Making a change for the better, Taking a stand as Michael did for the future of humanity and mother


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi All, i have set up a Facebook Group, called A Petition To Get
Mind Body Spirit Festivals To Recycle. Here is the link to my

I am deeply concerned about land masses and the disrespect
of mother earth. In Oct 2010, i went to a Mind, Body Spirit
Festival @ Gorton Monastery, Manchester and noticed that
there were no recycling facilties. All paper cups, paper plates,
empty plastic bottles and cans were being thrown into general
waste bins and were not being recycled. As members of the public,
we are asked to separate our household waste and each week we
have to take responsibility. Why in heaven can't a Mind, Body, Spirit
Festival, with supposedly enlightened people, do the right thing by
showing others that they care about the planet they live on, by
placing the appropriate bins for cardboard/paper, bottles/cans etc.
By doing this, they are teaching the New Age Children to take
responsibility for the future and well-being of the planet in which they
live on.

This teaches children about placing waste in the correct bins.
Mind, Body, Spirit Festivals are coming across as just promoting
their products and with little care and consideration for their
environment in which they live in and the nature kingdom. There
needs to be more awareness on these matters. We all cannot
afford to become lazy on these important issues, therefore it is
not about one person making a change, it is about each and
everyone of us working in the true spirit of who we are for the
greater good of humanity and the future of this beautiful planet,
which God created. In our ignorance and neglect we are
destroying the very essence of the healing qualities that nature
gives us.

A greater awareness is needed.

In the This Is It concert rehearsals, Michael said that it is up to us
to take responsibility of caring for the planet ourselves, instead of
waiting for the governments to do it. We, each and everyone of us
as citizen's of planet earth have a responsibilty whilst living on earth
to take care of our environment. It is not just for a chosen few to do
these actions. Mother Nature requires each and everyone of us to
become carers of this sacred planet. If we do not begin to take more
of an interest and awareness of what is really going on in this planet,
and all of humanity will perish. None of us want this. Michael was a great
ambassador for this planet and humanity. His love was to show the
world how to care for each other and not to just take from each other.
He was a great example of the Christ in action, anyone who has ever
shown this great passion for love has be demeaned in some way or
form. But when a great spirit like Michael's, has been taken away we
miss with great sorrow, the teachings that were really being shown to
us. Now Michael has moved on, learn from what he has shown you
and that his life on earth was not in vain but a great example to us all.
His energy and courage to speak his truth to his fellow men and love
will always be dear in my heart. The Media like to put people down,
this is to sell papers and proproganda.They like to feed on negativity.
Michael used to always quote this. This would take away the great
work that he was trying to do and teach. His love for children and the
nature kingdom are greatly respected by his fans who loved him and
stood by him in his dark hours. Learn from the light and great love he
shone from his heart to you all and remember his quote: "I Love You

I hope deep in my heart that, all of Michael's fans learn from this beautiful
man that came to earth to teach us all a way to love each other. I hope we
all learn to carry on doing some of the work that Michael and others have
shown us, over their life times. These great spirits will live on forever in
my heart and hopefully yours. Michael gave us such great joy in his music,
dancing and everything he did. MAKE THAT CHANGE within yourself my
dear Michael family. Today and forever more we are all capable of changing
for the greater good, Michael led by example and action. The greatest gift
you can give Michael back is to carry on doing some of the good work he did
with an open heart - ALWAYS FROM THE HEART.

Love from, Andrea.xx
i have joined your group :yes:but to answer your quistion i could go in to it for hours :lol:but that is how the public are today :yes:
Hi many thks for joining my group on Facebook.

Love n Light.
