LOL CHECK THIS OUT *not for Britney fans*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Many of you will of probably seen this but... check it out.

No offence to Britney but THIS IS SO FUNNY

:b hopefully no one will be offended by this. Yes at some time her voice might be dodgey by her dancing, but not all times. Just watch it :lol: makes me laugh so much.
lmao, even though i do like some songs... she doesnt have a voice, its not beautiful, not that women have to sing like mariah, they dont!, but shes got nothing there, it only sounds better recorded on the radio, if even. i dont care if she could sing as a child, shes not bringing that as an adult. and on singing and dancing, i cant blame dancing affecting her voice on this one. i remember hearing an awful version of baby one more time live when she was younger, and its this same voice on the video.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Do not listen to this near windows, mirrors or any thing capable of shattering
It is funny but it's a fake. Just like what they did to Beyonce. Exact same thing.
It is funny but it's a fake. Just like what they did to Beyonce. Exact same thing.

my mind was like "she sold millions singing like that??" lol thanks for clearing that one up haha
She'd have more success in the porn industry IMO. Pretty face, sexy body...who wouldn't want to see her naked on film......:D
She'd have more success in the porn industry IMO. Pretty face, sexy body...who wouldn't want to see her naked on film......:D

lmao that would be beautiful, but maybe she was lip syncing and her voice that we all just laughed at was not being played to the crowd?
"OMG that Britney shameless" :p

I wonder if this is fake though :)

LOL, makes me think of a performance of Dangerous where they turn on Michael's microphone too early and he's all winded and shit.
I guess that the performers don't care if they hit the right pitch when they do playback, especially without a ear piece they can't hear shit and the pitch will go all over the place :)
Sorry this was soooo funny:hysterical:, really i like her, cause she thinks she was singing ok:wild:, but i dont know i like her aniway, hahahah:hysterical:
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that's not a fake..obviously she can not sing.sorry but shes talentless and her new songs are only about all the boys and the girls want to f*** me or about 3somes..shes garbage.
that's not a fake..obviously she can not sing.sorry but shes talentless and her new songs are only about all the boys and the girls want to f*** me or about 3somes..shes garbage.

No need to be so harsh. She can certainly sing better than that fake parody clip. It was done by the same people who made Beyonce's clip where her mic was supposedly turned on without her knowing. I can't believe anyone would think it's real. Just another to way try and discredit somebody.
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So if this is real than does that mean Beyonce's is too? There's also one for Christina Aguilera. I guess they're all real.
So if this is real than does that mean Beyonce's is too? There's also one for Christina Aguilera. I guess they're all real.

No, Beyonce's was fake. Some Janet fan made it and posted it on one of the forums and the next thing you know it was all over the net. The guy that did Beyonce's never made a Britney one. But he recently made a Mariah one :rofl:
Britney isn't a great vocalist but she can sing. I know it's popular for everyone to say otherwise and agree with everyone else like sheep, but I have my own mind.

I've heard her sing live and do a good job. Is she Celine Dion, no, but she does have a decent voice when she actually uses it.

Again, it's a fake.
Britney isn't a great vocalist but she can sing. I know it's popular for everyone to say otherwise and agree with everyone else like sheep, but I have my own mind.

I've heard her sing live and do a good job. Is she Celine Dion, no, but she does have a decent voice when she actually uses it.

Again, it's a fake.

Jona, It's not fake. This is directly from her microphone
Watch the video the OP posted at 1:06 and the one I posted at 0:48
and besides Britney doesn't sing live. She lipsyncs.
Raw Britney at her home studio working on her demo. She wrote this song. Yes, that's britney on piano too. The label rejected it because it wasn't "pop enough". They pretty much made fun of her for "trying to write her own songs". Stupid labels. :sad:

She could sing a bit, not as great as Michael or Amy lee, but she has somewhat of a voice. What she lost her sparkle is on her dance moves.