Memories of Michael Featurette


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I finally had the chance to watch the special features on the DVD last night. Oh my! The “Memories of Michael” featurette just tore my heart out. :cry:
But, it was also great to hear everyone’s stories. I especially loved the story about Michael going to show and tell. That’s so like him. :D Michael was such an unselfish and beautiful human being.....and this featurette proves that even more.

But the part that got to me the most, and made me cry was footage of Michael and others in a meeting, and Michael begins laughing hysterically about something. He was so happy, and so ready to do those shows. It's just heartbreaking that he did not get to do them. :sad:
This part of the dvd made me cry the most. I also liked how the two men said that so much has been said about Michael over the years and it's not true. They looked really sad because they want people to see what a good person Michael was. I feel the same way.
This part of the dvd made me cry the most. I also liked how the two men said that so much has been said about Michael over the years and it's not true. They looked really sad because they want people to see what a good person Michael was. I feel the same way.

Yes, and wasn't it Kenny who said more than once, "He was so innocent". or something along those lines? Also, Alif Sankey (towards the end of the featurette) really wanted to get the point across that MJ loved his kids, and his kids loved him. I also thought that Alif’s story about meeting Michael on the “Smooth Criminal” set for the first time was so cute. :)

And I agree, I wish the MJ haters out there could see this featurette. Maybe they would quit being so ignorant, and see the real Michael, and not this fictitious character made up by the media.
This one featurette is the most touching!
Jonathan "Sugarfoot" Moffett says the words I always wanted to hear! He's the man! :cry:
The DVD doesn't come out here for a couple weeks but this is the feature that I know I'm going to have to buy extra tissues for. :cry: I miss you so much Michael.
Frank said something in this segment that expressed exactly how I feel about Michael but hadn't found the right words. He said Michael was innocent, but he was not naive. Totally true. I think usually people are both or neither. People sometimes misunderstand this about Michael. He was totally innocent. But he was shrewd and observant and he was not naive. Such a rare combination. He was special in so many ways.
This is easily my favorite extra of the film, I laughed when Michael laughed, Bearden and Ortega brought tears to my eyes, man, I miss em'.
Great to see those of you were moved like I was. I just wish the featurette was a little bit longer, there is no doubt that there were more wonderful stories. :)

i havent watched the memories yet on my dvd mostly bc i will just cry through out the whole thing. its still just too hard for me. :(

Aww. *HUGS* to you. :hug: I've only watched it once so far, and haven't since, because it is heartbreaking. So I know how you're feeling. But once you can watch it, you will love it. It's a beautiful look at MJ the person, not just the entertainer.