Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade MJ Tribute (anybody else see it?)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Springfield, MO
Just wondering if anybody else saw the short tribute given to MJ at this year's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I wasn't expecting it, but my 9 year old daughter started flipping out (in a good way lol) saying they were having a Michael Jackson tribute coming on, so I ran into the living room and there was a Washington D.C. high school band playing nothing but MJ songs throughout the parade. :)

The commentators were saying they were performing Thriller, but at the time the cameras cut to them they were performing Working Day & Night. But they were doing some Thriller dance moves during their time in the spotlight.

My daughter and I just thought this was so cool to see live on tv.

Anybody else see this? And does anybody else have a link to any videos of this?

My daughter also loved seeing Cyndi Lauper singing in the parade. She became a fan because of We Are The World. Now she wants to see and hear more of her. :)
Aww, that's nice. I had a feeling there would be at least one MJ tribute there. I had the parade on my TV but I was kind of busy multi-tasking (and sometimes muting the annoying parts) so I missed it. Thanks for the clips!
DC! Yeah! My Hometown!

Where Go Go Bands rule! :D

Ballou's marching band rocks..wanted to go to that school just to be in the band! lol!

:cheers: GO DC! hehe!
I had not seen these videos before.
Thank you all for sharing. :)
Thanks for the video, those kids did a great job, loved the ending where they fell to the floor.