Math question pls help!


Proud Member
Apr 2, 2008
Europe xP
About quadric comparisons. I think. lol.

So pls help me with this one and tell me how you did it:

x²-10= -5

For the first one, x²+5=14 I had -3 and 3 because: X = 3 because 3² = 9 and X = -3 because (-3)² = 9 .

So..anyone wanna help?:ph34r:
About quadric comparisons. I think. lol.

So pls help me with this one and tell me how you did it:

x²-10= -5

For the first one, x²+5=14 I had -3 and 3 because: X = 3 because 3² = 9 and X = -3 because (-3)² = 9 .

So..anyone wanna help?:ph34r:

Okay. For the 2nd one, x²-3=6 just rearrange..

x(2) - 3 + 3 = 6 + 3 (do the same thing on both sides, to get the 3 out of the left side -3 + 3 equals zero)

leaves you
x(2) = 9

X must equal 3 cause 3 squared is 9!

How about the 2nd one:

Same thing applies:
x²-10+10 = 14 + 10

x(2) = 24

X must be 4.898979485566356 or 5 if you round it off. I think I did the 2nd one wrong...but maybe you could correct me? Are they supposed to be whole numbers, no decimals?

Here's the 3rd one:
x²-6+6 = 1 + 6
x(2) = 7

The square root of 7 is 2.6457513110645907

Hope I helped ya out there...and not made you more confused...
nonono, you did it right! And theres no need for any decimals, just in case it didn't work with the origin(the number that multiplied by itself, you know, a given number).

But I dont understand this part of what you said ''do the same thing on both sides, to get the 3 out of the left side -3 + 3 equals zero'' . I do understand the rest tho, thanks so much!

o rly? you love it? haha actually, I hate it:p I only love it when there is a part that I understand and after that I dont likw it anymore LOL!
nonono, you did it right! And theres no need for any decimals, just in case it didn't work with the origin(the number that multiplied by itself, you know, a given number).

But I dont understand this part of what you said ''do the same thing on both sides, to get the 3 out of the left side -3 + 3 equals zero'' . I do understand the rest tho, thanks so much!

No problem!

Say you have this equation:

You have a -10 on the left side, and a number on the right. You need to cancel the -10 on the left to get it off the left, but do the same thing on the right hand side of the equation. Once you do that, you can solve for x².

Once you get over your fear of math (that is what it is, isn't it?) You will learn to love it. Math is finite. There is an answer for your problems. Not like other areas of knowledge, where knowledge isn't so finite.

Anyway, I grew up hating math (having a big math phobia). I was in 5th grade, and refused to learn my multiplication tables, it was that bad!! They kept me in at recess to make me learn them. Once I did, and I got over my fear, I loved math! I do math in my sleep, I love it so much. And every math question is a challenge to me - and I love challenges.

Trust me. Once you figure this stuff isn't as bad as you think it is, Math will be your new favorite subject!! I am not kidding!! I even became a computer programmer because I did so well in it - after I got over my fear of it....
No problem!

Say you have this equation:

You have a -10 on the left side, and a number on the right. You need to cancel the -10 on the left to get it off the left, but do the same thing on the right hand side of the equation. Once you do that, you can solve for x².

yeah but if I do that I only have 4 left, right? So x² = 4 ? Im sorry but this is soo frustrating =(

edit; omg I see what i did, I forget to add the +10 at the end! LOL Now I get it! :D
yeah but if I do that I only have 4 left, right? So x² = 4 ? Im sorry but this is soo frustrating =(

Okay. x²-10=14 is the same thing as saying x² + -10 = 14.

In order to get the -10 out of the left, you need to add its opposite.
The opposite of -10 is +10 right?

So, x²-10=14

x² + -10 + 10 = 14 + 10

You need to add 10 to the left, and add 10 to the right...

Then you can solve for x².
Woow, thats one long story you have must really love it that you even became someone that has to work with it. You family and friends of when you were in the 5th grade must be really suprised:p

look, now, I really love it cause I finally understand it after having a C for my test. LOL!
No need to thank me! This helps me keep up my math skills!! And trust me, you will learn to love it, once you figure it out!
Woow, thats one long story you have must really love it that you even became someone that has to work with it. You family and friends of when you were in the 5th grade must be really suprised:p

look, now, I really love it cause I finally understand it after having a C for my test. LOL!

My mother still scratches her head at what I did after high school...she keeps saying "And this is from a kid who hated her multiplication tables so much, we not only had to keep her in at recess, but hire a tutor after school for her to learn them?"

Ow woow! Nahh, I don't hate it THAT much how you hated it. You were worser then me:p

lol, excuse my english, not good at it either since it isn't my language!:lol:
Ow woow! Nahh, I don't hate it THAT much how you hated it. You were worser then me:p

lol, excuse my english, not good at it either since it isn't my language!:lol:

No problem!! You're cute...just keep up the good work. Anything else you want to ask, just post on here ok? :)
OMG. What a little shit I was. No kidding. My poor mother. The things she had to put up with from me....especially about math!! lol
Forgive me if I steal this thread but there's something I've been contemplating on now for a while.

= 33.333333333333 (into infinity, right?)

Then how come:

33.333333333333 (into infinity) * 3
= 99.999999999999 (into infinity)

Is something broken in the math system since a part of the math calculation disappears somewhere during the calculation?
This is something that has driven me crazy many nights, and I start to think about universe and. Like, kind of that math and universe has the same "glitch".
Forgive me if I steal this thread but there's something I've been contemplating on now for a while.

= 33.333333333333 (into infinity, right?)

Then how come:

33.333333333333 (into infinity) * 3
= 99.999999999999 (into infinity)

Is something broken in the math system since a part of the math calculation disappears somewhere during the calculation?
This is something that has driven me crazy many nights, and I start to think about universe and. Like, kind of that math and universe has the same "glitch".

Well, that type of "infinite" math is one that irks me as well...I have stayed up many a night thinking about that same thing.....but then I round it
Well, that type of "infinite" math is one that irks me as well...I have stayed up many a night thinking about that same thing.....but then I round it

Haha I feel you, it isn't being deep thinking people like us, Linda :) :crazy: :huggy:
Okay. so help meeeeeeee.

x = just a letter. 7x means there is X between the 7 and x. Like 2x4=8

7x+1= the same as 5x-23

blahhh. any help?
Hi Love...I don't quite understand what you're asking....

Do you mean how to solve 7x + 1 = 5x -23 (2x = -24/ x= -2) or are you asking if an 'x' or a y or b or c for that matter next to the numerical value means a multiplication of the number with the letter?

I must have confused you further!!
Ahh I love that kind of questions! Because I know how to do them :D
Right now I'm struggling my head off in our math classes because I have no idea how to do the tasks.... and exam is on Monday.
Restate the question, please... Just put in the equation here, so we can understand what you are talking about. I read your post, MJ*PP, but I don't understand what the equation is.

Like the One stated - is the equation:

7x+1 = 5x-23??

If so, you rearrange but now you have to rearrange it twice.

7x+1 = 5x-23

7x+1 -1 = 5x-23 -1 (to get the 1 out of the left side)
7x = 5x - 22

7x - 5x = 5x - 5x - 22 (to get the 5x out of the right side)

2x = 22

x = 11
damn this took me back a few years, a scary few years though!

its all coming back to me now! lol

Heck I've had to do this all the time now for years...helping my daughter with her I get it all the time in nursing school! Help!! I'm surrounded by math!
aa i'm sorry guys. Actuall, yes. I asked what TeharaMJ said. the X has to be a number it doesnt matter if it is an a, b, c, whatever.

But thanks Linda! :D You helped me out once again!
aa i'm sorry guys. Actuall, yes. I asked what TeharaMJ said. the X has to be a number it doesnt matter if it is an a, b, c, whatever.

But thanks Linda! :D You helped me out once again!

Hey no problem!! Ask me something else - this is fun!
LOL! Actually, there I have nothing else to ask. I'm on spring break now:D butttt I must say, friday I did a math test where all the questions that I asked here showed up on my paper:lol: I think I did really wel tho, thanks to you!:D
LOL! Actually, there I have nothing else to ask. I'm on spring break now:D butttt I must say, friday I did a math test where all the questions that I asked here showed up on my paper:lol: I think I did really wel tho, thanks to you!:D

Awesome!! Good work!! And like I said, if there is anything else you need help with, just post it here - I enjoy doing this stuff....if you can believe it or not!
Awesome!! Good work!! And like I said, if there is anything else you need help with, just post it here - I enjoy doing this stuff....if you can believe it or not!

:D! I believe you, lol. Youre really good at it. =)