LOL! Scottish donkey named after Michael Jackson instead of Andy Murray


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
This cheered me up a bit! lol

Scottish donkey named after Michael Jackson instead of Andy Murray


H&H news team
2 July, 2009

A donkey in Aberdeen has been named after Michael Jackson, instead of Scottish tennis star Andy Murray.
The donkey was born just as Andy Murray defeated Stanislas Wawrinka in a four-hour match at Wimbledon on Monday (29 June).

Staff at Pets Corner in Aberdeen's large recreational park Hazlehead where he was born had previously decided to call him after the tennis player.

But following the death of singer Michael Jackson, plans were changed.

And after a lengthy discussion, staff opted instead to name the donkey in honour Michael Jackson, who died of a heart attack last Thursday (25 June).

Jackson the donkey was born in his mother Lottie's pen at the centre in Aberdeen at 10.38pm on Monday night.

"Andy won and he just popped out," animal attendent Bev Caie told local paper the Evening Express.

"It took a long time to decide [what to name him] because it's just like naming a child.

"But Michael Jackson was such a big superstar and it's such a major issue at the moment that we thought it was the thing to do."
Andy Murray gets hyped up SO bad in the for them to decide to name the baby donkey after Michael instead, this is awesome news. lol