Melody driven songs


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've always been a huge fan of songs that are really melody driven. This is something that is lacking in today's mainstream music, which in my opinion is a shame, because for me a strong melody is one of the elements that makes a song great.

Most Eurodance songs from the 90's were very melody driven.

And of anyone else wants to post clips of songs that are heavily melody driven then please go right ahead
I agree, I was just thinking about this some days a go.
Now a days songs are more driven by beats. If something has a good beat to dance too it will be a hit song. For many kids it seems lyrics aren't that important, as long as they can dance to the song it seems they will love the song.

I absolutely love melody driven songs. I like songs that I can dance too but I ussually fall in love with the songs that have great melodies.

That's part of the reason I love Neyo's album "Year of the gentleman" Great melodies there :)
In my opion that album is very underrated.

edit: I wanted too add, since I grew up in the 90's I have a soft spot for 90's eurodance lol so thanks for that video.
When i heard that Michael Jackson wanted his latest album to have killer melodies i was very excited. I just hope that with the unreleased material that is being planed for release will still have those melodies in them. I don't want some ''hip'' new producer'' of today coming in and putting his/her's own spin on Michael's work. Like getting rid of the melodies and just adding mindless beats