Making Money Before Burial Makes Me Angry


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Cardiff, UK
I feel totally :mat: about the fact that the Jackson's are more concerned about making money from Michael's death before he has even been buried?
The Tribute 2009 should have been announced after Michael is laid to rest. Also, talks about a movie and other projects should be delayed.
After the burial, sort out the estate and figure out what goes to who and then deal with MJ related projects.
There is more concern about money.

Anyone else agree?
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When Larry asked him yesterday "when is he going to be burried?" he started his answer with a huge smile, as if they had just told him a joke or something..
And the whole thing about their insistence to bury him in Neverland when it's documented that he didn't want to be around that place anymore also seems suspicous to me. They (some in the family) are just rip offs..
That interview has really given me conflicting views about Jermaine again now :(
Jermaine wants get more spotlight. i hope MJ's mom can live longer to protect his 3 kids or ....i don't kow what things would happen.
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Sorry, if this is a little mumble jumble...

I also, think that the Jackson's are only holding on to Michael's children because they will inherit the majority of Michael's estate. They want to keep it in the family.
Apart from Michael's mother and Debbie Rowe wanting to raise them, not one other Jackson family member has offered to officially help in the upbringing.
Katherine and Debbie are the only ones concerned about the welfare of the children.
There is also talk of them having careers already! Poor Paris didn't know how to talk into the microphone at the memorial, are they ready for a career in showbusiness?
I think let them be kids like Michael wanted them to be and let them come on stage when the children are ready.

Your post is confusing to say the least. I don't get they want to keep hold on the MJ's kids cuz they want to inherit the majority of the estate. Thats their brother. Flesh and blood. What other family does these kids have? And dont tell me Debbie, cuz they dont know her. Who do they give them to ? The backstabbers who turned their backs on Mike a long time ago? The ones that weren't their during the trial? I think thats very insulting. How do you know the other family members aren't helping Katherine or have offered help. We don't know whats going on in that family's house hold.. I feel sorry for them really, no matter what they do their motives will be questions. When Janet comes out with her album and I heard she is working on a bio, she will be accused of everything under the sun. The same thing the media did to Mike , is the same thing fans are doing to that family. Michael was not a personality, he was a human being. A son, father, brother, uncle. He was more than an estate. He is Katherine's son first.
When Larry asked him yesterday "when is he going to be burried?" he started his answer with a huge smile, as if they had just told him a joke or something..
And the whole thing about their insistence to bury him in Neverland when it's documented that he didn't want to be around that place anymore also seems suspicous to me. They (some in the family) are just rip offs..
LaToya said in that interview on German television that she doesn't want Michael to be buried at Neverland because it's not what he would have wanted. Still, I don't condemn Jermaine for having a different opinion. Same with the tribute concert and the movie. Everyone has different opinions about these things, but a different opinion isn't always necessarily a wrong one. That goes for the members of his family as well as for us fans. I mean, I'm sure that all of us here love MJ - yet there are a lot of things we disagree about. Same thing goes for the family. A Jackson with a different opinion or a different way of coping with the grief isn't necessarily a bad Jackson.
yep, its makes me angry too~~
especially Joe Jackson,
He always just thinks about money.
Can anyone tell me what else he will thinking about?????
Apart from Michael's mother and Debbie Rowe wanting to raise them, not one other Jackson family member has offered to officially help in the upbringing.
Katherine and Debbie are the only ones concerned about the welfare of the children.
None of us know that for a fact. They probably help in the upbringing of the children 'unofficially.' What would have been the alternative? Janet or Tito (or whoever) going to court saying, 'I don't want Katherine to get those kids, I want to be the one to raise them?'

There is also talk of them having careers already!
Nah, not seriously. Joe said something about the Jackson 3, but that's just Joe being Joe. Jermaine said that they are interested in movies, but that doesn't mean that tomorrow they are going to participate in one.
Ppl I think whatever however this is Michaels family.

Whatever they've done to him, even Joe... did you ever hear Michael talking bad about them? He was scared of Joe when he was a child up to a young adult yes but did you ever hear him talking bad or even upset or mad talking about one of his family members?
I didn't.

That's why I think we should take Michael as a rolemodel.
Even more since we're not there and we truely can't know.

There is speculation to investigate things.
But then there's also speculations which leads you only into anger and doesn't help noone. Please try to refrain from the last! ;)
None of what's going on is surprising, just keep praying that Michael's children somehow survives and be alright as they become adults.
I'm of the opinion that when it comes to Michael's family, we aren't in the position to talk. We are fans, they are family. You don't go badmouthing the family of someone you love and have respect for. Whatever people's opinions are, I think it's bad taste to assume to know what the hell is going on within the family. I think Michael would be sad and upset to see some of the accusations flying about on this fan board about his family. It's not nice for anybody to hear.
Finally thank you Stacey, finally someone else who gets it. I have never been part of any fan group that is so judgemental about the artists family/choices/etc. I think he would be saddened. And your right we are his fans, we dont have a right to judge. And if you want to judge then at least be respectful to Michael, because my dissecting and criticizing every family member you are not doing that.
I knew it was just a matter of time
before fans started turning on Michael's family
just one more turn around the corner and they
will be co-conspiraters in Michael death
I called it first :)

This really bothers me ..
but to each his own
just my own humble opinion.

Gossip, judementalism and backbiting .. yeah !!!
Thats Michael legacy ... from his fans

Im Glad Jemaine is doing something for MJ
instead of the fans _Thank GOD
or it would be a HATE fest ..

so much of it going around .. enough for everyone
that ever knew or associated with Michael ..
wooopeee :clapping:

no really I love it :wub:.. lets see more :D

next ...
I disagree(no offence intended at those who have the opposite point of view :) ) but a lot of people have family members who although family you just don't simply trust or understand. I do, its sad I wish I didn't. What I mean is I don't intend to criticise someone in MJ's family I'm just commenting that my own opinion and 'gut feeling' to Jermaine is not good. I am glad that his comments are positive about Michael, of course I am. Why didn't he go on Larry's show lots during the trial...? Also I believe he wants people to love Michael again(not fans the general public I mean) as he wants Neverland open like Graceland. He is good friends with Tohme. Before you roll your eyes at me lol and write off what I'm saying I ask you to read the links below and if you still don't agree, I will respect your opinion(for listening to mine) and agree to disagree :)

Jermaine is friends with Tohme, introduced him to Michael. Tohme is friends with the majority owner of Neverland(Tom Barrack who owns Colony Capital) and Tom is good friends with the owner of.... AEG.

Read the articles below to read of the links between them... I believe they are desperate to get Michael buried there to bring in more cash for their secretly planned Neverland opening in the style of Graceland. Also question why is someone now coming on here trying to get an idea of how many folks would want to go...?!(someone keeps posting a site promoting Neverland on here in their signature - it might just be a fan I know)
Do you really think Jermaine would do that though? Are you saying he was conspiring in his death?
After last nights interview, Jermaine just rubs me the wrong way. I don't think he is trying to make money off of Michael, but using this as an outlet to promote himself. Really, when was the last time that Jermaine was on TV as much as he is now? The last time that I really saw him was during the trial. Now you turn the TV on and you'll see him somewhere! Back on the subject though, I personally think that certain people are looking at a quick way to earn a lot of money through Michael. Then I do think that certain people (family members) are looking at a way to earn money for Katherine to raise three children and not have to rely on SS checks and an allowance. It takes A LOT of money to raise one kid on a middle class income, but having 3 children to take care of, private tutor or schooling whatever they are going to do, clothing, food, bills and everything's going to cost $$$. I hope that makes sense to someone lol.
jermaine sees his brother as a king. he wants him to be buried and have a grand tombstone befitted of a king. he doesn't feel he can achieve that at forrest lawn.

if they were to make neverland a place where the whole family couldbe buried, no one could visit, and it was a jackson cemetary, then great. but unless it's something like that, it'll be turned into a circus attraction. mark my words

and mr. 'muslim' should know that if he was going by his own beliefs (jermaine) mj should'vebeen buried immediately after teh second autopsy.
Again sorry if this post is confusing! I don't post many opinions when it comes to things like this. And I try not to because I can never get the words right. My intention is not to offend anyone.
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That's why I said sorry if my earlier post was a mumble jumble. No offence intended.
I'm happy Katherine got the children, but no one officially filed anything in court saying they would like to help her. If Katherine passes (God forbid), the next guardian should be the person that helped her raise them. This would be easier instead of going through court again.
Debbie has visitation which looks like to me, its some kind of way to groom her to getthe kids on Katherine's passing.
I would prefer a Jackson to Rowe but I want a Jackson who loves them as much as Katherine. Other Jackson members have always been keen to make money when Michael's name was mentioned.
I understand family first, but a family who has had a lot of money around them all their lives will always look at money as family too. Look at how the family are keen to release merchandise and tribute shows before burying Michael.

Again sorry if this post is confusing! I don't post many opinions when it comes to things like this. And I try not to because I can never get the words right. My intention is not to offend anyone.

i think katherine has updated her will to include whom she wants to have thekids in the event of her passing. then, again, it maybe a custody issue if they are still minors and debbie is still alive. if she agrees, then no problem like now. if she doesn't like who katherine appointed, they'll be an issue
I agree 100% that IF they did a Neverland burial it needs to be private, no big attraction. There are some sick people out there so who knows what would happen. Has anyone seen Jim Morrison's grave? That place is insane and when I went on a school trip the place was trashed because of all the people that visit! Hell, even Courtney Love said she wanted to cremate Kurt Cobain because she knew wherever he was buried would be turned into a circus attraction. Michael deserves peace for once. And thanks for pointing that out, don't they believe that if someone isn't buried within a certain period then their souls will roam the earth? Or am I thinking of something totally different?
and mr. 'muslim' should know that if he was going by his own beliefs (jermaine) mj should'vebeen buried immediately after teh second autopsy.
I'm of the opinion that when it comes to Michael's family, we aren't in the position to talk. We are fans, they are family. You don't go badmouthing the family of someone you love and have respect for. Whatever people's opinions are, I think it's bad taste to assume to know what the hell is going on within the family. I think Michael would be sad and upset to see some of the accusations flying about on this fan board about his family. It's not nice for anybody to hear.


its a shame people are so quick to demonize the jackson family on the basis of soundbites and interviews. i also don't understand why people are so against the family having access to michael's money, as long as prince, paris and blanket are taken care of what's the problem?

when a person dies regardless of whether they're rich, poor, famous or anonymous the family gets the money and can do whatever they want with it with no restrictions but for michael jackson the rules should be different??
I'm of the opinion that when it comes to Michael's family, we aren't in the position to talk. We are fans, they are family. You don't go badmouthing the family of someone you love and have respect for. Whatever people's opinions are, I think it's bad taste to assume to know what the hell is going on within the family. I think Michael would be sad and upset to see some of the accusations flying about on this fan board about his family. It's not nice for anybody to hear.
