Man Didn't Fall For Trap, Still Got Arrested....WTF?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I was watching COPS show one day, and there was an undercover female cop posing as a prostitute. She made "deals" with 3 men who all fell for it, and got arrested. She went up to a 4th man who didn't know about the 3 other man, and asked him if he wanted to have sex with her and pay her. He said, "You better get out of my face with that shait. You could be an undercover cop for all I know." She arrested him. :bugeyed He didn't fall for the setup. That's illegal and unfair arrest, isn't it?:scratch:
I believe it would be, yes, since he didn't solicit her for sex. On the other hand, perhaps they interpreted the "you better get out of my face with that shait" as threatening(?)
Lol no he shouldn't have, Even if they saw it as threatening she shouldn't have asked him something which he could deem offensive, I dont hate the police at all but it's hard to like them when they're so unfair to people, Even the 3 people they did arrest i dont think they deserved it i mean everyone can give into temptation