Man rips head off Hitler waxwork at Berlin's Madame Tussauds


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
Man rips head off Hitler waxwork at Berlin's Madame Tussauds


A man has torn the head from a controversial waxwork figure of Adolf Hitler on the opening day of Berlin's Madame Tussauds museum today.

A police spokesman said that the man, 41, had ripped off the head in protest at the exhibit.

The waxwork figure of a glum-looking Adolf Hitler in a mock bunker during the last days of his life had been criticised as being in bad taste.

A media preview of the new branch of Madame Tussauds on Thursday was overshadowed by a row over the exhibit.

Critics said it was inappropriate to display the Nazi dictator, who started World War Two and ordered the extermination of Europe's Jews, in a museum alongside celebrities, pop stars, world statesmen and sporting heroes.

Madame Tussauds had been forced to move the model after the row broke out over its inclusion in its German branch. The waxwork was isolated in a replica of the 'Fuhrer's' Berlin bunker, where he killed himself in 1945 at the end of the Second World War.

Dressed in a grey suit, the figure of Hitler gazed downwards with a despondent stare, his arm outstretched on a large wooden table with a map of Europe on the wall. The original plan was to have the dictator placed near his nemesis Winston Churchill.

Jewish and anti-fascist groups had criticised the decision to display the model saying that it was included 'merely to generate money'.

Under German law, the display of Nazi regalia is illegal.

'Of course the figure will arouse interest but we hope people will realise he is part of an exhibition with a range of attractions,' Meike Schulze for the company promoting the Madame Tussauds in Berlin, had said before the opening.

'It will be a shame if he dominates everything.'

Ms Schulze defended the decision to put the Hitler figure on show, saying that market research had shown there was demand for its inclusion, as long as the portrayal was sensitive.

About 25 workers spent four months on the waxwork, guided by more than 2,000 pictures and pieces of archive material and the model of the 'Fuhrer' in the London branch of Madame Tussauds.

To stop neo-Nazis from trying to pose with the figure for pictures, the bunker was roped off. Signs asked visitors to show 'respect for the millions of people who died in WW2'.

The wax Hitler was the latest in a gradual breaking down of taboos about him in Germany more than six decades after the end of the war.

A 'human' Hitler was brought to the screen in the 2004 film 'The Downfall' about his end and two years ago a comedy about him was produced by a Jewish director.

well in all fairness all sorts of historical figures are made into wax, it's not to glorify the person but rather to create an image.

I don't like the idea of censoring what historical figures do get shown and which ones do not.

Granted I'd probably want to rip the head off as well and then drop punt it across the floor...
pretty pointless really in my opinion. It's not like he was ripping the head off the real hitler. I'm still waiting in line for that job!!
Well i suppose now it has no head its more like the "final moments" huh? Like L.J said History is History, you can't censor it as is part of us in the way it has moulded our civilisation, if it was me, I would have just ripped off the "tosh" :)
You cannot deny the verisimilitude of the waxwork and the talent of the artists that created it. It's just wrong that some impulsive protester assumed the right to mutilate the artwork like that...
Well you know, I'm german and btw I'm 41 also.
I haven't seen Hitler in Berlin but yes I did in Madame Tussauds London.
Also I've seen there lots of kids (probably between 10 - 12 years old) posing with Hitler as if it was their best friend. to me, not funny.
Also I've seen there Hitler sitting accross from Abraham Lincoln and not much in distance aside from Winston Churchill and also J.F. Kennedy... at best I could say to that: tasteless.

It's not about changing, forgetting or (dis)respecting history to me.

It's about deserving a certain place in history.
Hitler doesn't deserve to sit aside from those historical persons. as simple as that.

As the negative example of a human being he of cuz deserves not to be forgotten and to be 'on show' but to me he deserves a seperate corner right next to a trash basket somewhere.
Well, history is sort of strange. Mob bosses like John Gotti has created a life of wealth and luxury for his family, and they got their own reality. Really, that was all spawned for murder, intimidation, corruption....

Same thing with Frank Lucas. He was a gangster, flat-out, and he killed people. But because he's an old man now, he's sort of idolized by some people.

Time has a way of removing the serious nature of their crimes and glossing them over.

It's sort of a strange situation.
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^ a mob boss killing a few people off because they were the competition or because they could potential stop their life of crime, is not in the same ball park as someone like Hitler who's twisted desire was to exterminate a race of people.

See I'm in two minds when it comes to the placement of the figure of hitler. Part of me says that he has no right whatsoever to be placed besides the likes of Churchill, Kennedy etc like Mechi says.
But I guess it depends on what the section is called where these figures are all placed. If it's called "great leaders of our times" then clearly I would be disgusted to see him placed with the others.

However as vile as hitler was he was also successful and from what I understand a brilliant orator, he wouldn't have been able to pull of what he did without that.

I probably would have put him in a room with other noteable "assholes from history" though as opposed to with political leaders who brought about good change (although in the beginning hitler did doa little of that too or he wouldn't have been voted "Man of the Year" by Time magazine) :lol: ... funny how things turned out after that :mello:
I understand what those mob bosses did isn't in the same league, but it's still applies to the way people seem to idolize crime figures with the passage of time.

What Manson did isn't in Hitler's league eaither, but it still irks me when punks walk around with his face plastered on their t-shirts and treat the guy like he's Jim Morrison or something.
See I'm in two minds when it comes to the placement of the figure of hitler. Part of me says that he has no right whatsoever to be placed besides the likes of Churchill, Kennedy etc like Mechi says.

I probably would have put him in a room with other noteable "assholes from history"

I agree with you and Mechi. I don't think Hitler should be displayed with political heroes (although as you point out the issue of political heroes is often subjective - Churchill is remembered as a great war hero, but he also fought in South Africa where the British also perpetrated a genocide). When one of my friends went to Madame Tusauds in London years ago, she told me Hitler was in the Chamber of Horrors. I think that's the perfect place for him. And people shouldn't be allowed to take pictures with him. Hopefully he will one day be as depoliticized as the other people in the Chamber in Horrors - Vlad the Impaler, Atila the Hun etc.
When one of my friends went to Madame Tusauds in London years ago, she told me Hitler was in the Chamber of Horrors.

that indeed would be the perfect place but even there he'd deserve a special corner cuz Jack the Ripper looks even if also pretty sick almost innocent to Hitler ideas and that should be presented very clear!
But I was there at Mme. Tussauds London this year in Febuary... so I don't know which maybe also not too healthy mind (?!) positioned him where I saw him.

Well maybe it was just some kind of 'careless' thinking. I even asked some staff there about this but got only for an answer 'Oh Mam you'd have to ask our supervisior about this...' that supervisior wasn't there at the time I was of cuz... well so that incident in Berlin was just the right thing... to me.
Yesterday I googled to donate for the possible fine that guy has to pay but didn't find something yet. But yeah... I sympathyze.
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