Maria is ok and her mom is stable for now


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i hope his is the right place, didn't know where to post anywhere else. this is for all Maria joasilva's friends. i just got of the phone with her and she asked me to tell you guys, her friends that she is ok and her mom is ok for now and she will be online soon.

peace and L.O.V.E.
Thank Roaa,so much for your call and for your love and support.

So far all seems well.

I was busy taking care of things at home when Roaa called me,but now i can finally have some time for me and i want to tell you all that my mother told me to say thanks in her name,and that all of you mean a lot to her.

Thank you all so so much.

tight tender hugs for me and my mom
I am glad all is ok Maria....also you deserve some time to yourself....I will be praying for you and your mom.:hug:
Thank you all so much for the constant love,prayers and support.

I do pray for everybody here and i ask God to keep all of safe.

Tight tender hugs
Thanks for the update, Maria, we're all praying for you.
Please give your mom a hug for us. :flowers:
finally some good news, hopefully more to come. God bless you and your mom maria :)