Magazine covers at the grocery store....:(((


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Burbank, CA
it's so hard to go out and not see something that reminds of his death... when im in the car its the radio

when I'm at the grocery store, all magazine covers have his picture on them

when I'm on the street or at gym people are talking about him,,,:no:
Good of you to come up with this, cause i definitely have something to say about this. I am freaking disgusted and very very annoyed and mad at all of this. Yesterday i saw this magazine with MJ on the cover and it says 'Farewell Michael' ....right...magazines that normally love to talk smack about him and lied about anything you could lie during the trial. So please get the fuck out of here with your 'Farewell Michael' are just sad that you can't write any more lies about him, well.,.you can...but he won't feel them anymore...and that's the only thing that saddens you, so FU...stupid media.
Well said Staffordshire Bullterrier!!!!

I'm very angry with all this bull****, as always they're there to sell, they do not give a f*** about Michael Jackson.
Well said Staffordshire Bullterrier!!!!

I'm very angry with all this bull****, as always they're there to sell, they do not give a f*** about Michael Jackson.

Exactly it just shows....anything for money. It might sound weird but i would have 'apreciated' it more if these scumbags just stayed true to themselves and said 'MJ is dead' and not continue with this FAKE 'mourning' of them.
When I was at work yesterday, As I usually do, I went up to the Woolworths (Grocery store) right near us to buy an Iced Coffee!! (I love the stuff!)...Anyway, at the checkout, EVERY single magazine cover had Michael on it!!! I felt since his death, I've handled myself fairly well, but seeing all those just broke my heart :(
When I was at work yesterday, As I usually do, I went up to the Woolworths (Grocery store) right near us to buy an Iced Coffee!! (I love the stuff!)...Anyway, at the checkout, EVERY single magazine cover had Michael on it!!! I felt since his death, I've handled myself fairly well, but seeing all those just broke my heart :(

thats exactly what happened to me today...except i bought red bull
I thought I was doing ok yesterday, and each day was getting a little easier. I went to the drug store and then I saw it on full display. OK magazine. I didn't even have time to look away. My heart just sunk into my stomach hard. I'd never seen that picture before and had no intention to, but there it was. I lost it and cried for the rest of the day. How can they be so cruel??? This immense sadness and grief has been looming over me for the past week (and I assume the rest of us) but yesterday was so difficult. Not much better today.
I expected to see pics of him, yet I was also disgusted by how they just now decided to paint him in a good light. Why did it take his death for people to accept the idea of him being a victim of something, as speculative as it may be? It made me freeze in place for moment, in total disbelief.
I know right, I went ot the store with my Dad yesterday... and walking down the aisle, the main one by cashiers... there was the magazine stands and all I can see is MJ all around about his... yeah. :( It gotten me upset, even seeing that one OK Mag one..omg... just wth, how can they publish such a picture?! Even my Dad agreed, I was like "Look at that! Why??" and he's just "Yeah.. that's just gross they did that..." :no:
Exactly it just shows....anything for money. It might sound weird but i would have 'apreciated' it more if these scumbags just stayed true to themselves and said 'MJ is dead' and not continue with this FAKE 'mourning' of them.

agreed..... they just want to sell magazines and they figure if they put Michael on the cover they will sell tons. They are assholes.
did you guys buy the people magazine? there so many nice pictures in it