Make That Change!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi guys!

This is a little piece that I wrote this morning for my inside my tribute album. It's all about how I became a fan and what I believe in. Michael is truly an inspiration to us all! I hope you like it! :)

It all started in November of 1995. I can remember being eight years old at the time, and one day being given a cassette tape from my mum. When she gave me the tape, I curiously asked her who the man on the cover was, and she said the words, Michael Jackson.

When I had the tape in my possession, I decided to go upstairs and play it, and I did, unlimited times, so many times that in the end I broke it. I remember being upset after I did that. I was so in love with the song, and Michael’s powerful voice. When the tape was broken, I decided to listen to other singers.

One afternoon 9 years later, at the age of 16, I turned on my TV to see a man in handcuffs being walked by police. The news presenter said it was Michael Jackson, and that he had been arrested for supposedly molesting a youth.

I remembered his name and immediately decided to log on to my computer and find as much information about him as I could, and I did. The information I found was all good, there was nothing that was bad. I read about how he tried to heal the world with his charitable donations and humanitarian efforts, and I listened to the lyrics in his songs, and thought wait a minute, this man can’t be being accused of something like molestation.

That year, the more information I read, and the more of his song lyrics I read, the more I started to become a fan. During the two years that I supported him fighting his battle at court, I decided to try and imitate his voice, because I could already imitate. I tried, and I succeeded. In my religion, I thought what an incredible gift I had been given, and I still believe that to this day.

So, having worked hard on this vocal gift and practising every few days for 6 years, I have decided that I want to put the gift to use, by releasing a tribute album in his voice. If I do get permission to release it, I really hope that you enjoy it!

Michael taught us all a lot in the 50 years that he lived, and I think that every one of us should aspire to be how he was. We should care for one another. If we can, we should give to those in need. We should make sure that our world stays in one piece. And we should all go for our dreams.

We only get one chance at life, and if we can all make a difference for the greater good, then at least we will have succeeded in helping to make a positive change in our world.

beautiful words :yes:

but the point is many of ordinary people (i mean not :heart:MJ fans) do not like to change. they approve of the way they are, though it is bad. they only care about themselves, they care of money-making more than love ... etc.... and they approve of it; they say thats how they must be. they want to be that way.

it blocks.
feeling and thinking like this is exactly the beauty of many michael fans, and michael brought us together.
Hey, that was lovely :)

It's also great that you actually CHOSE to research him and not just jump into the first tabloid screens you could.

Do you have videos of you singing on YouTube?
being a mj fan and a member of this website changes people into a mj lover and thats how much power michael had :)