Looks Like the World Music Awards Changed Their Sales Data for MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If anyone caought the special that aired this past Thursday called "The Best Of The World Music Awards". They showed 2 performances by MJ( Earth Song 1996 and We Are The World 2006).

When They first showed a clip of MJ they were talking about some of his accolades and they said he has sold over 350 million records worldwide. A FAR cry from the 750 million they said he sold in 2006.

I don't know what brought them to change it, but their new estimation is VERY correct and accurate. Still a little on the short side a bit according to my estimations. Still very more accurate.

Also they said in 2006 he was awarded for being the most successful artist of all time. But it was really The Diamond award.
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Maybe they checked Wikipedia and decided to change. So what's next? Will they change Elvis' and The Beatles' sale to the accurate numbers?
no...350 mill is his charitable contributions. this guy's been at it since he was 5. but this always starts arguments..so...i'll just go. except to say, a guy who made billions for Sony and has multiple catalogues isn't gunna just walk away with 350 mill. 750 mill is an understatement for his achievments. Guiness..what about them? what in the world, is it that makes people think MJ couldn't get past 35o mill? the answers in my mind, i'll just keep to myself.
No one is ever going to know the exact number that he has sold as its all estimated and the data keeps changing. Haters use the whole 'everyone keeps over-estimating his album sales' argument yet neglect to realise that both the same happened with The Beatles and Elvis.
If anyone caought the special that aired this past Thursday called "The Best Of The World Music Awards". They showed 2 performances by MJ( Earth Song 1996 and We Are The World 2006).

When They first showed a clip of MJ they were talking about some of his accolades and they said he has sold over 350 million records worldwide. A FAR cry from the 750 million they said he sold in 2006.

I don't know what brought them to change it, but their new estimation is VERY correct and accurate. Still a little on the short side a bit according to my estimations. Still very more accurate.

Also they said in 2006 he was awarded for being the most successful artist of all time. But it was really The Diamond award.
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It wasn't the WMA's that gave him the award for the most successful entertainer of all time, it was the Guinness book of world records. They were also the ones that came up with the 750 mill. figure.
no...350 mill is his charitable contributions. this guy's been at it since he was 5. but this always starts arguments..so...i'll just go. except to say, a guy who made billions for Sony and has multiple catalogues isn't gunna just walk away with 350 mill. 750 mill is an understatement for his achievments. Guiness..what about them? what in the world, is it that makes people think MJ couldn't get past 35o mill? the answers in my mind, i'll just keep to myself.

He did. I count 375-380 million SOLO records for MJ. THats just albums and singles.

And if you included the Jackson 5 then you get around 460-500 million sold.

And while yes MJ did make billions for Sony. YOu have to take into fact the price of the albums, especially HIStory. Ect. 380 million could easily bring in billions of dollars.
If anyone caought the special that aired this past Thursday called "The Best Of The World Music Awards". They showed 2 performances by MJ( Earth Song 1996 and We Are The World 2006).

When They first showed a clip of MJ they were talking about some of his accolades and they said he has sold over 350 million records worldwide. A FAR cry from the 750 million they said he sold in 2006.

I don't know what brought them to change it, but their new estimation is VERY correct and accurate. Still a little on the short side a bit according to my estimations. Still very more accurate.

Also they said in 2006 he was awarded for being the most successful artist of all time. But it was really The Diamond award.
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LOL This aint nothing new. All the award shows always exaggerates the sales and numbers thats why they dont mean anything. Michael is the greatest solo pop artist of all time we dont need exact numbers to know that. It surpases all regardless.
Oh... this is a media agenda... all the time, nobody can persuade me about the opposite.

The thing is that the "numbers" for the Beatles and especially Elvis are permanently overrated (especially for the last days - Elvis 75th birthday articles...)

Michael has always been underrated and media=some particular journalists have been doing their anti-Jackson agenda through their articles ignoring the facts and twisting them.

Of course, the management of Michael (as well as of Elvis and The Beatles) was trying to create a picture that had never been, as for selling records.
The stupid competition of that who sold more led to the whooping lies about the artists.

Statistically the Beatles are the most successful artists/group.

Michael is commercially the most successful artist ever!

Elvis has/had never sold so many albums like the Beatles or Michael, Michael sold 100 mill. albums just from two albums.

The media agenda is clear. Its also clear from the latest articles about Elvis.
There is no, absolutely no chart statistic about the real album/single sales (lets say since 1950s).
Historians state also the estimated numbers, and its lost its credibility ...

Michael is so underrated and nobody takes it seriously..., simply it seems to me that for media there is just "that" Michael Jackson, who once was a child prodigy, released only Thriller, had a Bad tour and then only allegations and plastic surgeries ...., and yeah, he was a cool dancer.

Guinness Book has been twisting facts too, not precisely stating the real numbers.
WikiPedia is nothing than a "history changer"... anybody can change anything about anyone or anything, an absolutely irrelevant and unreliable source, but all the media take it as something relevant.

but Sony as a corporation is silent!
Why they dont upgrade MJs sales? because there is their agenda to keep Michael up at the same fake level as Elvis and the Beatles managements DO, and Sony managers are aware of that! They simply cant afford to state the reality as for Michael, they know the lie about the 750 mill. records would be unacceptable and tabloid would use it against Michael. They had had their agenda since 1983..., but it turned against Michael!

The fake picture of "supericons" Elvis and the Beatles has never been real, but their fans have been able to keep the superstatuses of them up.... until now...
I read several articles about Elvis this weekend and one president of a British fanclub admitted the fake pictures about Elvis.... and of course, Elvis is (in all articles) described as the greatest and best seller... based on what? The estimations!

Michael Jackson fans have never been so active as fans of Elvis or the Beatles, and they dont know to be "rationally aggressive" and stand by Michael.
There is only the sick competition who sold more... Elvis or Michael.
Mjs fans claim its Michael, Elvis fans will forever claim its Elvis, they are very aggressive against Michael trying to reduce his status and of course never let Michael be better than Elvis.

The idealistic picture about Elvis is so strong that even media=journalists are not able to distinguish what is real and what fake (I read an interview of a president of a British Elvis FC - Todd Slaughter).
Oh... this is a media agenda... all the time, nobody can persuade me about the opposite.

The thing is that the "numbers" for the Beatles and especially Elvis are permanently overrated (especially for the last days - Elvis 75th birthday articles...)

Michael has always been underrated and media=some particular journalists have been doing their anti-Jackson agenda through their articles ignoring the facts and twisting them.

Of course, the management of Michael (as well as of Elvis and The Beatles) was trying to create a picture that had never been, as for selling records.
The stupid competition of that who sold more led to the whooping lies about the artists.

Statistically the Beatles are the most successful artists/group.

Michael is commercially the most successful artist ever!

Elvis has/had never sold so many albums like the Beatles or Michael, Michael sold 100 mill. albums just from two albums.

The media agenda is clear. Its also clear from the latest articles about Elvis.
There is no, absolutely no chart statistic about the real album/single sales (lets say since 1950s).
Historians state also the estimated numbers, and its lost its credibility ...

Michael is so underrated and nobody takes it seriously..., simply it seems to me that for media there is just "that" Michael Jackson, who once was a child prodigy, released only Thriller, had a Bad tour and then only allegations and plastic surgeries ...., and yeah, he was a cool dancer.

Guinness Book has been twisting facts too, not precisely stating the real numbers.
WikiPedia is nothing than a "history changer"... anybody can change anything about anyone or anything, an absolutely irrelevant and unreliable source, but all the media take it as something relevant.

but Sony as a corporation is silent!
Why they dont upgrade MJs sales? because there is their agenda to keep Michael up at the same fake level as Elvis and the Beatles managements DO, and Sony managers are aware of that! They simply cant afford to state the reality as for Michael, they know the lie about the 750 mill. records would be unacceptable and tabloid would use it against Michael. They had had their agenda since 1983..., but it turned against Michael!

The fake picture of "supericons" Elvis and the Beatles has never been real, but their fans have been able to keep the superstatuses of them up.... until now...
I read several articles about Elvis this weekend and one president of a British fanclub admitted the fake pictures about Elvis.... and of course, Elvis is (in all articles) described as the greatest and best seller... based on what? The estimations!

Michael Jackson fans have never been so active as fans of Elvis or the Beatles, and they dont know to be "rationally aggressive" and stand by Michael.
There is only the sick competition who sold more... Elvis or Michael.
Mjs fans claim its Michael, Elvis fans will forever claim its Elvis, they are very aggressive against Michael trying to reduce his status and of course never let Michael be better than Elvis.

The idealistic picture about Elvis is so strong that even media=journalists are not able to distinguish what is real and what fake (I read an interview of a president of a British Elvis FC - Todd Slaughter).

This is why I love reading your posts. lol