Make August 29th Global Children's Day - petition



Hey fans,

Many countries wordlwide have 'children's days' .
However, these are all on different dates which means the children are not globally honored the way they should be.

We say: create an international day for ALL children worldwide to be honored and celebrated, and call it "Michael Jackson Day" in honor of the 1 person who cared most about the world, and the children.

To support our initiative, we have put up a petition which received 40 signatures within just 15 minutes. We are hoping that all Michael Jackson fans (and people worldwide who care about the children of the world) will sign this petition and help us to continue Michael's legacy.

Here's the petition link:

Please take a minute to sign.

"Make that change."

- Suzanne

PS: You can find us on facebook:
Boy, the positivity in this thread is overwhelming. There was a wise man who once sang 'theres nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one'. We are making the effort, because we want to continue Michael's legacy, his dream. People often told Michael 'no' but he went for it anyway. Even if we don't realise an actual children's day, at least we can raise awareness and let our voices be heard.

And you know, it's not about the people who don't sign, it's about those who do. It only takes a minute and it can make a huge change.

Unity: thank you for signing :)
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i think michael would appreciate it so much .coz i remembered he talking about this lovely idea passionately:

"Anthony: Now we have a question here from Karen who says that you've helped her since she was a little kid. You've always been one to think about other people; to care for children around the world. "What could we do for you," she wonders. "We give you all our love, but what more could we give to you?" Obviously one of your great fans here.
Michael: When I come to town, I would love to see a children's festival, to hear children's choirs, uh, you know, pretty much present when I come to different countries, singing some of their favorite songs of mine. Uh, we should forge and create a children's day, a celebration Internationally, where children are honored. Where parents can take their children to the movies or to the toy store or to the park. And that, alone, will create a bonding. Because the family bond has been broken. They don't eat with their children or speak to their children much anymore, or mother their children. And I would love to see a celebration for children. Children's Day; a holiday. We have Mothers Day, Fathers Day -- no Children's day. And, uh, I would love when I come to town just to see them sing songs, or a parade or something. I would love that. "
i think michael would appreciate it so much .coz i remembered he talking about this lovely idea passionately:

"Anthony: Now we have a question here from Karen who says that you've helped her since she was a little kid. You've always been one to think about other people; to care for children around the world. "What could we do for you," she wonders. "We give you all our love, but what more could we give to you?" Obviously one of your great fans here.
Michael: When I come to town, I would love to see a children's festival, to hear children's choirs, uh, you know, pretty much present when I come to different countries, singing some of their favorite songs of mine. Uh, we should forge and create a children's day, a celebration Internationally, where children are honored. Where parents can take their children to the movies or to the toy store or to the park. And that, alone, will create a bonding. Because the family bond has been broken. They don't eat with their children or speak to their children much anymore, or mother their children. And I would love to see a celebration for children. Children's Day; a holiday. We have Mothers Day, Fathers Day -- no Children's day. And, uh, I would love when I come to town just to see them sing songs, or a parade or something. I would love that. "

There you go :)
i think iot,s a beautiful idea,one michael would be proud of,

i,ve signed there are 270 signitures at the moment,come on guys,post it on facebook ,you tube,twitter,myspace,everywhere you can think of,
Wonderful idea he would have loved.

I signed the petition and joined the Facebook group!
Signed :) Like I said this is an ideal way to honour the man who cared so deeply about our childrens welfares and futures.
Thank you once again guys! :)

I've said it before: even if we don't reach our goal, our voices WILL be heard and the world will once again be reminded of the fact that Michael (and his fans) were there to spread love, unity and stand up for the children of the world :)