Men dancing rant (people thinking their gay)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Why is it that when a man says he loves dancing people automaticly think he's gay? I've told a few people myself that i love to dance and they always ask ''Are you gay'?'' it really annoyes me.

I don't know if it's like that where anyone of you live but that sterotype really annoyes me
heya, i dont get that neither. In my mind men are probs jealous as you can show the womens how you can move, if you get what i mean, that is sexy and i think the men are concerned that they will be left without the womens. As for women who say that well they must be idiots, i love to see men sway their hips, anyways i shut up now.
oh, this kind of stereotype is all around, then!

Sometimes my boyfriend insists Michael is gay just because he dances, and shake and sway and move like that....and well....Im always drooling while I see that :cheeky: so it might be jealousy, yeah...
but there are still the manly-man type that thinks that everything is gay...hugging a male friend is gay, dancing is gay, wearing pink is gay, the world is gay or whatever, thats being narrow-minded come on...

I've been trying to convince my boyf to take ball-dancing classes with me for soooo long and he insists he wont do it... I try to explain to him that the dance is the way for men to conquer women, to win their animals when they are mating, may I say... Men who dance are sooo charming, they do have sth special...they know how to handle a lady...and thats sexy...for instance, I doubt we girls would find Michael soooo sexy if he couldnt dance at all, the fact that he dances like that makes a whole difference...
and when talking ballroom dancing, just think...if it was a gay thing, men would be dancing with other men, not with a woman! :doh:
This is the first time I hear of this stereotype :mello: Seriously, never heard it or seen it before :huh:

But mind you, it's rather stupid to believe that :doh: I completely agree with Telha, if dancing were gay, then there wouldn't be so many forms of dancing in pairs. (male and female pairs!)

Analogue, don't mind those making such remarks, they just weren't blessed with an open mind :flowers:
When I go out, I don't care (especially after a few drinks). I go all out lol The ladies usually respond more to the guys that are dancing and having fun than the ones posted up on the wall.
I don't think i can even express how immensely this type of thinking bothers me.

Why is it that women can participate in different types of sports and other predominately male oriented activities and nobody thinks twice about it, but when a man wants to take ballet or some other form of dance, his sexuality automatically comes into question?

I swear some people act as if being interested a particular thing somehow triggers a switch in your brain that automatically forces you to be attracted to the same sex, as if you didn't have a choice. It doesn't make any damn sense! people really need to stop trying to determine other peoples sexuality by their interests.

There's no such thing as a 'Gay Look'. The only way you can look gay is by being intimate with other members of the same sex. Do people even realize that a lot of gay men aren't like the stereotypical, overly feminine types you constantly see in movies and other media? Hollywood is just trying to sensationalize the Gay community and make a mockery out of them. a lot of gay men are really masculine, you'd probably never even guess they were gay.

The word 'Gay' has lost it's meaning anymore, People throw it around to mean all kinds of different things that don't even make any sense. I guess It's best to just try and ignore it and do what ever you like to do, It really doesn't matter what other people think as long as you know the truth.

I've actually wanted to take some kind of dancing class for a long time as I have always wanted to dance and I think I would really enjoy it, but was put off by it for some time because of shallow-minded thinking like this. Who cares if you're gay or straight anyway? it's your own business and not something people should judge you for.
Well we just need to look at the great dancers like Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire. Do you think their were worrying about whether or not people thought they were gay? Of course not! They just did their thing