Memorial was too good so media attacks


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just knew it the media cannot allow themselves to leave Michael in a good light for too long. They basically did not have nothing bad to say about the memorial so what do they do? The next day they talk about his white skin needle marks and other garbage.

I am sorry I have to admit Michael will NEVER rest in peace he will never be respected. And given his due respect he deserves. And they will not leave those kids alone ever.
Come on now, you know they couldn't find a thing to say about the memorial other than the cost of it. So they had to wait until the next day to drag his name in the mud again. And of course they brought up the paternity issue again, I guess they call themselves respecting MJ on the day of his service, but once 12am 7-8-09 hit they were going to start the mud slinging all over again.. They are some heartless bastards
The media attacked Michael's memorial because the likes of Rev Al Sharpton and Brooke Sheilds attacked the media for their inaccuarte and bigoted view of Michael. The media doesn't want anyone to think good of Michael the man, and they even say us fans have bought in to an image Michael wanted us to see. But any true fan knows the media always lies about Michael because they wanted to dystroy him as a man and artist.

Michael wasn't fake and I always thought he was very open and honest about himself.