Man jailed for eating rare tiger

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Man jailed for eating rare tiger


Fewer than 1,800 Indochinese tigers are thought to be living in the wild

A Chinese man has been jailed for 12 years for killing and eating a rare Indochinese tiger.

Kang Wannian, a villager from the southern province of Yunnan, said he had encountered the tiger while out fishing, and killed it in self-defence.

The animal may have been China's only wild Indochinese tiger, which is on the brink of extinction.

Four other men were jailed for sharing the tiger meal and covering up the incident.

Endangered species

Kang was confronted by the tiger in February while gathering freshwater clams in a nature reserve near China's border with Laos.

He said he shot the animal after dark and claimed that, at the time, he did not know it was an endangered Indochinese tiger.

According to local media, Kang was sentenced to 10 years for killing a rare animal plus two years for illegal possession of firearms.

The court in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, also ordered him to pay a fine of 480,000 yuan ($70,000; £44,000).

Fewer than 1,800 Indochinese tigers are thought to be living in the wild, in the forests of Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Burma.

The only known wild Indochinese tiger in China was photographed in 2007 at the same reserve that Kang visited.

The tiger has not been seen since Kang's meal, and there is speculation that Kang could have eaten the last one.

So he goes to jail for killing a tiger
But it's fine to kill billions of chickens and cows yearly

Chickens and cows aren't rare and they are being used for food. However, I will say that the conditions in which they are raised could be improved.

I believe that tiger parts are consumed in some cultures not for food but because they are thought to enhance virility.
Why did he need a gun to get clams?

Safety, possibly? He DID end up encountering a tiger lol.

Hmm, this is a case where I'd have to be there to tell you what I think, though the guy didn't do his case any favors by eating the animal and covering it up. If he didn't have any other food available, and the tiger was already dead, I can understand. Endangered or whatever, if I was confronted by a tiger while I had a gun in my hand and the animal didn't leave me alone, I'm killing it. End of story.

Of course, it's also entirely possible that he unnecessarily killed the animal and made up this story. We'll never know.
well...all I can say is yuk...eww.....
I'm a vegan, so eating any creature is yuck to me. But I think he killed the tiger on purpose, not self defense, especially since he had an illegal gun, and also because he shared it with his friends. If the tiger was really going to attack the man, he wouldn't have had time to shoot it anyway, especially if he was doing something else like gathering clams.
Humans aren't rare so is it okay to kill them

Are you an extreme environmentalist? Human life is more valuable than any animal life. And on the scale, the tiger's life is more valuable than the cow's and chicken's whose lives are more valuable than the ant's and cockroach's.

I believe in conservation of the tiger not the plentiful cow and chicken and certainly not the ant's, the cockroach's, or the mosquito's, the latter of which I kill on sight.
Are you an extreme environmentalist? Human life is more valuable than any animal life. And on the scale, the tiger's life is more valuable than the cow's and chicken's whose lives are more valuable than the ant's and cockroach's.

I believe in conservation of the tiger not the plentiful cow and chicken and certainly not the ant's, the cockroach's, or the mosquito's, the latter of which I kill on sight.
I don't believe in killing anything, that's why I'm vegan. I don't use leather, silk, honey, Jello, photographic film, etc. My mom used to get upset because I won't smash roaches or whatever. I don't consider one creature any more important than another, they're all equal to me. What other people do is their business. I'm not one of those PETA people throwing paint on others wearing fur or whatever. I just follow my beliefs, that's all.
I don't believe in killing anything, that's why I'm vegan. I don't use leather, silk, honey, Jello, photographic film, etc. My mom used to get upset because I won't smash roaches or whatever. I don't consider one creature any more important than another, they're all equal to me. What other people do is their business. I'm not one of those PETA people throwing paint on others wearing fur or whatever. I just follow my beliefs, that's all.

I'm not trying to disparage your beliefs; in fact I highly respect you for coherently articulating them. However, may I ask, where do you draw the line? Do you believe in protecting the life of bacteria and viruses, even the ones infecting your body?
getting jail for eating a tiger ,,... hmmm.. some people get a realty show for killing a person...