Make-Up - This thread is for diva's :)...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
Hey guys I have never really used make-up before, I am 27 years old (pathetic aint it?)

Well.. I have only used make up for like special occasions but nothing else really. I think I want to start wearing it though. Even tho I am 27 tho I look like I am about 15-19... just depends what people think. Sometimes even as young as 12.

Well anyway I want to get a job in the retail business, and even though it may be good to look young, I also want to look like a young adult at least. I mean come on I am in my late 20's already! -_-

So for those who use make up daily, how much does it cost? what name brand do you use? Any advice for someone who is buying make up for the first time? I don't want to go to walmart to get the cheap make up, I want good make up that will last a pretty good amount of time. You see I have been getting pimples below my chin and its reddish down there and I just don't think it's going away, so I want make up to cover it up.
i know that lash enhancer costs between eight and ten dollars. that's all i know, for now.

yes. i said it. :D
I bet that just some eye shadow and mascara will do wonders. I wouldn't recommend using lots of makeup all of a sudden, just experiment a bit and see what looks best on you. And as for a brand; I would just use one that doesn't test on animals! (website:
I mostly use drugstore make up like maybelline, rimmel etc. But last week I bought Lancome's maquimat ultra naturel and its soooooo good. I thought to give it a try and its good if you have a normal to dry skin cause its what I have. I had a veryyy little red pimple and I put the foundation on it and it was litterly GONE.

otherwise you should go to the MAC store and they tell you whats good for you :).
For the acne your going to need spongey brushes (they cost like $2 for a pack of like 12) and some concealer; you can also use this for dark undereyes,etc. That should do the trick; go light on the concealer. Don't forget to use lotion before you put on any make-up :)

I don't know how much you wanna spend, but I use Bare Minerals, and I LOVE it. Its great. They have a starter kit for $60, but it lasts 6 months, sometimes longer (of course this depends on how thick you wear the make-up. I wear mine light), so, if you use it light it actually turns out to be cheaper/the same as buying it from a pharmacy. It works wonders, i definately recommend it.

Aside from the foundation, eyeliner is good. Ooo, and mascara is every girls friend. Other than that just experiment and see what you like. Looking through magazines will give you tons of ideas of what you can do. If you have trouble applying anything youtube is great: from everyday beauties, to profesional makeup artist, you'll find something that will help.
Hey guys I have never really used make-up before, I am 27 years old (pathetic aint it?)

Well.. I have only used make up for like special occasions but nothing else really. I think I want to start wearing it though. Even tho I am 27 tho I look like I am about 15-19... just depends what people think. Sometimes even as young as 12.

Well anyway I want to get a job in the retail business, and even though it may be good to look young, I also want to look like a young adult at least. I mean come on I am in my late 20's already! -_-

So for those who use make up daily, how much does it cost? what name brand do you use? Any advice for someone who is buying make up for the first time? I don't want to go to walmart to get the cheap make up, I want good make up that will last a pretty good amount of time. You see I have been getting pimples below my chin and its reddish down there and I just don't think it's going away, so I want make up to cover it up.

Goodness its not pathetic...

Darvon, you have a very pretty complextion...and I don't feel you need cover up makup...

I really don't use much makeup nor what makup I do wear is the expensive kind...even though I have been a licensed mangement Cosmotologist since 1980...

What make up I use is mascara, eyeliner, blush, cover up stick (for just the bags under my eyes...giggles) and depending how dressed up I need to be...I will wear eyeshadow...and lipstick that I usually purchase at Macy's Deparment Store (for me less oily) don't ask me to tell you the brand it is... all I know its kind of expensive ($21.00) I just take the tube in and the sales lady hooks me up...

And yes all the other makeup I wear is the inexpensive kind... Mabeline, L'Oreal....which I either purchase at Wallymart (wallmart) or the drug store...It's great when its on sale or I have a coupon for it..!

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth
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i use bare minerals as well it has sunscreen spf of 20 in it its sweat proof water proof and if u dont want o look like your wearing it go for this brand it makes u look like your flawless !!!
If you are going to use powder or a concealer, go for a shade that is slightly lighter than your natural skin tone. If you are going to use powder such as bare minerals, I would recommend applying it with a brush instead of a cotton wedge. It provides better coverage. Always put moisturizer on before applying any foundation or powder, and make sure it is all completely removed before you go to bed.

I use drugstore brands like Revlon, CoverGirl, and L'Oreal. Prices vary depending on the brand. Brands like Wet' N Wild, Rimmel, and N.Y.C. are the cheapest, L'Oreal is one of the pricier ones.

I would recommend starting out with just a little makeup at first, you don't want it to look obvious.
Thanks you guys for all your replies. I think I will start looking at youtube videos :) The $60 kit sounds good too.

Actually I have been thinking about going to the MAC store for a make over.. You can do this if you buy $50 worth of make up... I think I may invest in that. :)
Personally I just got a new mascara for christmas that I LOVE: Dior Show. It's very light, yet it doesn't end up underneath your eyes. It just looks awesome, and you can't feel you have it on. It's kinda expensive, but it's better than nothing. Otherwise L'oreal High Definition works great too.

Most of my make-up is either by Clinique or L'oreal, though of the two I prefer Clinique, it's just ridicilously expensive here.

If you need a skin care line, Clinique is great, and pretty affordable all the same!
i wear mostly BeYu and ArtDeco..i recommend you these brands..they are not cheap but really good quality ;)
For a fresh and pretty look all you need is some mascara and lip-gloss. If you only have a few red spots to conceal, use a cover up stick. You're beautiful, so you don't need a lot of make up imo. :)
Thanks you guys for all your replies. I think I will start looking at youtube videos :) The $60 kit sounds good too.

Actually I have been thinking about going to the MAC store for a make over.. You can do this if you buy $50 worth of make up... I think I may invest in that. :)

about that, you easily reach that $50 worth of make up esp. if you buy it online I guess, sometimes they have a 20% or free shipping. I look at make up forums and stuff so I'll let you know if they have a promo or something if you want to ^^'!
I don't really use any too fancy make up. Nothing expensive. I mainly use L'Oreal, Nivea and Maybelline. And I'm pretty happy with those. I don't use just one brand, I have one product from one, another from some other brand, etc. I have one eye shadow that is totally "no name" and cheap, but I don't care because I just need a tiny bit of it for highlighting and it works. Besides, every skin is different and what works for me, may not work for you. My biggest problem is that my skin tone is majorly took me YEARS to find a foundation I could use because they were all too dark for my skin tone. Luckily they have more selection in the lighter tones now and I've found a couple that look natural on my skin. I'd recommend you just experiment at home...try different styles and try it regulary to get the technique. And trust your own instincts too and try to stay away from "trends". If someone tells you that you MUST have, for example, bright blue eyeshadow because that will bring out the color in your eyes or because that is "in" right now, and you don't feel comfortable with it and feel like a clown...don't go with that. Less is more. :) And don't forget to take a good care of your skin. A healthy skin is half the make up in my opinion. Get the right products (note: RIGHT products...which is not equal to DON'T have to spend a fortune on make up and skin get just as good results with inexpensive ones when you use the right products) to cleanse your skin and to moisturize it. :) Hope that helps! :)