Man Dies of thirst in his Home (Road/Street next to my own)


Proud Member
Feb 3, 2006
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
I thought I would post this since I knew of the man who died, I walk and drive past his house on my way out of my estate (which is actually quite nice, not every house is like his!). He owned a lot of cats, very friendly whenever I said hello, so I feel really bad for him. Just thought I would share this with you.

I don't understand how someone could live like this, but it happens all the time.


Rescue specialists equipped with breathing apparatus were called in to locate 74-year-old Gordon Stewart's body because the stench from his litter-strewn house was so overpowering.

Neighbours described Mr Stewart as an eccentric but intelligent loner and said that he had been accumulating rubbish in his two-storey home in Broughton, Buckinghamshire for at least 10 years.

Police believe that the pensioner died of dehydration after becoming "entombed" inside the intricate and confusing network of tunnels he had burrowed through the waste, which in places reached up to the ceiling. Officers were called to his home on Friday after neighbours reported that they had not seen Mr Stewart in several days.
He is thought to have no surviving relatives, but was regularly seen in the village riding his bicycle and carrying cardboard boxes full of junk back to his home.

The Thames Valley Police Specialist Search and Recovery team, who usually deals with underwater rescues or explorations of contaminated sites, used their cutting-edge equipment to navigate their way through the rubbish, locating his body in one the tunnels. The highly-trained team carry breathing apparatus, gas detectors, analysers and remote cameras, and wear protective clothing.

Mr Stewart is thought to have worked as a joiner and had been employed locally making wooden parts for Morris Minor 1000s. The garage where he worked, Cogger and Hawkins BMC, closed in the 1970s.

One neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: "He was slightly eccentric, but very clever. He was just a collector. He came home with a load of cardboard boxes and lived in his own world."

His home has now been boarded up, but plastic bags, furniture and boxes fill his front window, with more rubbish strewn across the lawn.
A car dating back to the 1950s in the garage believed to have been left untouched for years as rubbish built up around it.

A spokesman from Thames Valley Police, said: "Police were called on Friday at 12.26pm by a member of public who was concerned for welfare of a resident on Narbeth Drive. Police forced entry where they found a man's body. There are no suspicious circumstances."

A post mortem examination is due to be carried out at a later date."
awh we drove past his house today...and yesterday...and the day before :(

it's really very sad. people need to be looked after muchmuch better. council should of noticed this and done something about it before it was too late.
Makes you wonder what drives someone to live like that, eventually killing themselves by mistake by their own misfortune. Feel bad for the guy, never hurt anyone, probably just needed a friend or relative to look after him a long long time ago.

Yes I know and why no one looked after him?
you see that a lot with the elderly? sad..and
tragic I agree sometimes people are overlooked
and worry about trivial things in this life instead
of their fellow human beings. that alone saddens me
take care foxy :) ty for sharing this
sad as it should make people think.
even if they will say well he chose that life?
still...all in all its a sad thing to see in this day
and age. :no:
my guess is that he had some form of dementia. very sad. loners are at high risk when they grow old.
That is so sad, God bless him.. you would think his neighbours would have complained about the condition of his house and the stench.
That is so sad, God bless him.. you would think his neighbours would have complained about the condition of his house and the stench.

I always wondered that too. The next door neighbours were quite posh and held coffee mornings and everything. Maybe they decided to leave him to his own devices. Houses in England are extremely well built, so you have layers of brick, insulation, cement and other things, I doubt the smell would have penetrated into the next home.
I guess I might be weird for having a different opinion on this. Maybe the man was happy living his life the way that made him happy? Maybe he enjoyed riding around on his bike, finding little "treasures" and bringing them back to his house.

People got to see that he was clever. As awful as it looks to have that house in such a state. Somewhat like a giant recycle bin, maybe he just enjoyed how it was.

On some level it does seem sad, yes, but on another, who are we to say he lived a sad existence without knowing him? You said he was very friendly Foxy? So I don't know... this seems less sad to me than some elderly having to die in a home where they've been forgotten and don't get to feel like it's their own place. Rarely, if ever get to go out. Just there to die.

Maybe I didn't read it right though. Was he unable to get out or get water? That is sad. Nevermind what I just wrote then.
Ape I get what you are saying totally, he seemed completely happy with his lifestyle and although none of us should judge the way he lived, I think its just sad to see that he died in such a terrible way, in something which he himself constructed. He was a very friendly, polite and timid person, and seemed to care for a lot of cats (which were probably not very well kept, but he seemed to love them), just a shame he had no one to turn to in the end.
That's true. But he probably appreciated your "hello"s and your taking notice of him or an interest in him. I suppose maybe this might make one want to take a greater interest in someone like that when you see them. Maybe offer your hand in friendship. Sad that he didn't have to die but it is nice how he is being remembered. Funny how someone can touch your life without them even realizing they are doing so. :)
Aw, poor man...whats even sadder is to wonder if he was a loner by choice or just didnt have any friends/family....

And well, since Im always concerned with animals too, what happened to his cats? Did the police have them take to a shelter or just left them there with all that garbage? :(
It's a sad story for us to look at, and sad that some people live like that and die like that, but I don't think that the person felt sad about he's life.
There is a person like this walking around in my city too. Don't know where he lives though. He's very odd, but it's like he's fanatic with the junk. He always have a green trashbox with him (like the one on the photo actually). It's always filled with stinky junk that he collects from litterbins around the city. He doesnt look sad. Just a little mannic maybe..

It's a little scary and sad I think :(