Made any new fans?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
+2 GMT,North Europe
Since June have you made new fans by talking about Michael or showing his videos, playing his music to people close to you? I think that people are very open to Michael now. Or has any in you circle of friends/ family become interested in Michael in positive way.
They showed the Jackson movie - an american dream, on TV here and my mom watched it and discussed about it with me. She said that she should have watched it with me so that I could have given her some more info about some scenes and the dates/timeline. :D
I have been sharing some MJ videos/pictures on my facebook page and a couple of my friends (whom I don't know that well and never thought they'd be fans...I actually was expecting hater comments or something like that) have given them the *I like* thumbs up. And one of my fb friends even posted a MJ related video herself.
And I have Michael in my messenger picture. People don't comment on those things but at least they know how I feel about MJ.
yeah ive made out of my mum. i made her a cd 'michael jackson songs for mum' she got interested to help me in my grief. i think its been very distressing for her to see me in pain and not understand it. She's getting there, i lent her dancing the dream, she loves it and like pretty much everyone she had no idea mj wrote poetry.
my ten year old daughter is now an absolute MJ nut, she has learnt all the lyrics and is trying to dance... not quite getting it tho lol.
even though i love it that she is so passionate about MJ she is only 10 and can't really share MY grief, she just loves the music. but hey..thats a start.
Michaels music will always be timeless and will appeal to all ages for ever. he will never run out of fans.
MJ forever
yeah ive made out of my mum. i made her a cd 'michael jackson songs for mum' she got interested to help me in my grief. i think its been very distressing for her to see me in pain and not understand it. She's getting there, i lent her dancing the dream, she loves it and like pretty much everyone she had no idea mj wrote poetry.
Great. I'm thinking of showing my mom the PHM. :D