Lou Ferrigno and Miko Brando on Larry King


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just saw Lou Ferrigno and Miko Brando on Larry King Live and it was enjoyable. Lou talked about the wonderful friendship between Michael and him. WHat I found interesting is that Lou talked about how similar they are. They both had harsh fathers and while Michael drived himself to excel in entertaining, Lou drived himself to excel in bodybuilding.
He also mentioned Michael's workout routine---core training, rubber bands and other types of exercises that will not bulk him up but will bring out that dancer's body and to keep him in shape which was important since he was in his 50's and about to get back on
the stage. He also said how very much in shape Michael was the last time he saw him which was last month (May) and that they was planning on working out together again before Michael was to leave for England. Michael, he says, did not appear frail to him nor complained of any pain to him. He also said from what he saw of Michael, this was indeed going to be THE comeback for him.

He said he was devastated about Michael's death and that Michael was a genuine guy with no B.S. about him. What I found interesting and cute was that Lou also said Michael would bring his kids to his workout sessions and would introduce them to Lou as "It's the Incredible Hulk" and Lou would flex his muscles and the kids would be excited. Real cute scenario.

Miko Brando said that as far as he knows the kids are doing fine at the Jackson home with their cousins and playing with the animals. And they saw their father after he died to say goodbye to him. He's angry with the way Michael has been attacked in the media especially since Michael is no longer here to defend himself. He, along with Lou, talked about what a great person and friend Michael was. And that many people don't really know the true side of Michael Jackson and never will get a chance to.

It was a very enjoyable interview they both gave. A wonderful break from the tabloid nonsense.
I hope we will have some footage up soon, I'd love to see this. Anything positive helps.
thanks for posting... do I think Larry does want to show the really person who is Michael Jackson.... which is nice...

it was good that they shared moments together at Jessie Jackson's b-day... I think that gave Larry a different prespective ...and also Elizabeth Taylor gives Larry hell
if he does dog Michael in any way....
yes i saw this. Lou was so real..that is what I like about him. He told just how it was. What made me mad was when they spoke to the docs lawyer. Lies all lies . he stumbled on his words quite a few times. I still say doc is guilty. It just doesnt feel right I mean Michael is gone but the story that doc is giving smells and I just cannot make myself believe that Michael took so much meds that he killed himself I just have a uneasy feeling about the whole story
i guess im watching the later hour of larry king..john landis was interesting..i had no clue miko brando was in the popcorn theater scene in thriller. or i forgot.
haha when john said the michael on thriller let john write or put things together yet with black or white michael called all the shots.
john looks like such a fun director to work with and his movies are such classics.
and yea, great the kids got their last goodbyes. i think i missed that part.
Michael introducing Lou as 'the incredible hulk' that is so him, so childlike and innocent. Sigh.