Lonely and out of place?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have never really been a particularly social person. However it has never really bothered me until recently.

Im now 18 years old, its a Friday night and im sitting in at my desktop as usual. I see peoples facebook statuses of the same age talking about going out and drinking and going to parties and just overall having fun.

Its allways been like this really, however after I left school me and a lot of my friends went seperate paths. Some of them went way downhill and are into drugs, many of the others I just dont like as people anymore.

So yeah, I dont go out much and dont have many friends left. Very few actually.

When im in, I dont get particularly bored. In fact a lot of the things I enjoy are in my own house and I dont particularly have an interested in going out to clubs and stuff. But feel like I should.

Sometimes I just feel so out of place and lonely :\ Anybody else here feel similar?
Hey, girl. :)
I feel exactly the same. I haven't got many friends left either. Most of them I know through several networks like Myspace etc.

Most of the people in my area really party a LOT, and I'm just not into that. And I accept it, even If I sometimes feel that I'm the only one, who thinks that way. I don't like to go to clubs, I did it two times, just to give it a try. I felt so out of place. And I will never do it again. On top of that, I'm completly against acohol. I'm scared of people who are drunk, to be honest. I had to carry some of my friends home because they were so drunk they couldn't stand on their own foots.

But I give you an advise, don't force yourself to go to clubs. If you don't like it, let it be. There's nothing unusual about it. :)
I also have many hobbys which I enjoy in my own appartment. I not really an outgoing person. I like to draw and read and design a lot. ;) (Ok, the only hobby outside my appartment is shopping. Can't help it. Haha. :D)

By the way. I will be 18 too, on monday. Hihi. :D
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When I saw the title of the topic... tilin tilin... I have seen my whole described in 5 words:::

lonely and out of place

Thats it

Probably in part becoz I am different, since birth, but different as Michael Jackson was, I mean, I am not sick or something, I am just different, and that definitely makes you to be left aside.
I sympathize with you so much... I am sorry that you feel this way. I know what it's like, because there was a time where I felt my other peers were doing things that I just wasn't into, and I felt misplaced in my environment as well. It's okay that you're not into those things, actually it's a GREAT thing. And the good news is, there are folks out there who are like you, so try to find friends with this commonality. Chances are, they'll be great friends. We all have phases in our lives where we feel like there's no one. I mean, look at the person who we're fans of. He was the lonliest. But the good news is that these days get better! I hope the absolute best for you. And btw I'm 19 :D :D

I sympathize with you so much... I am sorry that you feel this way. I know what it's like, because there was a time where I felt my other peers were doing things that I just wasn't into, and I felt misplaced in my environment as well. It's okay that you're not into those things, actually it's a GREAT thing. And the good news is, there are folks out there who are like you, so try to find friends with this commonality. Chances are, they'll be great friends. We all have phases in our lives where we feel like there's no one. I mean, look at the person who we're fans of. He was the lonliest. But the good news is that these days get better! I hope the absolute best for you. And btw I'm 19 :D :D

Me too! I'm an 18-year-old college student, and I do NOT get out much, either. :(
And not really a catch with the guys, it seems like. I'm really shy when it comes to that.
I'm 24 but I understand you. At that age there's a lot of pressure to conform. If you don't WANT to go to clubs, then going to them is not going to make you happy. Nightclubs are so overrated, IMO :rofl:
You have to do what's right for you. I'd take a night in watching a movie any time over a club!

If you're bothered about not having many friends, then I would say that a small number of good friends is much better than a big bunch of acquaintances! But if you want to make more friends, maybe try joining a club or something that you're interested in? Or I've even found that I've met up with people from forums (like here)....it's cool because you know you share that major interest. But don't be heard on yourself. Do things that you enjoy, and you will be happy, regardless of how many people are around you.
Im a boy btw if theres been any mix up haha No biggy :)

Its good to know im not the only one :)
well I have a 19 year old son..who like you chose to stay away from the party scene....I am proud of him....there are so many things that can happen when you start mixing the party scene...it is ok not to be like everyone else..that is what makes us individuals......its ok you only have a few friends....people that say they have alot of friends really dont because most of the people they claim are their friends are really only acquaintances....REAL friends are hard to come by,,,so if you have a few ...you are blessed...just remain true to yourself and all will be fine..:)
You're not the only one :)
I feel the same way, I rarely go out, friends I can count on one hand (real friends I mean, cause the other, I just don't keep as friends :)

Always felt out of place. got used and enjoyed being alone doing my things when I want and the way I want.

:hug: to you.. you better be alone and safe than out and doing drugs like some of your before friends ;)
I agree with the second poster, don't force your self to do something you really don't like at all.

There nothing in those clubs that's going to give you anything you don't already see on tv, just a lot people drinking and dancing. I myself have not seen 18 in years but i've always been a loner and home body kind of person.

I did do the club life but it's not worth in my opinion, I think you should find something you love doing that's going to fill you.
LTD, I'm in my first year out of high school so I understand the whole friends going separate ways thing :( in some ways it's really hard because you lose contact that used to be so easy to keep when going to school - but in other ways it can show you who the people that you really value spending time with are :) and you can identify the people that share the same interests as you. I know this year I made new friends with people I'd nebver had the chance to speak to whilst in school but now that we're finished we've found many things in common :)

I'm much like all of you :)

I hardly ever "go out" on a Friday. I have 3 close friends (that I consider true life-long friends) and just people I can have quick but pleasant chats with. But can never bring myself to just go out with the latter group for no reason. I always end up wishing I was with my 3 other friends chilling at home with movies or something.
lonely and out of place - that's the story of my life! and I'm 26
I don't like to be lonely, but I feel that the world is a very cold place to live in and people are so disappointing...if you can find at least ONE person you can really trust then it's a big deal. in a way I know how Michael felt, about having people disappoint you
L.T.D here's a big hug for you, all the way from Romania *bighug*lol
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lonely and out of place - that's the story of my life! and I'm 26
I don't like to be lonely, but I feel that the world is a very cold place to live in and people are so disappointing
if you can find at least ONE person you can really trust then it's a big deal

That is soooo true! :)
I have never really been a particularly social person. However it has never really bothered me until recently.

Im now 18 years old, its a Friday night and im sitting in at my desktop as usual. I see peoples facebook statuses of the same age talking about going out and drinking and going to parties and just overall having fun.

Its allways been like this really, however after I left school me and a lot of my friends went seperate paths. Some of them went way downhill and are into drugs, many of the others I just dont like as people anymore.

So yeah, I dont go out much and dont have many friends left. Very few actually.

When im in, I dont get particularly bored. In fact a lot of the things I enjoy are in my own house and I dont particularly have an interested in going out to clubs and stuff. But feel like I should.

Sometimes I just feel so out of place and lonely :\ Anybody else here feel similar?
Sounds pretty much like my life.

I have very few good friends, too, and I think one of the reasons why I'm not the most popular girl is school is that I don't go out like everyone else. I watch all my school friends making new friends by going out with them and I feel very left outside. Not that I would like to be the most popular girl but I don't like the fact that they think I'm "boring" just because I don't go out.
I am also quiet around people I don't know so I feel very easily myself lonely even though I was in room with 50 people. I am thankful for my few friends though, that they are with me. It's means a lot and I don't know what I'd do without them.

Sorry, didn't mean to talk about myself so much.. but just to make clear that I totally understand how you feel and you're definitely not alone with your feelings. :huggy: