Mark Lester - a beautiful interview now on ITV This Morning


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East London, UK
I couldn't watch it without tears streaming down my eyes...but Mark Lester is giving a beautiful interview about Michael speaking of what a doting father he was to Prince, Paris and Blanket and what a loving and kind soul he was. Mark is absolutely shattered I can tell from his eyes.

Mark spoke to Michael the weekend before last a dn said Michael sounded fantastic and was really excited about comin to the UK and although he did not want to elaborate Mark had checked on the children they are doing 'OK'...said that children grieve in different ways :(

sorry this is not coherent will edit once I get more info...and maybe even a transcript because it is really touching.
thanks for letting us know. hopefully we'll be able to see it on their website later.
Mark also went on to say that Michael had asked Harriet (Mark's daughter -- who Michael thought reminds him so much of Princess Diana) to come on stage on the first night as he was going to dedicate Dirty Diana to Harriet who he was so fond of...and he was joking about this to her over the phone to her the weekend before last...Mark found it difficult to talk about this....he was so shocked of the news of Michael's death.
I've just been watching the interview with Mark Lester, I acceidently erased part of the interview from my DVD hard disc, now I only have the last 12mins of the interview. I hope it turns up on YouTube soon as it's the best interview about Michael the man I've ever seen. Mark Lester was truely a loyal friend, and speaks about Michael in such an intelligent and loving way.
I know this might sound wrong but, I was never too sure about Mark and how his feelings towards Michael truely were but I can now 100% honeslty say he would only say the best about MJ
Thanks Mark for an insight of how much you loved and inspired Michael
I couldn't watch it without tears streaming down my eyes...but Mark Lester is giving a beautiful interview about Michael speaking of what a doting father he was to Prince, Paris and Blanket and what a loving and kind soul he was. Mark is absolutely shattered I can tell from his eyes.

Mark spoke to Michael the weekend before last a dn said Michael sounded fantastic and was really excited about comin to the UK and although he did not want to elaborate Mark had checked on the children they are doing 'OK'...said that children grieve in different ways :(

sorry this is not coherent will edit once I get more info...and maybe even a transcript because it is really touching.

thank u for this. i hope it comes on youtube. if you feel up to it a transcript would be lovely
i read an article about what Mark Lester said, it was very lovely, i would like to see the video as well, i'm glad he chose to speak publicly about Michael now, there's been way too much negativity coming from all over the place.
friend saw this. also said when mj came to london he could have any food he wanted but it was always fish and chips! oh boy mj was gonna do dirt diana. *sigh*
He was gonna do dirty diana... that was another stab in the heart for me to hear... even though I kinda want to hear what he was going to perform, at the same time I don't want to know.. it just hurts too much.
I know guys when I heard about him going to perform dirty diana it just broke me into pieces...I mean here's a classic tune which Michael was goin to deliver with all his life and might and now we have to resort to listening to it in memory ......breaks my heart...

Mark said that Michael's children who are extremely well brought up and intelligent (and he said that he wasn't saying this just to be nice or because Michael was his friend) get on really well with his kids and he has often times taken them out to the movies or to Mc Donalds without anyone noticing who they were.

Mark practices acupuncture and chiropractor like thing (sorry ive forgotten the exaact term) and had offered to help michael's bad back. this bit was funny...Michael hated the clicks that you hear when a chiropractor twists you and he was terrified of needles and only tried it once after that never let Mark do acupuncture on him. mark said this is why he finds all this needles injecting stories hard to believe . he also thought all these grace pumping michael's stomach stories to be it just does not sound plausible at all.
times taken them out to the movies or to Mc Donalds without anyone noticing who they were.

this is good

Is it true what i've read about Lady Gaga? Did she cancel her shows because of MJ and call RedOne because he was working with MJ?
I have always maintained that Michael masking his children was primarily so that they could go out in public without him and not be harassed.
Mark was a great friend to Michael, probably the only real decent one he had in the UK.

'Dirty Diana'... this was the song i wanted to hear most. I just feel physically and mentally shattered, hard to put into words how i feel today.

u can see the majortiy of it here anyone know where u can see the second bit of it? mark looks like we all feel. its all soo horrendous. remember waving bye to mark and his family in march just after mj left for the airport. he drove out 20 mins or so later to go home from the hotel. hed always say hi to us or give us a wave. a lovely guy and a true friend. mj would be very proud. thank you mark..if only we all could all go back to that day
I can't open the link.... :(:(:( I really need to see this!!! I can't take all the tabloid bullshit anymore right now and have to see something that shows Michael who he really was... PLEASE, is there any other possibilty to watch this???
Thanks to Mr. Lester for being a true friend in life and death.
You know what I'm beginning to think. That there was this strength, happiness, openness, and intelligence that Michael shared with certain people that he may not have with others even though both groups of people may have been friends. You can have many friends but not everyone is a friend at a level where you can put it all on the table and drop the facade.

I have a feeling that Michael knew the difference between those who were friends with Michael Jackson, the music icon, and those who were friends with Michael Jackson, the person and couldn't give a rip about the celebrity factor. Even if a preceived difference only, that could be an explanation for some of the differences were getting from friends.
I can't open the link.... :(:(:( I really need to see this!!! I can't take all the tabloid bullshit anymore right now and have to see something that shows Michael who he really was... PLEASE, is there any other possibilty to watch this???

It gives me the message that the video can only be viewed in the UK.
Classic, I agree with you. After 40 years in the business Michael would have had to learn who saw him as the brand and who saw him as the man.
I hope someone can upload this so that we can all see it. I'm tired of all the negative stuff that's going on right now.