Memorial didn't show new side of Michael...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've heard and read repeatedly in local and foreign media how this memorial showed a new side of Michael, such as: lovely father, brother, son. True friend. Humble, funny, down to earth, givin' person and the list goes on...

But, that's not true, all that is NOT new, Michael showed his love for everything and everybody every single day of his life. The way he spoke, the way he answered, the way he acted.

For instance, no matter how mean a reporter was to him, he never got mad or disrespectful, he always claimed himself as a really forgiven person,but not only in words, but with actions.

But the media is always manipulating people, they knew all this, but were only looking for the front page scandals, asking tricky questions to discuss in the most morbid way they could, and they knew Michael always answered, no matter the question.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that people open their eyes to the real Michael, but it tears me up the hell he was during his life, how broken he could be to the point of saying "I don't want to go back there anymore, now is a nightmare for me, now it's just a place not a home anymore" refering to Neverland.

He loved children 'cause he knew that giving them love and imagination would be the roots for good grown-ups strong enough to pursuit their goals and share that same love with the new generations to come... but we know how media twisted all this, and they'll never acept it, they`ll keep saying that's the new side of Michael anybody knew.

And now, we have 3 souls filled with his own, and filled with his love and talent, and wisdom and kindness, therefor... the media is actually after them.

Thanks for reading this, I got nobody to talk to, so I share it with you.
It wasn't a new side at all. I knew it all before, and so did the rest of the fans. He talked about it all before, but no one would listen to him.

On another message board they all said how they had changed their minds about him after the memorial. Then LWMJ was aired again in Australia and now they're talking crap again. Don't believe these bandwagon fans and media, they'll turn their back on him in a second.
It wasn't a new side at all. I knew it all before, and so did the rest of the fans. He talked about it all before, but no one would listen to him.

On another message board they all said how they had changed their minds about him after the memorial. Then LWMJ was aired again in Australia and now they're talking crap again. Don't believe these bandwagon fans and media, they'll turn their back on him in a second.

Yeah what was up with them airing that stupid Bashir doco again??? I didn't know it was on until I ran into it while flipping channels. It's like they just keep on getting a little dig at Michael every chance they get :(
Yeah what was up with them airing that stupid Bashir doco again??? I didn't know it was on until I ran into it while flipping channels. It's like they just keep on getting a little dig at Michael every chance they get :(

I didn't even know they aired it until everyone started talking about it again online. I won't defend him anymore, if they want to be sheep let them be sheep.

Oh and seriously, is your body clock as screwed up as mine after the memorial? :lol:
This "side" of Michael is the one we fans have always seen.
It's nothing new to us.
And now, we have 3 souls filled with his own, and filled with his love and talent, and wisdom and kindness, therefor... the media is actually after them.

Thanks for reading this, I got nobody to talk to, so I share it with you.


that is why we have to do everything in our power to help protect them.
I think the family need to file a lawsuit against the media outlets who question these children's parentage because these kids ARE NOT CELEBRITIES. They are private citizens.
Thanks for the great post!

I've heard and read repeatedly in local and foreign media how this memorial showed a new side of Michael, such as: lovely father, brother, son. True friend. Humble, funny, down to earth, givin' person and the list goes on...

We all knew this "new" side of Michael. The media was either blind or didn't wanna see it.
I've heard and read repeatedly in local and foreign media how this memorial showed a new side of Michael, such as: lovely father, brother, son. True friend. Humble, funny, down to earth, givin' person and the list goes on...

But, that's not true, all that is NOT new, Michael showed his love for everything and everybody every single day of his life. The way he spoke, the way he answered, the way he acted.

For instance, no matter how mean a reporter was to him, he never got mad or disrespectful, he always claimed himself as a really forgiven person,but not only in words, but with actions.
I had not thought about that but you are right. Great post.
Thanks for the great post!

We all knew this "new" side of Michael. The media was either blind or didn't wanna see it.

This is true. They wanted to continue to portray him as this crazy freakshow, but we all knew better than that and i'm glad about it. MJ being a kind, caring and loving man was not a suprise for anyone who has been following his career and has been a fan of the music as well as the man.
Great post! :)

I mean the day of the memorial CNN (I realized about that) were showing Michael so humanized, the great person he is, his genious, all the good side about him but yesterday :wtf:

All those fucking rumours about his problems with medication or saying that his dermatologist is the bio father of Prince and Paris, who the fuck cares!!! He raced (spell?), he loved them so much, they were everything to him,

Why does the media is so fucking mean!??? Pardon my English but that's how I feel :mad: