Mac Culkin's testimony about sleeping in MJ's bed


I don't know if this has already been posted, or if I can post it here. Maybe it's not okay, and maybe it should be in a different part of the forum. I just thought that it is important for those of you who haven't read this to see it and to make sure others will read it.

Q. Mr. Culkin, the question was, did you ever share a bed with Mr. Jackson –
A. Yes.
Q. — the two of you by y...ourself, prior to going to Bermuda?
A. If I remember correctly, probably, yes.
Q. On approximately how many occasions did you and Mr. Jackson share a bed the entire night prior to going to Bermuda?
A. A handful of times.
Q. Was it your expectation that while in Bermuda you would be sharing a hotel room and a bed with Mr. Jackson?
A. I don’t remember it being like an expectation. It was — I may have fallen asleep in the same bed with him there, but it was just as likely I’d fall asleep on the couch watching T.V.
Q. You might have fallen asleep in the bed with Mr. Jackson in Bermuda?
A. I might have fallen asleep on his bed, yes.

Q. All right. On how many of those occasions were you there by yourself without any sibling, alone, without any sibling at all?
A. I don’t really remember. But most every time I was there, I was there with my siblings. And most every time I was with my siblings, they were, like, with me the entire time.
Q. In fact, none of your brothers ever shared a bed with Mr. Jackson by themselves either, did they?
A. I’m not sure if that’s true. But I don’t –I don’t know. Sometimes I would — I wouldn’t fall asleep. I’d be up for a little bit longer and, you know, my brothers would fall asleep who knows where.

Q. But there were occasions when you went to Neverland without your siblings and without your parents; is that right?
A. I think I took one trip there where I arrived there before my family did, for like a day or two, and then they showed up.
Q. Up until the age of, say, 14, are you telling us every time you went to Neverland you were with your parents and your siblings?
A. In some kind of combination of siblings and parents, yes.
Q. You never once went to Neverland by yourself?
A. Like I said, I think I showed up — I showed up there once, and it was like a day or two and then my family met me there.

A. It would be — I slept in his room about as often as I fell asleep anywhere. Like, I fell asleep — I would flop down – we’d fall asleep in the movie theater. He has beds in the movie theater. I’d flop down and fall asleep there. I’ve fallen asleep in the video game machines before. I mean, I’ve — I would go and play there basically until I’d just run myself out, and I would just flop down wherever I needed to.
Q. And you’d be pretty exhausted and go fast asleep; is that right?
A. Yeah, I mean, that would happen. I’d wear myself out and fall asleep, just like any kid would.

Q. While you were asleep as a nine-year-old kid who had run himself ragged, you wouldn’t know what happened while you were asleep, right? (This question is an obvious attempt by the prosecution to imply that MJ may have molested Culkin in his sleep, and Culkin wouldn’t have known about it.)
A. I find that unlikely.
Q. Well, but you just told us that sometimes you’d be so exhausted after a day of playing you’d fall asleep on a machine.
A. Yeah, but I think I’d realize if something like that was happening to me.

Q. Yes? And on many of those occasions, you would fall asleep in his bed?
A. It would happen.
Q. So you would have no recollection at all, of all of your visits to Neverland, of ever actually making arrangements to simply go to bed like anybody else, putting on pajamas and crawling into bed and turning out the light?
A. I never really wore pajamas. But at the same time, it was something like — I mean, occasionally, yeah, I’d have to — like, we’d have to wake up early in the morning because – for whatever reason, because I’d have to — because we were going to be leaving in the morning or whatever. I mean, sometimes I was put on a schedule.

Q. Mr. Culkin, as a nine-year-old child, what did you wear to bed?
A. I wore my clothes.
Q. You would just wear whatever you were wearing during the day?
A. Yeah.
Q. Every single night?
A. Up until I was about 17 years old. That’s when I kind of discovered what pajamas were.
Q. And you did that at home as well?
A. Yeah.
Q. Whatever you were wearing?
A. I always fell asleep in jeans and socks and a T-shirt.
Q. All right. So whenever you were at Neverland, you would crawl into bed in jeans and socks and a T-shirt?
A. Yeah.

To read the entire article, go to this link
ok. Michael was/is/always will be innocent... Why do we still revisit this most unhappy time of his life?
Because I think it is important for all of us to know particularly why we feel MJ to be innocent. It is great to have one place to find things like this to arm ourselves with.

Thank you Indra for posting. However, I can't say I care too much about the link. That was actually sickening. People are so blind and confused and it is frustrating to think why people choose to remain so.
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All things aside, what would be the point of asking him if anything could of happened while he was asleep? If so, then he wouldnt of been aware of it anyway.......the dumbasses.
terrible for Poor Michael to be accused of that trash...and second for Mac to have to put up with that disgusting line of questioning..
The prosecution changed the allegations of how they "thought" Culkin was allegedly molested by MJ right in front of the jury! lol

One minute they are trying to say MJ molested Culkin and he was aware of it. Then changing it to, he molested you while you were asleep! How is that even allowed? 0_o

All because they didn't get the answer they wanted from Culkin! LMAO and people still wonder why the prosecution lost! It's sad how some people can't see how fake and made up the allegations from 93-03 were and still is!
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Sadly, most people who think he was guilty will continue to think whatever they want simply because they don't give a damn about either MJ or the truth. Those of us who do already know all this, so it is redundant.

Thank you for your post and good intentions anyway. I appreciate your idealism in regards to the Neanderthals who choose to blindly listen to tabloid trash. Sadly, I can't share it.
I have to be EXTREMELY honest here up until I became a hard core fan last year I too believed he was guilty. Sadly it was only due to what the media had been feeding my mind for the last 6 or 7 years. Once I found the court transcripts and some kind members here cleared some things up for me, then I finally could say that I wholeheartedly believed he was innocent.
That's terrible. Poor Michael, I can't imagine his pain. I'm sorry that Mac had to put up with that, as well. I'm glad Mac just gave the straightout truth though. It seems what he said is what they didn't want to hear. Too bad for them. Michael is innocent.
I have to be EXTREMELY honest here up until I became a hard core fan last year I too believed he was guilty. Sadly it was only due to what the media had been feeding my mind for the last 6 or 7 years. Once I found the court transcripts and some kind members here cleared some things up for me, then I finally could say that I wholeheartedly believed he was innocent.

Thanks for your honesty! Glad you know the truth now! That's why I think having discussions about it is still important! Not everyone knows the truth!

You never know a newbie might show up because they want to know more about him because of his music and or whatever but, not sure what the truth is, so threads like this are important!

Not sure if we had/have a sticky about the allegations do we? If we don't we should! Please! :)
How awesome, even place for sleeping in the movie theater. Michael sure did love his sleeping, hahah. Great idea though..instead of those theater chairs , a bed...which is much more comfortable, haha.

On a serious note. Let's just be glad that Sneddon and his little team of morons weren't incredibly smart and strong with their case. Cause if the prosecution knew what they were doing and were actually good, they could maybe have linked the pornographic material (hustler,playboy,etc) to this. And claimed the beds in the theater were used for wrong purposes.

No instead of that...they actually messed with evidence, and had the boy say he read a particular magazine, while that exact issue hadn't been printed at that time, hilarious. A very smart and sneaky prosecution could have presented false evidence, making their case more credible. Glad that never happened. Glad that the prosecution was stupid.

The thing about people not believing in his innocence is strictly because of the media. Their horrible and shameful coverage during the trial, and i know for sure it's exactly things like this ..beds in movie theater, bedroom alarm and what not..that will make these people even think more that MJ was guilty. They don't think ahead, they don't think about the reasons a celeb would want to have that installed in his house....they are simple minds.
Thanks for your honesty! Glad you know the truth now! That's why I think having discussions about it is still important! Not everyone knows the truth!

You never know a newbie might show up because they want to know more about him because of his music and or whatever but, not sure what the truth is, so threads like this are important!

Not sure if we had/have a sticky about the allegations do we? If we don't we should! Please! :)

I think I had made a topic a while back concerning the facts of the trial and I had sent a few mods a PM or two about it being created and perhaps being stickied but I never heard back from any of them and then some people got upset that I had brought up the past which I get cause it musta been a rough time not only for Michael but the fans too but I didn't know a whole lot about it and all the details I knew some things but they were very vague the rest of which I knew were all the awful things I had been hearing in the media so that's why I started a thread where we could put all the fact about the trial for people like me could go and see the truth. Like I said I had the court transcripts but had managed to read them in detail (nor have I had time even to this day!) so I skimmed through them quickly and then I still had some questions especially ones that had been brought up in articles from TSG.
How awesome, even place for sleeping in the movie theater. Michael sure did love his sleeping, hahah. Great idea though..instead of those theater chairs , a bed...which is much more comfortable, haha.

well, Michael didn't put those beds for himself. those beds were installed for sick kids who visited Neverland. he told about it in the Oprah interview.
I think it would be an excellent idea to have such a thread stickied. It is just as important as say having the stickied thread about Vitiligo. Facts only of course. Having such a place even more condensed on the forum here is invaluable. That way, not only does it prevent a whole bunch of threads about the subject that may be too much for those sensitive to the subject, but it can also help things be more consise. And anyone who does not want to enter and read, do not have to. But any who do can be privy to factual information to reaffirm what they believe and to help in defending MJ.
I think it would be an excellent idea to have such a thread stickied. It is just as important as say having the stickied thread about Vitiligo. Facts only of course. Having such a place even more condensed on the forum here is invaluable. That way, not only does it prevent a whole bunch of threads about the subject that may be too much for those sensitive to the subject, but it can also help things be more consise. And anyone who does not want to enter and read, do not have to. But any who do can be privy to factual information to reaffirm what they believe and to help in defending MJ.

There should separate section for that kind of stuff IMO, your right this stuff is a sensitive subject to me and to others, I and hope I don't have to see in this section at least..I've become weary of seeing this stuff because I know that Michael had to deal with a lot :( I want people to have the reality about Michael but this section is for talking about Michael , not about all the stuff he had to deal with..I dunno maybe I'm just over sensitive :(
I think having a sticky thread is a great idea as well...Of course, us hardcore fans know the facts, and know he was innocent....But, as we can see, there are a lot of new fans that want/need to know the truth, and what better way for them to learn the truth than a great forum like this one? I know it's a touchy subject and no one wants to rehash it...but it shouldn't be ignored if people want to educate themselves about it...And, ginvid, you're right, if people don't want to read about it, simply don't enter the thread :D
I am sorry if it was taken the wrong way. My only thing was to let people see who haven't seen and if then it can be used to prove that Michael was never even close to being guilty, I think it is worth reading it. Even though I too get very upset from it....
Theres a lot of other research in that article that highlights other cases too...I had never heard of the Melinda Duckett case...poor woman. How many more lives will these media vultures take. I'd heard most of the details about the MJ cases (and read some transcripts before) but it is only when you put the spotlight on the Nancy Graces / Martin Bashirs and see how they wreck other peoples lives too, that you realise what a sick industry the media can be. Trouble is they seem so untouchable. Thank you for posting, there was lots of general interest as well as MJ interest there.
(What I really can't figure out is how MJ had time to purchase 10K books, let alone read any of them..I don't think anyone has ever packed so much into so few years, ie with all his recording, concerts, books, marriages, children...)
I think it would be an excellent idea to have such a thread stickied. It is just as important as say having the stickied thread about Vitiligo. Facts only of course. Having such a place even more condensed on the forum here is invaluable. That way, not only does it prevent a whole bunch of threads about the subject that may be too much for those sensitive to the subject, but it can also help things be more consise. And anyone who does not want to enter and read, do not have to. But any who do can be privy to factual information to reaffirm what they believe and to help in defending MJ.

Yes we should have a sticky! I am surprise we don't! o_O It is just as important as his Vitiligo! Because it's something people still doubt about MJ just as much!

The allegations are one of the reasons people stopped being/don't become his fans or disrespect him for! And if we can help changed that it's a good thing! Helping and continuing his legacy has to do a big deal with clearing his good name too!
Here is Macaulay talking about MJ on Larry King Live:

KING: We have to cover it so let's ask about it. What's the relationship you had with Michael Jackson?

CULKIN: Had or have?

KING: Both.

CULKIN: Whatever.

KING: Let's go with had to have.

CULKIN: He's a good friend of mine and still is. Everything that's going on is an unfortunate situation for everyone involved, and you know...

KING: When did you first get to meet him?

CULKIN: I first meet him -- kind of called me randomly out of the blue, hi, it's Michael. It's like hey. And the thing is...

KING: This after "Home Alone."

CULKIN: This is after "Home Alone." I had actually met him before I was doing "Nutcracker" at Lincoln Center. I was playing Fritz, and he came back stage one day. And I actually met him very briefly and he kind of recognized me because it was after I had done "Uncle Buck." And so, he kind of mentions something. Than he calls me up kind of out of the blue and it's just this weird, random kind of thing. Why don't you come over to my house?

Thing is, I didn't react to him the way most people did. Most people are like Michael Jackson, and you know, he was a god to people. And to me, I knew he was a pop singer but beyond that, I wasn't one of the fans. I think that's one of the reasons why we connected was the fact that -- believe me, I call him a jerk all the time. I call him a fat head and this and that and he gets it.

KING: And brother (UNINTELLIGIBLE) to..

CULKIN: Yes. We all did. He was a family friend.

KING: What happened at the house? That's what all the things that people are concerned about.

CULKIN: That's what's so weird.

KING: What did happen?

CULKIN: Nothing happened. You know, nothing really. I mean, we played video games. We, you know, played at his amusement park.

KING: Did he sleep in the bed?

CULKIN: The thing is with that whole thing, oh, you slept in the same bedroom as him. It's like, I don't think you understand, Michael Jackson's bedroom is two stories and it has like three bathrooms and this and that. So, when I slept in his bedroom, yes, but you understand the whole scenario. And the thing is with Michael he's not good as explaining himself and he never really has been, because he's not a very social person. You're talking about someone who has been sheltered and sheltering himself also for the last like 30 years. And so, he's not very good at communicating to people and not good at conveying what he's actually trying to say to you. So, when he says something like that people -- he doesn't quite understand why people react the way that they do.

KING: Why do you think he likes young people so much?

CULKIN: Because the same reason why he liked me, was the fact that I didn't care who he was. That was the thing. I talked to him like he was a normal human being and kids do that to him because he's Michael Jackson the pop singer, but he's not the God, the "king of pop" or anything like that. He's just a guy who is actually very kid- like himself and wants to go out there and wants to play video games with you.

KING: Did your parents encourage it?

CULKIN: They weren't against it. It wasn't like they encouraged it or pushing me upon it. I wanted to hang out with him and they were fine.

KING: What do you make of what he's going through now?

CULKIN: Like I said, it's unfortunate, and you know, it's a circus.

KING: Do you think it's a bad rap?

CULKIN: You know, I think so. Yes. Listen, look what happened the first time this happened to him. If someone had done something like that to my kid, I wouldn't settle for some money. I'd make sure the guy was in jail. It just really goes to show as soon as they got the money and they ran. I mean, that's what really what happened the first time. And so I don't know. It's a little crazy and I kind of have taken a step back from the whole thing, because it is a bit of a circus. And you know, if the same thing was happening to me, I wouldn't want to drag him into it and vice versa. So I try my best to take a distance from it, but like I said he was still a friend of mine.

KING: If they asked you to be a character witness, would you appear?

CULKIN: I guess so, but probably not. Like I said, it's crazy, and I don't really want to be a part of it.

KING: You like him.

CULKIN: I like him and he's a friend of mine. I'm not saying I wouldn't. It hasn't been brought up to me and I don't think he'd want me to either. Just because, like I said, if the same thing was happening to me...

KING: What reaction has happened to you from all of this?

CULKIN: What do you mean?

KING: Do people inquire of you a lot about it?

CULKIN: Sometimes. You know, people always have their opinions. It's funny. People always talk to me about him, because you know, I'm one of these people who will tell you anything about my life, really, to get me going. You know, so yes, I mean, I've openly and freely talked about him and stuff like that. But overall, you know, s' just a good friend of mine.

KING: You wish him well.

CULKIN: Of course I do.
^ I seen and have this interview he is a good guy and told the truth here and in court! It was disgusting for the prosecution and media to drag Culkin into this! He was always truthful since 93 that MJ never touched him! The prosecution knew this and gave to sh*t though! They did the same to Wade Robson and Bret Barnes! Who all remained friends with MJ for yrs and talked to police about their friendship with MJ during the first criminal investigation and how it was all innocent and they were all just friends! Brett Barnes even hung out with Jordan chandler at the same time with MJ at one point before the allegations! There is even a picture of the three out and about! I believe that Culkin has said in court that he too was once in the same room with Chandler, along with either Wade and Bret or all three just hanging out!?
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question: do we have a place for the accusations in here?

I think it would be an excellent idea to have such a thread stickied. It is just as important as say having the stickied thread about Vitiligo. Facts only of course. Having such a place even more condensed on the forum here is invaluable. That way, not only does it prevent a whole bunch of threads about the subject that may be too much for those sensitive to the subject, but it can also help things be more consise. And anyone who does not want to enter and read, do not have to. But any who do can be privy to factual information to reaffirm what they believe and to help in defending MJ.

Yes we should have a sticky! I am surprise we don't! o_O It is just as important as his Vitiligo! Because it's something people still doubt about MJ just as much!

The allegations are one of the reasons people stopped being/don't become his fans or disrespect him for! And if we can help changed that it's a good thing! Helping and continuing his legacy has to do a big deal with clearing his good name too!
I agree :yes:
It would be great to have a sticky to know the facts. And I'm saying this again: I found out that most fans don't know important facts about this case like MJ filed charges against Chandler for extortion. Most people just don't know that :(
Just FYI - the Legacy Project is working on FACT files on both 1993 an 2003 cases. We already have a Vitiligo FACT file which is posted in our Legacy Project forum.