Looking for suggestions...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
Hi you guys! I am in Nursing School, and I am doing a Psych rotation right now. I deal with mainly bipolar and depressed individuals. Some psychosis. Some schizophrenics. I have to do a 15 minute presentation on Music Therapy as part of Relaxation.. I have a display board for my group - it's purple, and will have pics on how people relax. I was thinking of playing some relaxing classical music, one piece of relaxing Pop music, and one piece of a nice Jazz tune. This is a lock-down unit. I also was thinking of bringing my flute in and play an a-capella song called "Syrinx" by Debussy

Here is "Syrinx" on Youtube (with Jean Pierre Rampal, who was one of the worlds most premier flautists)

Do you think that's a good idea?
What I am asking is this...is this piece too emotional? Would it trigger something in the patients? What kinds of pieces could I do for this?
UPDATE! Just a little update!! OMG. I played "Dance of the Blessed Spirits" by Gluck, then had the patients draw what the music made them feel - if they felt relaxed, they should free-hand draw it. I also then played "Syrinx"...I didn't bring my flute in after all...I had a CD of it.. I'm telling you. Art is the window to the very soul. It is a means of communication, even for those severely mentally ill... I actually had one severely impaired patient draw me a pretty complex picture. And that in itself was astounding, if you knew how many psych meds she was on. One patient who was in a manic state of bipolar drew a picture that showed he was all over the place....another drew a picture of a heart with an arrow through it....and a caption that read "Like an arrow through my broken heart"...and he was severely depressed. Another patient had OCD, and was meticulous at making sure things lined up in her picture...another patient who had trouble expressing himself pictured himself in a castle,with a moat around it...and I thought "This guy built walls around himself"....The professor loved it so much, she kept the patients drawings. She wanted to use them for future teaching!!
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