Megamind end credits (Michael related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet, but wasn't anyone else thrilled the Megamind rolled Bad at the end credits? 2 years ago his songs in a kids movie would have brought up absurd controversy now it's a play off to a happy ending. It's a great movie by the way about being yourself instead of what who people want us to be, not judging a book by it's cover and just a good time overall. At first I thought it would be a dumb overblown action cartoon comedy but I was pleasantly surprised at how deep it was and I highly recommend it.
I haven't seen it yet. But I will look out for this. :) That's pretty cool!
Haven't seen this yet either. Thanks for the info!
I have just watched it, and loved the surprise ending! :heart: :heart: :heart:"Bad" fits so well with it. I agree with you, it´s a movie no one can miss, regardless of having a Michael´s song in it. All I could think was that he would have liked this movie so much, and be so thrilled to have his song on it... I´m pretty sure of this. :wub:
I also liked the idea of the movie being so original and its great moral values. Really a must see. :clapping:
I haven't seen it just yet but I have been hearing good things about it, and this makes me want to see it even more
I've never heard of it. *goes to google*
it sounds good :) can someone pleaseee PM the video link because i havent seen it :(
A friend of mine who has a 7year old son, took him to see this film, and later told me that his son started dancing in the movie theater when the song started playing! After that my friend bought his son the Bad album! lol and they watched the complete film Bad and were surprised to see Wesley Snipes in it :)