man's prophet vision

So when jesus returns many people will have visions and people will know it's soon so people will be able to repent ? or will it be to late

some was talking about this 2 yrs and they were saying that many natural disasters will be hitting countries and the east coast of the u.s. and 2010 will have lots of hardships but as long as you trust in god nothing will happen to u and you can repent even if u have 1 mintue left to live as long as u do it
I read yesterday that say if i repent (i think i have) and if i go to heaven then my family would aswell , is that true ?

Also what about babies , what would happen to them

yeah if you repented and your family repented then you will live forever in heaven
some was talking about this 2 yrs and they were saying that many natural disasters will be hitting countries and the east coast of the u.s. and 2010 will have lots of hardships but as long as you trust in god nothing will happen to u and you can repent even if u have 1 mintue left to live as long as u do it
What kind of God will allow disaster will strike innocent people simply for not believing, and only help those who believe?
well all of this natural disaster we'll having is already stated in the bible, if people turn their back on him, he will will them and he's here to save the trouble becuase the ones who already believe and trust in him already doen't need to be saved, in a way god is testing the compassion of human's heart to if they will reach out to others in need and they are
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