Madonna's Latest Pictures


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Madonna age 50 is showing signs of strain from her tumultuous past month. Sure, she's been showing up outside the house without having washed the conditioner out of her hair for weeks now, but things have turned serious.


She looks terrible.
I agree !!! Off course without makeup and hairstyle done even a "star" like Madonna looks like a normal housewives or shoud I say a Desperate Housewives? lol
I think those pics are heavily photoshopped.

Yeah, sure, she wears tons of make-up and isn't as young as she would like to appear in the videos, but these pics don't even resemble the same woman. Or what, don't tell me she wears fake arms during her lives o_O

Make-up can't cover everything, I'm sure she doesn't look as bad as this site tries to portray her.
I think those pics are heavily photoshopped.

Yeah, sure, she wears tons of make-up and isn't as young as she would like to appear in the videos, but these pics don't even resemble the same woman. Or what, don't tell me she wears fake arms during her lives o_O

Make-up can't cover everything, I'm sure she doesn't look as bad as this site tries to portray her.
Yep, I hope that's the truth because.. well those pics just look horrible. :unsure:
I am not the one to comment on people's looks, but I do believed that the pics looks real. She looks pretty bad in those pictures. Let's hope it is photo shopped. "Extra" the entertainment show had a whole segment about her pictures and even going to a plastic surgeon to ask for his "opinion" and I thought that was uncalled for. The woman will be 50 in less than a month. She is not getting any younger.
Those pictures are probably not doctored nor Photoshopped in any way, there's a huge series of them taken from the day from all different angles, and I believe from several independent agencies as well.

Obviously not flattering pictures, in fact somewhat concerning. However, she also appears to have just finished working out and is seemingly overworking to prepare for her tour.
what 50 year old woman do you know coming out of a workout looking this fit? forget the sweat and unflattering pics, this is just another paptab session in comforting their cynical and sad little audience (well not so little, there are millions of those tossers).

and no i'm not a crazed madonna fan - her music sucks. but this ongoing fascination is pure bollocks.
this just is the first time she let her self be photographed plain simply as herself instead of the popsinger/star divashe looks like most woman that age (and even younger lol)in the morning without make up lol whnixch means she s only human
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I think these have been tampered with. The arms just dont look right at all. For a woman she has particularly defined arm muscles but they just look extremely unnatural even for someone who may be a bit more gaunt.
what's so wierd about the pics??

1) she has no make up
2) In the first pic she's making a 'sucking' face, like as if she had a piece of candy
3) looks tired
4) dark area with hard flash from camera making features more appearent

If you put all into consideration, she does not look any different.. To me anyways..
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I like her. Her looks did never matter too much. Certainly she doesn't look too healthy and/or happy on these pics. But I'll not start to discuss what's only her business anyways.
Exactly! No matter how much make up she puts on. Her arms do NOT look like that!

In fact, are you guys pretty sure it's really her? It doesn't look like Madonna...
Pretty hypocritical for MJ fans to point out flaws on another celebrity, no matter how bad the picture is.. We know how much we hate defending Michael's looks, so think about that before you say how bad she's lookin..
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Pretty hypocritical for MJ fans to point out flaws on another celebrity, no matter how bad the picture is.. We know how much we hate defending Michael's looks, so think about that before you say how bad she's lookin..
and on top of that, it looks so obvious she came out from a workout of some sort - i really don't see what's so wrong with the images anyway LOL
Yeah, I have to agree ya'll aren't thinking before you post. So what if the pictures aren't flattering? She isn't on stage, she isn't in a video nor is she entertaining anyone. She should be allowed the peace to do her thing without being bothered by how people will rag on her looks.

*Shakes head - ya'll of all people should be more considerate* Let's move on from that type of discussion. If you wouldn't want it said about you maybe you shouldn't post it :yes:
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I don't like Madonna as a person or an act (she's no artist), but those photos look fake as though they've been manipulated by the press in Photoshop. If not there just photos of her in a bad pose/expression. In general she looks great for a woman close to 50, and I guess people in the media and general public are jealous she looks a lot younger than she is.
this just is the first time she let her self be photographed plain simply as herself instead of the popsinger/star divashe looks like most woman that age (and even younger lol)in the morning without make up lol whnixch means she s only human
I don't understand why celebs aren't allowed to have their "bad hair days" like the rest of us without it becoming a scandal. Madonna looks tired and not her best at all in those pictures (with or without photoshop) but I wouldn't make it such a big deal. It's not like she's beaten up or dying.