Macualy Culkin?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
Does anyone know whether he was in much contact with michael before he death?

I think it was WendyJane who mentioned in one of the other threads of how most of the guests at the memorial seemed to have been personally invited by jacksons which would explain why people like JT/britney/Beyone weren't there?

Did he even release a statement though?

I was wondering too why he didn't release a statement. I think he trys to avoid the media and anything related to MJ. The media will say whatever they want, no matter what he says. I feel bad for him.
we all know Mac and Mike were close. Its understandable that he wouldn't release a astatement or anything like that. Mac has always been a private guy from what I noticed.
Mac always hated the media attention I read a few if his interviews and he said he hates it, he's very shy and he keeps a lot to himself...much like Michael
I heard that he was also agrophobic? Or is that just something that the media made up?

I feel really bad for him. I hope to hear his thoughts on the whole thing though, and I hope that when he is feeling up to it he might possibly release a little statement. I know he doesn't NEED to, but he always seemed so close to Michael.. :(