Mac Culkin defends Michael in new letter


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Outrageous claims
Posted on » Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Nowhere else in the world would someone be able to stand up and call someone a pimp, a child abuser and a thief without a shred of evidence and get away with it.
The fact that the accuser is a Member of Parliament is all the more deplorable.
To make such public statements without any foundation is outrageous and he should not be too surprised if he receives notification that he is being sued in the American courts for slander.
Obviously on this particular occasion the MP thinks that by making these disgraceful and cowardly accusations against the deceased Michael Jackson, he will in some way ingratiate himself with the powers that be.
I would only hope that the powers that be in Bahrain are not so easily fooled, and realize that the MP is tarnishing their own image by association, and distance themselves from him.
In case there is any doubt, charges of child abuse against Jackson were never proven.
In addition, the failure of a business deal does not permit some sycophantic publicity seeking MP to label Jackson a thief.
As for the statement that he was a pimp - on what basis is he making this statement? Maybe it's time to put something a little less potent in the Sheesha
As if that wasn't enough he then goes on to say that all singers are empty and hollow. Who is this man and in what century was he raised?
Beware Bahrain - this man, and people like him, are shaping your future.
If I were you I would be afraid. Very afraid. M. Culkin
I saw this on another board and again I have to ask the question, is this really coming from the real MacCaulay Culkin?
I like the fact that Mac Culcin defends MJ.
Who's this MP he's talkign about? :blink:

And the link doesn't work for me either.
I can't find it on any other news. Just this one. Makes me wonder if it's real. It was posted on 18th of May. Since that it should have been everywhere around. :mellow:
It's a good letter. :yes:

But I do not understand how he got in Daily News... is a tabloid. :scratch: If it was Mac who wrote it, he could have published on your own site or twitter (if it has).
It makes me sad that a Member of Parliament would do something like this.
what date is this sick person claiming this happened to him? Easy to throw allegations now, when MJ is not here to defend himself.