Media is getting very annoying


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm sick of what the mainstream media has been doing. They've been running (at least in Australia) a lot of coverage portraying Michael as some innocent boy turned freakish monster, and I just don't understand why. Are the media still blind? Are they in denial? Because despite their best efforts, they have FAILED MISERABLY in their attempts to bring Michael down. Don't they see the millions of people mourning? It's like they still have a vendetta against Michael, calling him "J@cko" about half the time, and I just don't know why the worldwide media has launched this reinvigorated hate campaign.

and I hate how they bring so-called "experts" to interviews and these so-called "experts" say things like Michael was delusional and thought he could do anything, he was living in a fantasy world and the real world destroyed him - I mean, the trial was the real world, and Michael triumphed against the liers trying to steal money from him and defame him. So I hate these "theories" the media constantly brings up about the "dethroned J@cko's tragic fall from grace", because he bloody did not fall from grace, because he has more fans than anyone else on earth!

The unlimited power the media has is disturbing, and it's nice to see Michael has created an anti-media sentiment. Something needs to be done to stop these bigots.
In the UK, the trial has rarely been mentioned. There is one news channel (Sky News) that mention it on a regular basis, however, and 45mins of it's 60min tribute show focused on it.

The rest of the coverage has been mainly positive, focusing on his music and legacy. The UK press have been really positive about the whole thing, which is a surprise, considering they were questioning him this time last week.
In the UK, the trial has rarely been mentioned. There is one news channel (Sky News) that mention it on a regular basis, however, and 45mins of it's 60min tribute show focused on it.

The rest of the coverage has been mainly positive, focusing on his music and legacy. The UK press have been really positive about the whole thing, which is a surprise, considering they were questioning him this time last week.
i never buy the papers ever i am from the u.k,but the daily mirror has a 33 page didication to michael,but all the other papers are showing pictures of his kids unmasked wether they are old ones or not i don,t care and pictures of michael lieing dead on the ambulance.they are just so damn disrespectful and i feel like burning the lot of them,but i am better than that.
I'm sick of what the mainstream media has been doing. They've been running (at least in Australia) a lot of coverage portraying Michael as some innocent boy turned freakish monster, and I just don't understand why. Are the media still blind? Are they in denial? Because despite their best efforts, they have FAILED MISERABLY in their attempts to bring Michael down. Don't they see the millions of people mourning? It's like they still have a vendetta against Michael, calling him "J@cko" about half the time, and I just don't know why the worldwide media has launched this reinvigorated hate campaign.

and I hate how they bring so-called "experts" to interviews and these so-called "experts" say things like Michael was delusional and thought he could do anything, he was living in a fantasy world and the real world destroyed him - I mean, the trial was the real world, and Michael triumphed against the liers trying to steal money from him and defame him. So I hate these "theories" the media constantly brings up about the "dethroned J@cko's tragic fall from grace", because he bloody did not fall from grace, because he has more fans than anyone else on earth!

The unlimited power the media has is disturbing, and it's nice to see Michael has created an anti-media sentiment. Something needs to be done to stop these bigots.

I know exactly what you are talking about. Everytime they talk about him now it's about how the kids aren't his, that he's a drug addict, that he had portraits of blonde headed boys on the walls, that he was a monster, that he had all these scars, that he was manipulative......on and on and on. I'm still getting used to what shows come on when and that Entertainment Tonight came on and I wasn't really paying attention to it as it was just backround noise, but then I heard his name and turned around to look at the tv...and I was staring at the kids pictures, faces uncovered...and they were talking about each kid individually and showing pictures and I had to get up and leave the room. He went through so much to make sure that didn't happen and in less than three days after he's gone they just think it's okay to plaster their faces all over the screen for everyone to see.
I'm sick of the whole debt thing, while Mj's colleges are saying he had 2 billion $ assestment.
Come on... why do they always have to portray him like he was in such a difficult time of his live and he could only die?!
So sick!
I hate it. Here they have these special editions of magazines and I thought they would finally now respect him. But no they still tell lies. One mag claimed Michael really did sleep in the oxygen chamber.
It makes me sad, all the non fans have so wrong picture of him.
I cant stand it is sickening...especially when they use Diane Diamond as one of the fricken "experts"....can she not just go away for once and for all?
in austria is just tabloid shit :(
and the sickest pics on front pages
i dont understand the world any more...
Hey people from the U.K.
Can you guys just blow up the building or whatever of The Sun?

All Korean media are having fun translating those aweful stuff
Wow they are making me as a fan of a drug-addicted monster

I'm so upset
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The US media has been shockingly nice! Music Channels ran marathons of his videos all weekend (VH1, MTV, etc..) and CNN, MSNBC, and, to my complete surprise, FoxNews have been saying mostly kind things. Though there has been the mention of debt, but almost nothing about the trial, or the accusations when I was watching.. I finally had to change the channel because I was going to start crying again and I already had a headache.. Today though it's been mostly about the BET awards being turned into a massive tribute show, and his will coming out of the safe.
All the media care about is $$$$$ and getting their 'so-called' precious air-time, they don't care people or what effect the things they say have on people.
Its getting better in the UK. Today they are focusing on Michael storming all over the charts yesterday and who will get custody of the children. Except they are talking about some details about his death that aren't too nice.
I’d say it’s been a mixed bag

The music stations have been great. MTV did a special about him playing his music videos, VH1 dedicated all weekend to MJ. Fuse also had specials playing his videos,
BET of course dedicated the entire award show on Sunday to MJ.
XM radio turned channel 62 to Michael Jackson tribute channel.

CNN has been outstanding in their coverage. Don Lemmon especially has been so gracious and kind.

The today show has also done a good job; they are trying to report the facts. They had Londell on as well as Frank setting the record straight about false reports.

I haven’t watched any other morning show so I don’t know how they are reporting. I refuse to watch Diane Sawyer so ……..

The entertainment shows have been kind so far…..

Fox news on the other hand, I’ve had to turn off on several occasions, but I expect nothing less from them. They are reporting every single trashy story whether true or not. Its disgusting just even from a pure journalistic point of view. They see $$ signs in this story. Creating stories just to fill air-time.

My real annoyance is with the blogs. That where a lot of people especially young people get a lot of their news and blog sits like Perez Hilton and the Huffington Post are putting up everything. Because of the age we are living in different than when Elvis, or John lennon died, there is something stupid coming out every second and this stuff is being posted on these sites like its fact like the Demoral story, there is no proof of that story yet its out there like fact.
I know the media's been horrible for years and years and years, but you'd expect with common human courtesy that they'd pay some respect too him at the end. Maybe I have to high a view of humanity in general. Maybe the media is no longer human - it's bloodthirsty, vampirish. Yeah, I think that's how it is. Unlimited power and you become like that, delusional, lose touch with reality. That's what the media is.

It would have been nice if none of this tabloid, instant access news had been around, then Michael wouldn't have had to suffer as much as he did, and he's said many times that it hurt, and that's tragic. Burn all tabloids, and burn all tabloid writers and endorsers and gullible readers!
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I'm sick of what the mainstream media has been doing. They've been running (at least in Australia) a lot of coverage portraying Michael as some innocent boy turned freakish monster, and I just don't understand why. Are the media still blind? Are they in denial? Because despite their best efforts, they have FAILED MISERABLY in their attempts to bring Michael down. Don't they see the millions of people mourning? It's like they still have a vendetta against Michael, calling him "J@cko" about half the time, and I just don't know why the worldwide media has launched this reinvigorated hate campaign.

and I hate how they bring so-called "experts" to interviews and these so-called "experts" say things like Michael was delusional and thought he could do anything, he was living in a fantasy world and the real world destroyed him - I mean, the trial was the real world, and Michael triumphed against the liers trying to steal money from him and defame him. So I hate these "theories" the media constantly brings up about the "dethroned J@cko's tragic fall from grace", because he bloody did not fall from grace, because he has more fans than anyone else on earth!

The unlimited power the media has is disturbing, and it's nice to see Michael has created an anti-media sentiment. Something needs to be done to stop these bigots.

Hey where abouts in Aus are you? I've just moved here from the UK and I would have to agree that I have had a hard time with the media over here. I have had to stop watching all TV for now as its driving me nuts.

On the morning of his death, some entertainment guru expert person said," I will never forget on Motown's 50th Anniversary when he did the moonwalk for the 1st time"

I had to laugh, but its been days of innacurate facts, and a lot of people putting their own feelings and thoughts into the story.
haha 50th? obviously someone who has no idea what he's talking about. I hate how they say things like "despite the musical successes and countless records broken, Jackson had a tragic personal life". I hate how they somehow use the musical successes as a brief disclaimer, before jumping into their attack on Michael's character. That sickens me. How can they use the most successful musical career of all time as a disclaimer? If anything, the tabloid junkies are the ones with sad tragic personal lives. Michael had a hard life for a lot of the time, but that doesn't mean he was "miserable" at the end. I'm just questioning everything I hear, because I don't believe the media's lies.
haha 50th? obviously someone who has no idea what he's talking about. I hate how they say things like "despite the musical successes and countless records broken, Jackson had a tragic personal life". I hate how they somehow use the musical successes as a brief disclaimer, before jumping into their attack on Michael's character. That sickens me. How can they use the most successful musical career of all time as a disclaimer? If anything, the tabloid junkies are the ones with sad tragic personal lives. Michael had a hard life for a lot of the time, but that doesn't mean he was "miserable" at the end. I'm just questioning everything I hear, because I don't believe the media's lies.

yeah idiots

"To love all mankind, from the greatest to the lowest, a cheerful state of being is required; but in order to see into mankind, into life, and still more into ourselves, suffering is requisite."
The papers have got front covers questionning Michael as the father of his children - saying some Mafia man is claiming that he is the father of Paris and Prince. Yet in another paper it says this Mafia man claims he is the father of Blanket... So they don't even have their story straight.

Sky News
- Joe Jackson's shameless promotion of his record company. Making him out like a bad man and saying how they 'understand' Why MJ wanted to live out his childhood.
- Ticket refunds vs. keeping your ticket
- Custody issues
The media in the US actually hasn't been that bad (for once ...)

Music channels like MTV, VH1, and BET had MJ marathons all weekend, and CNN did a good job with keeping things positive in their coverage. Fox News kinda sucked sometimes though, and I had the unfortunate experience of having to catch a little interview with Diane Diamond a few days ago ... blah.
What the papers write get me sick. Seriously imo here they're now even worse than before.
Using Ian Halperin as a source... gosh. and the worse thing is that my dad keeps buying these mags because he thinks I want to read them.
who is ian halperin? all I know is he's some MJ biographer, i.e. = a fat little media-wh0re trying to make money out of this tragedy. would that be a fair estimation, or have I been too kind to the f@cking d!psh!t?