Medical journal retracts study linking autism to vaccine


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Looks like the one piece of research w/ any medical 'theory' linking the MMR vaccine w/ autism has been officially confirmed as the unsubstantiated and flawed writings of a wreckless hack (which the medical community already knew). Maybe the families of all of the children who have died from measles, been disabled from mumps, or unborn babies killed or retarded from rubella, will sue this jerk.

I wonder where those clueless fools Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey are, whining about vaccines on Larry King? Yeah, I'm really going to take my medical advice from a former playmate and a guy who became famous for talking out of his ass (literally). Good grief.

I had the MMR vaccine and nothing happened to me.

I don't know about the scientist who made the famous study that scared everyone..

...but it is scary how one or relatively few studies can have such an impact on the public.

Anyway I think autisum is the lesser worry than dying or becoming disabled.
You guys should still know I have autism. I don't understand about this whole vaccination thing going on, but I was told that I have autism probably from genetics or something. They can study and find cure for autism that's fine, but I'd say "No" to it. Besides, it's true I have it, but that what God gave me and I accept for what I have.
Looks like the one piece of research w/ any medical 'theory' linking the MMR vaccine w/ autism has been officially confirmed as the unsubstantiated and flawed writings of a wreckless hack (which the medical community already knew). Maybe the families of all of the children who have died from measles, been disabled from mumps, or unborn babies killed or retarded from rubella, will sue this jerk.

I wonder where those clueless fools Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey are, whining about vaccines on Larry King? Yeah, I'm really going to take my medical advice from a former playmate and a guy who became famous for talking out of his ass (literally). Good grief.

I was watching HLN earlier and they had this woman earlier and she has two kids. After her two kids received the vaccines, her kids had a fever for about a week and the doctors kept telling her that everything was going to be ok. Aside from the fever, the kids started to show a decline in their development. So the kids didn't get any better so she was finally referred to a specialist and the kids were diagnosed with autism. This mother also works for a non-profit organization, something to do with autism of course, and there are several hundreds of families that has the same story as her.

Now, I'm not saying that vaccines is linked to autism but I think that there should be MORE research done in regards to this. We all know how the medical world can be sometimes. They say "oh yea take this medicine blah blah blah" but 10-15 years later, they retract everything that they say! So the patients end up having these illnesses at the end. I don't think it would hurt anybody to do a little bit more digging. Better to be safe and be really sure!
the doc in the uk who wrote a report on this was basically blacklisted , typcial british medical boards sticking together and attacking anyone who went against the grain, happened in many cases over here. theres alot of cases of kids developing problems cause of having all the vacines in one go. coincidence? well its a big one. to me it common sense that udont inject so many vaccines in one go. but of course they wont give the injections singulary cause they say its to expensive.

I personally don't believe in vaccines and never have. But if other people want them, that's cool. I just don't think anyone should be forced to take them. It should be a choice. If the vaccines really work, then a vaccinated person shouldn't catch anything from a non-vaccinated one. If they still can, then what is the point?