Lyrics by...??


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2008
South Korea
We can easily guess when it comes down to all the songs Michael wrote by himself, he wrote the lyrics as well. But, how about the others? Songs that he co-wrote and someone else wrote for him? There's no info on album it leaves me wondering a lot.
well but there is something i know.
the name r writen in order from their part in the song from the more to the less.

the first name usually is the one who first began writing the song or maybe the 2 first ones and the others names r writen after according to their roll, the more to the less.
Thank you for the input:), but I think you misunderstood my question. We can't see "lyrics by _____" or "words by ______" in album credits for each and every song, right? I think it's a bit strange....
yeah, the problem with the phrase "written by" is that it includes both composition and lyrics.

i guess sometimes digging deeper beyond credits (e.g. interviews, documentaries, books) may give you more detail, and other times you can pretty much assume who was responsible for the lyrics/composition judging by the individuals' known roles (e.g. producers' names on writing credits usually mean composition, but obviously not always). and then you have the issue of just how much a lyricist or a composer contributed to the collaboration.

some 'making-of' stories have been told or are generally known by fans, but i too would prefer it if all credits had more emphasis on detailed roles.
yeah, the problem with the phrase "written by" is that it includes both composition and lyrics.

i guess sometimes digging deeper beyond credits (e.g. interviews, documentaries, books) may give you more detail, and other times you can pretty much assume who was responsible for the lyrics/composition judging by the individuals' known roles (e.g. producers' names on writing credits usually mean composition, but obviously not always). and then you have the issue of just how much a lyricist or a composer contributed to the collaboration.

some 'making-of' stories have been told or are generally known by fans, but i too would prefer it if all credits had more emphasis on detailed roles.
I couldn't agree with you more. There seems to be enough details on musical contribution in the credits (of course, we fans wanna dig more than that), but nothing on lyrics...I think lyrics is very important part of a song and should be given credit by the form of printed words next to the instrumentalists, songwriters, producers, engineers, arrangers,...And I wanna know exactly which songs Michael wrote the words for by himself. Maybe on the new album, we might find out credits for lyrics. I hope so.

I've seen many albums that clearly name lyricists, so it makes me wonder why it's missing in Michael's albums.
i got it now.

if u find out if the lyrics were writen first or the music, u may find out :lol:
?? Can you explain a lil bit more? I don't think I get what you mean.
arXter said:
yeah, the problem with the phrase "written by" is that it includes both composition and lyrics.

i guess sometimes digging deeper beyond credits (e.g. interviews, documentaries, books) may give you more detail, and other times you can pretty much assume who was responsible for the lyrics/composition judging by the individuals' known roles (e.g. producers' names on writing credits usually mean composition, but obviously not always). and then you have the issue of just how much a lyricist or a composer contributed to the collaboration.

some 'making-of' stories have been told or are generally known by fans, but i too would prefer it if all credits had more emphasis on detailed roles.
The reason why I quoted your post again is,...yesterday I checked out Dangerous album booklet to make sure I wasn't the only one who gets confused at least as far as the album's credit. I've been a fan for less than a year, so I thought I might have missed something while the other members here know.

I found out that it says "written and composed by ____" under songs like She Drives Me Wild, Remember The Time, In The Closet, etc. I'm not sure if "written" means lyrics or "composed" means lyrics. I've seen many cases where "written by _____" for each track on an album means songwriting, not lyrics. So, I find myself gettin more confused. On the other hand, it says "music by _____/lyrics by _____" for Gone Too Soon":scratch:Anybody to help me out? I wish I could ask Michael as well;D
composition = piece of music (no lyrics)

written and composed by = written by = lyrics & composition

music by = composition

the term "songwriting" also includes both lyrics and musical composition.
composition = piece of music (no lyrics)

written and composed by = written by = lyrics & composition

music by = composition

the term "songwriting" also includes both lyrics and musical composition.
Thanks arXter! Now the confusion's gone. But we still wish to know exactly in which part Michael wrote the lyrics for the songs he co-wrote with others;D Some songs gives me a feeling that he didn't write most of the words, tho I'd never know.