Madonna loses attempt to adopt second Malawian child


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Cardiff, UK
Judge rejects Madonna's child adoption application because prospective parents have to reside in Malawi for up to two years

Friday 3 April 2009

Madonna has unexpectedly lost her attempt to adopt a second child from Malawi, court sources said today.A judge and a lawyer said the US singer's application had been rejected because of a requirement that prospective parents had to live in the country for 18 to 24 months.

Madonna had wanted to adopt Chifundo "Mercy" James, who is about four years old.

Had the court approved the 50-year-old's request, she would have been expected to return to the US with the girl tomorrow.

Malawi's child welfare minister had backed the singer's latest adoption proposal but, as when she adopted a 13-month-old boy in 2006, critics accused Madonna of using her fame and money to win favourable treatment.

Madonna ‑ who was not in court for today's ruling ‑ has said she followed standard procedures.

"We have close to 2 million orphans in Malawi who need help," the country's women and child welfare development minister, Anna Kachikho, said yesterday. "We can't look after all of them as a country. If people like Madonna adopt even one such orphan, it's one mouth less we have to feed."

The rules requiring that prospective parents be resident in the country for 18 to 24 months to enable officials to assess their suitability.
But three years ago, Madonna was allowed to take her adopted son, David, to London before his adoption was finalised, amid much controversy.
It was unclear why Judge Esme Chombo had ruled differently today, although another judge had handled Madonna's previous adoption case.
The singer had promised to make Chifundo a permanent part of her family and spare her the "hardship" of life as an orphan.

"I am able and willing to securely provide for Chifundo James and make her a permanent and established member of my family," she said.

"To deny Chifundo James the opportunity to be adopted by me could expose her to hardship and emotional trauma which is otherwise avoidable."

About two dozen bystanders who had gathered in the gardens of the high court expressed their disappointment at the ruling.

"Madonna is doing a lot for our country," Elton Tewesa, an off-duty police officer, said. "The orphanage that David came from used to be so rough and now it has new buildings, a play area and toys.".

Charles Nyierenda, a supermarket worker, echoed the feelings of many Malawians who argue that the country needs all the adoptive parents it can get. "That child has no parents anyway," he said. "There is a grandmother, that's all. Madonna was going to give her the chance of her life. Now that the judges have turned down the application, she may turn her back on Malawi."

However, opponents of the singer's application reacted with delight and some surprise.

Mavuto Bamusi, chief executive of Malawi's human rights consultative committee, said: "We do not object to Madonna. We are grateful for her work in Malawi. But we were very concerned that, first in the case of David, and now with the second child, a precedent would be set, allowing adoptive parents to escape the requirement of 18 months' residency.

"We are delighted that the courts have upheld the law of the land ‑ weak as it is ‑ and avoided setting an example that would have opened the floodgates for people to come and take children from Malawi."

Chifundo's 18-year-old mother was unmarried and died soon after giving birth, according to the child's uncle, John Ngalande. The child's father is believed to be alive but has little contact with his daughter, he said.

Supporters of the adoption have said it would give Chifundo opportunities she would not receive in Malawi, where 14% of adults are infected with the HIV virus.

But the human rights consultative committee, a coalition of non-governmental organisations, said adoption should be the last resort and that children needed to be looked after by their own family.

"Mercy James is a child who has her extended close family members alive, and we urge Madonna to assist the child from right here," a statement from the coalition, released earlier this week, said.

Save the Children said most children in orphanages had one living parent, or an extended family, who could take care of them. In these cases, international adoption could exacerbate the problem by encouraging poor parents to give up their children in the hope of a better life for them, the charity said in a statement.

Jane Moyo, an ActionAid spokeswoman, said: "We do not doubt Madonna's good intentions. But, if at all possible, a child should remain in their own family and community."

Madonna, who recently split from the British film-maker Guy Ritchie, has two children in addition to David ‑ Lourdes, 12, and eight-year-old Rocco.
Lourdes and David flew to Malawi with her by private jet on Sunday. They visited the village of Chikhota, near Lilongwe, where she is planning to build a school. David also saw his biological father for the first time since he left Malawi.


Madonna appeals against Malawi adoption ruling

Maybe Mads and Angelina can goes halves in one?
Madonna's not the only one who is indulging in this "hobby" of adopting abroad. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are well known for their United Colors of Benetton family, made up of an assortment of children who have been adopted from around the world, and other celebrities have also adopted children, who don't look like them, from developing countries.

Is it really that they want to help a child have a better life? Are they just being noble humanitarians, using their wealth to help impoverished orphans? If that's the case, what's wrong with adopting a child from America, where there are around 150,000 children in the foster care system who need a good home? Being poor and orphaned is no better in America than it is in Africa.
haaaaaa darn madge.

sorry but angie and b rad actually do things w/ their kids and allow them to experience life. her's can't watch tv, they are restricted in every way, they can't even have normal food...sorry from what she 'was' and how she acted, does she think raising her kids this way will do anything than make them lash out in later years?

she got david when she was fighting w/ her ex and many said they were bound to split but stayed together so they coul dget him. angie got her daughter and instaed of trying to americanize her looks etc...she's embraced her nambibian culture just like she has w/ maddox and cambodia and pax w/ thailand.
Madonna's Lawyer: No Law 'Can Stop This Adoption':

Madonna's lawyer, Alan Chinula, says he is confident that the judge will allow the singer to adopt 4-year-old Chifundo "Mercy" James at Friday's hearing.
"I am not having sleepless nights over this," Chinula tells 'Us Weekly' magazine. "I don't see any law in Malawi that can stop this adoption."
Chinula says the girl's uncle, Peter Baneti, "has already signed off the consent forms, and Madonna counter-signed them."
"She just has to wait to hear from me when I get the result on Friday", he says. Madonna is also apparently not required to attend the hearing.
Madonna has been accused of using celebrity status and wealth to bend Malawi's adoption laws, which state that prospective parents must undergo an 18-24 month assessment period in Malawi before adopting.
Chinula says he doesn't believe that law should apply because it is "over 50 years old" and "archaic."
"Laws must be dynamic," he says. "They must move with current trends."
On Tuesday, Madonna's publicist confirmed for the first time she plans on adopting the girl.
The Human Rights Consultative Committee has also criticized Madonna's adoption push, saying that children should be taken care of by their own family.
Mercy's unmarried 18-year-old mother died soon after she gave birth, according to the uncle, John Ngalande. Her father is believed to be alive but is said to have little contact with his daughter.
aka they whined about her adopting david so this time they're playing by the rules and we're not happy.

hell, angie didn't piss people off when she adopted her kid. NO famous person has except madonna. she went in, bypassed thelaws, took the kid, promised his father things, and then caused controversy. this is the first time his dad's seen him since she took him and she promised he'd have a relationship w/ him

hell, he even told his dad madge spanked him cuz he went on the horse w/his brother. great promotion david
if madonna angelina and all these hollywood snobs actually cared about these poor children then they would help by building schools and hospitals not by offering a luxurious life to one out of millions of orphans
well see, the difference is, angie did it BEFORe seh adopted zahara. madonna did it after she took david against the malawi laws.
if madonna angelina and all these hollywood snobs actually cared about these poor children then they would help by building schools and hospitals not by offering a luxurious life to one out of millions of orphans

Good point, easier if they did offer something to the community like Oprah.
um oprah's school has had two sex scandals now.

madge is opening a school in malawi in 2011 and angie donated heavily to nambibia...difference is, david's family didn' twant him adopted then and now they're ok w/ it. she skirted by the laws. THEN mercy's family wants her to stay in the orphanage till they can raise her. her grandmother is waiting for her to get a little bit older and so is one of her uncles
I guess with money, everything is possible.

A child is not some thing you can buy.

Madonna's private circumstances are chaotic, she just came out of a divorce, I don't think she should be allowed to adopt a child, especially with her lifestyle.

If she wants to help, she should donate money or support programs that built schools, orphanages or help the families. I think this celebrity adoption trend is sick.
her love life is chaotic. the way she raises her children is quite demanding and constricting. she was divorced, she has no ties to the country in which she wants to adopt, so she meets no qualifications required