, but anything that lends to more understanding about him and his loving nature. MJ deserves that much and more :(.


First let me say that this is a very interesting topic. I never thought about such things. It's so true and a double standard to Men.

Second, I say Wow because I agree that this would be GREAT if this topic could be made into a documentary shown in theaters everywhere and with the main person being Michael. This would open peoples eyes like no other.
Thank you again guys.

I am glad you like the topic and idea and really..,it is very close to my heart. I am going to start putting the first essay draft together soon and will be sending it out to various magazines for publication (perhaps around the end of 2010). Let's see who accepts!
It's not only in "today's" society... it's in society as a whole...

Winston Churchill once said: There is no public opinion, there is only published opinion.

At the end of the day, people are stupid...they'll believe whatever garbage you stuff down their throats as long as everyone else is doing it.

The cliche: if he jumps off a bridge, will you do it too? , isn't just a cliche for no reason. It's a cliche because it has been right so many times when said.

Yes i know. Wrong wording there sorry. :)
Walt Disney and Mozart were acussed??

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It's not only in "today's" society... it's in society as a whole...

Winston Churchill once said: There is no public opinion, there is only published opinion.

At the end of the day, people are stupid...they'll believe whatever garbage you stuff down their throats as long as everyone else is doing it.

The cliche: if he jumps off a bridge, will you do it too? , isn't just a cliche for no reason. It's a cliche because it has been right so many times when said.

A fantastic quote. I study history, i'm gonna use that now! Thanks!

This is a great thread, there should be tv programs about this. Now I have a new argument for people who say Michael was a pedophile..." I guess that makes Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, Mozart and many more pedophiles too..:smilerolleyes: Go read up the facts"