Louis Theroux vs Martin Bashit

Feb 6, 2008
I'm opening this thread because I watched Louis' documentary on Michael trying to reach him to do an interview at the same time Uri the snake Geller facilitated Bashit to contact Michael.

It was the first documentary of his I watched. I didn't like he approached the wrong people to try to contact Michael (well, not all of them were his fault like that snake Uri, when I heard him talking I wanted to punch him.) I didn't like he believed some idiotic rumors spread by the tabloids such as "the multiple plastic surgeries" or his alleged eccentricities. If you guys from The UK, have seen this documentary or other ones by Louis, does he have more credibility than Bashit? Do you think Michael's decition to allow a documentary wouldn't had been that desastrous or better if he had chosen Louis than Martin instead?

I know Michael's friendship with Uri ended because he introduced MB to him but I also heard Uri recieved money because of the introduction, is that true? Were there more reasons the friendship ended?

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Do you think Michael's decition to allow a documentary wouldn't had been that desastrous or better if he had chosen Louis than Martin instead?

To be honset i think of them are bad as each other= both are users

But yes i think thats the reason why mj broke his friendship up with uri
Louis Theroux interviewed people like Terry George for his "documentary". Enough said...
It would have probably been just as bad. First of all he offends Joseph and Majestik Magnificent by asking if Michael was interested in having a "girlfriend OR a boyfriend" (actually more like they overreacted, but Michael's not gay!)

And recall Louis interviews ppl like the Westboro Baptist Church, KKK and all that crap.

Read all this and see what film he won an award for

'nuff said -___-
Both would not have been a good idea, imo, but I think Theroux would not have been as bad as Bashir. I think Louis, just like Bashir, would also have started the project with the assumption that Michael was weird. I think a documentary by him would also have focused on Michael's eccentricities, rather than his entire person and artistry.

Louis is pretty sly as well - he gets people to open up by appearing to be this naive and nerdy guy, but I think he generally knows very well what he is doing. With that said, judging by his previous work he at least shows genuine interest and compassion for his interview subjects, something which Bashir only pretended to have, and provides some nuance. Although this can come across as a bit condescending at times, I think a documentary by him would not have been as bad as LWMJ.
^I honestly don't think any doc on earth cd have been so bad and had such damaging repurcussions than bashir's.

Snow white luvs peter pan said:
I know Michael's friendship with Uri ended because he introduced MB to him but I also heard Uri recieved money because of the introduction, is that true? Were there more reasons the friendship ended?

Thanks snow white for posting that doc, i never knew about it - just vaguely remember a youtube of majestic and joe being interviewed by louis. Yes, for obvious reasons uri was kicked to the kerb because he introduced bashir to mj, but although i don't like uri i don't believe he had bad intentions, just naieve - it was ultimately mj's decision to do this doc and for me it was a stupid decision, you never ever trust journalists. Uri was given i think £200k by bashir for the introduction. Klein brought it up in a larry king interview a few years ago and uri tried to sue, saying he had given the money to charity. Fair enough but it still meant uri was given money to recommend bashir to mj.
Unbelieveable there isn't a single credible "journalist" out there. I didn't think it wouldn't had been as bad as MB but I thought "maybe he approached the wrong people to get to Michael but he could be more credible or eager to seek the truth" but neither of those. The only think I enjoyed was hearing Michael's audio from that interview Terry recorded.

Probably Michael thought MB was credible because he was able to interview Princess Diana but if Uri had never introduced to MJ, he would had never made that decition to allow that crapcumentary, so Uri was in part resposible for Michael's ruin. You'te welcome Bonnie, thank for your insight guys!
I checked very little of Louis Theroux documentary and right to the Uri Gellar part, I have a feeling Uri is hiding something that we don't know about that he didn't share with Louis. I do think Uri is hiding something.
Louis Theroux vs Martin Bashir

Some of you may remember that the BBC aired a documentary in 2003 showing Louis Theroux's attempts to land an interview with Michael Jackson.

I've just started re-watching it on YouTube having all but forgotten about it and I'm totally amazed putting it all into context. It feels with hindsight that this was a major crossroads in Michael Jackson's public life somewhat and subsequently his life in general.

We see in the documentary that Louis is in talks with Uri Geller to get an interview with Michael and that Uri actively dissuades Michael from going near Louis, in favour of him being interviewed by Martin Bashir.

I've always rather liked Louis' style, and throughout this documentary, certainly at times, Louis appears to have geniune affection for Michael.

I wonder looking back now, had Michael been advised to go with Theroux over Bashir...could things have ended up very differently?

And has Louis ever spoken since then about Michael?

The documentary:
Honestly i think if michael had chosen louis instead of bashit at that time something bad still would've happen imo
Ha, how funny that someone should post the same topic as me weeks earlier. Sorry about that!
I think this is in the documentary somewhere - apparently Uri was considering introducing Michael to David Frost as well as Bashir and Theroux, I think Bashir won out in the end because he was willing to pay Uri more.