Madonna's Brother Slams Her Looks: "Like Rachel Zoe Gone Horribly Wrong"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Native America
Madonna's papa don't preach, but her brother sure does.

The pop icon's estranged sibling Christopher Ciccone, whom she hasn't been on voguing terms with since before he spilled some dirty beans in his 2008 memoir Life With My Sister, apparently doesn't think much of his sister's look lately.

"She looked like Rachel Zoe gone horribly wrong!" Ciccone told E! News, possibly referring to the satiny, zipped-up visage outfit Madonna was sporting Sunday night at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.

"It proves the point that you can judge a person by the company they keep— or don't keep," Ciccone jabbed, referring to his sis' significantly younger other, Jesus Luz.

"It's painfully apparent that Jesus may be able to turn water into wine, but your basic blow-dryer eludes him."

Oh, snap. So is Ciccone implying that Madonna's rosy glow is more man-made than au naturel?

We actually couldn't care either way. So long as she keeps those arms covered up, Madonna can do whatever she wants to her face.
you know..strangely, i have heard nothing but good things about Madonna in the media...until sunday night when she gave a stirring positive speech about Michael. now...i'm hearing negative speech about her from both the media..and...her own family members.

no shock there, with the correlation. it happens all the time.
I guess the industry didn't like her calling them out about their treatment of Michael. Her brother is still trying to get his 15 minutes. i don't think his book sold that well.
Here he comes again - this guy is a parasite, what the hell is his problem.

Madonna looks fantastic, I went to see her at the O2 in July and the way she was throwing herself around the stage with the stamina of a woman less than half her age was unbelievable. She also did a terrific tribute to Michael which I'm sure was posted here.

I have been delighted and touched by the way she has come out and supported Michael - she cared for him very much and I just wish she had been there in later years to help him through it. She doesn't take any sh*t.
God bless you Madonna.