many celebs EXCEPT for Michael Jackson, filing for bankruptcy


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
believe it. if MJ had filed, it would have been mentioned here. after all the negative things that the media has said about Michael Jackson's way with his finances, they knew they could not list him on this list. and i know they wish they could. but then that would breach truth, wouldn't it? and judging from some of the things that the author(s) of this article, call 'assets', it's a safe bet they could end up being bankrupt. it's clear that they don't have an understanding of finances, themselves. but, whatever they think, the bottom line is, they cannot list MJ among these people. bottom line. no pun intended. i was shocked at some of the celebrities that appear on this list. why? because the media never talked about them, in the past. and they were or are big stars. it's proof that what you hear, isn't necessarily truth. and, neither is what you don't hear. with all the negative talk swirling around Michael, he has had 50 years to file, at least once, for bankruptcy. Never happened.

Michael was excellent with his finances. bottom line. here is the list of the other celebrities. i know the editors are foaming at the mouth, in bitterness, that they couldn't list MJ here. and it's not about credit being given to the people around MJ for his financial decisions, never landing him bankrupt. because all these celebs had people working for them. the credit for MJ's excellent financial decisions, goes to MJ. after the end, the final decisions are made by the employer, not the employee. that is an answer to the people who tend to give MJ blame if they think he failed..and give credit to his employees, when he succeeded.
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