M. Jackson and B. Obama Parallels: New Beginnings Published by Outskirts Press


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated 21st century history book from Pasadena, CA author, Allen Shay.

Pasadena, CA, November 28, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Outskirts Press, Inc. has published New Beginnings: The First Year in Office, The Parallel of Two Icons, Barack Obama and Michael Jackson by Allen Shay. The author's most recent book to date is a 5 x 8 paperback in the 21st century history category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at http://www.outskirtspress.com/newbeg...ficeallenbshay was launched simultaneously with the book's publication.

In this book, readers will explore the journey of two icons and how history contributed to their success. Barack Hussein Obama, the first black president of the United States, and the life and death of Michael Jackson, undisputedly the best entertainer of all time.

Readers will explore how the three C’s -- Contradictions, Cycles and Choices -- of their stories, paved a road map with hopes that they will inspire others to seek and achieve their true purpose in life.

If readers find this information enriching and mentally stimulating, they are asked to please share it with others. If, in addition, readers would like to share their American history and have it included in the next book as a result of being inspired during this historic period, please feel free to email the information to secondyearinoffice@newbeginnings.com.

285 pages in length, New Beginnings: The First Year in Office, The Parallel of Two Icons, Barack Obama and Michael Jackson is being aggressively promoted to appropriate markets with a focus on the 21st century history category. With U.S. wholesale distribution through Ingram and Baker & Taylor, and pervasive online availability through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and elsewhere, New Beginnings meets consumer demand through both retail and library markets with a suggested retail price of $17.95.

Additionally, New Beginnings can be ordered by retailers or wholesalers for the maximum trade discount price set by the author in quantities of ten or more from the Outskirts Press Direct bookstore at www.outskirtspress.com/bookstore.


Hmmmmm. Interesting. A history book. Michael would have liked this, I think.
Thank you for this information. I am looking forward to more academic books on Michael being published over time, as people to fully recognise his contribution to culture.
Do we know if it's good? I'd read this before recommending it...when it comes to MJ, one never knows.

I always see the parallels between Michael and Barack Obama. I even believe Michael paved the way for President Obama. Before Michael, there were great and successful black entertainers, like James Brown. However, Michael Jackson was the first African American entertainer/artist who appeals to all races. White girls, black girls, Asian girls faint in his presence. People of all races think Michael is cool. Michael let people see skin color doesn't determine people's fates.

I'm not sure if the book is good or not. I haven't read it yet. To me, it's an interesting subject, that's why I said it's a good book for me to read. I'm about to place an order. Too bad it's not available at iBooks.
Michael Jackson was arguably one of the best at his craft. Barack Obama, by contrast, is a fairly mediocre president. They have very little in common.
one of the members of mj justice project just ordered it for $17 and going to give a review
Michael Jackson was arguably one of the best at his craft. Barack Obama, by contrast, is a fairly mediocre president. They have very little in common.

I strongly agree. I think Michael and Obama are incomparable for many many reasons...and that's all I will say. I will not be reading.
Something I see in common between Michael and Obama was how much they were both built up and then knocked down by the media (happened a little quicker for Obama). Another is that they are both soft spoken but can be pretty tough when they need to be. They are quiet fighters. Obama the first black U.S. president, Michael the first black teen idol. Both originally from the mid west. Both strained relationships with their fathers. That's all I can think of for now. I'm curious what this book will say.
Intresting comparison. It should be a good book. I hope the autor focused on Michael's contribution in music and connecting people around the world and not on his private life.
I strongly agree. I think Michael and Obama are incomparable for many many reasons...and that's all I will say. I will not be reading.

I don't dislike the latter--I just don't see it. Aside from circumstantial parallels (which both have in common with THOUSANDS of other people, and thus are irrelevant), the two have very limited traits in common. The biggest discrepancy, perhaps, was in their ability to establish and maintain a legitimate emotional connection with their audience.

Michael Jackson commanded attention and had an uncanny ability to connect across the board, attracting fans from literally every walk of life. More importantly, however, he was able to keep this attention and connection with said fans. There was a definite bond present between A and B.

Obama, by contrast, was 99% pure media hype (regrettably, mostly on account of his novelty and partly on account of his race [and we're supposed to be past all that in this day and age, SMH] as prior to this he was a political figure of very small stature and limited achievements/promise). The majority of his support also came from politically ignorant college brats looking to piss off their Republican parents (lol).

This isn't to say Obama does not have good qualities, of course he does. I don't consider him a "bad" president, but by the same token, I do not consider him an "iconic" president like Roosevelt, Kennedy, Jefferson, Washington, et al. He has done nothing to deserve a place at either end of the spectrum--he's not the socialist demon conservatives want to portray him as, but he is not the saviour democrats have been painting him as either. He's just a bloke who is doing a so-so job as president.

I think what it comes down to is he definitely bit off more than he could chew. His promises during his campaign were enormous, and thus far he's failed miserably in properly delivering on them. However, one has to admit unfavourable circumstances play a hand in his subpar performance as president--he was given a Homeric task at the most inopportune moment, coming in right after one of the worst presidents we've had in modern times stepped out. Thus, expecting him to clean up that mess in four years is truly irrational, especially with the Republicans in congress doing their best to block his every move. So, the situation is not entirely his fault, I reckon is what I am trying to say, and he has gotten some things done, like the repealing of the ridiculous "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", and the beginning of healthcare reform. You've gotta give him credit where it is due.

But, as far as parallels between him and Michael, there really are none beyond the scope of circumstances. Obama is a notably weak orator (certainly no Churchill or Hitler in oratory prowess), and as I stated previously, he thoroughly fails to establish and maintain a true connection between himself and the people. He comes off as distant and aloof, and it is not entirely the media's doing that has left many disenchanted with him.

While the media has certainly blown some things out of their correct proportions, they cannot be held solely responsible for Obama's fall from public grace. The media criticizes politicians left and right, so expecting Obama to be exempt from any such treatment is ridiculously delusional--the media is what it is and that is what they do. It is thoroughly unfortunate, but many presidents before him have been subject to the same, and many after him will regrettably undergo similar treatment.

This, actually, brings up yet another discrepancy between Obama and Michael. Despite the virulent and pervasive media storms against him, Michael's fans never abandoned him. If anything, they stuck by him and weathered the storm, because of the connection--he was like a friend to us, perhaps more, despite most of us having never met him.

Obama's previous supporters, by contrast, have distanced themselves from him and have been left disenchanted because no such connection truly ever existed between A and B in that scenario. It's no coincidence he has a relatively mediocre approval level at this point. You can't exactly blame the media for that.