McDonald's mutant "food"


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
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I think most people know how to juggle junk food and an overall decent diet. It irks me to no end when these health terrorists constantly bombard you with how you'll get nutsack cancer by eating a Big Mac or something. I think a lot of folks obsessed with that stuff are just trying to keep their own temptations at bay, meanwhile pretending like they find fast food gross.
OK I shouldn't have watched that :mello:
That's so scary.

But still they taste so good lol. :doh:
You know, that kinda reminds me of some fat-free margarine my mother bought me once....took it out of my fridge a YEAR LATER, and NOT ONLY was there NO mold on it, it was still the same consistency!! EEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
It's definitely more than a little scary to thing what fast food can do to your body, and everytime I watch sth like this I say 'no more fast food' then have a big mac 3 days later lol they taste good :p

Anyone ever seen 'Super size me' ?
mmm for some reason I'm more freaked out by the moldy potato than the mutant mcdonalds :lol: Maybe I'm conditioned to X-men Mickey D's :lol:
I very very rarely eat McDonalds cus what's in them just puts me right off... I do like the McFlurrys though! -_-
phew, glad I never ate those, I probably never will either.
I'm glad there's no mcdonalds in our town. There are at least 10 places where you can buy fries but these places make their fries with REAL potatoes, they peel,cut and bake them.
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I hate McDonald's food though I will admit their Asian Chicken salads are good. And so are their milkshakes. But their other stuff OMG I think that is some of the most nastiest stuff a person could possibly eat from a fast food place. I remember having one of their chicken sandwiches and let me tell you that was the worst mistake I had made by eating that sandwich. OMG it was so horrible I don't know what the hell I was thinking. That was the last time I will ever get one of their sandwiches. The only fast food places I will ever go to is either Burger King, Arby's, or Wendy's. At least their food is actually worth eating. And it is actually good. Especially Wendy's food I just love thier chicken sandwiches. It is the only kind of sandwich I will get from them.
:eek: defamation of McDonalds is strictly forbidden :chichi:

the nerve of anyone that would denegrate the beautiful beauty that is my favorite drive-thru !!

bad form :chichi:
lol. McDonalds food does change in different countries though. In here, it's quite tasty and doesn't look that bad, while in the US, I tried it twice and it was by far the nastiest stuff I'd ever tried, so... nothing's really difinite.