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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
L.A, California
First off, I'm not completely sure if this is allowed, as it's sorta advertising a website, and if it is, I apologize ahead of time and will understand if it is removed.

I was introduced to a website called Lockerz ( where I was told I could earn points and redeem them for prizes. I was skeptical, as I had seen many websites before which delivered the same promises, but had a ridiculous amount of surveys, spam, and whatnot that took up a ludicrous amount of time. After much persuading, I decided to join. I proceeded to login to the site daily and answer a daily question, not really expecting to get anything. But months passed by and I had accumulated around 200 something points. By now I had also recruited my brother into the site, with no benefit to me other than 2 pts for his joining and one more member closer to a "Z-lister" status. A redemption period arrived where we could use our points for prizes we wanted. Unfortunately, that day I was busy volunteering at a nearby hospital for school. He called me and told me that he had redeemed a game, Mario and Luigi: Bowser inside story. I said cool, and hung up, going back to work. A couple weeks passed, and we were both wondering the legitimacy of this website. After coming home from school and a surprise for the both of us, was a package for him! We opened it, and the game was actually there! My video( shows me taking the items out of the box.

The point of my starting this thread was to give some information on how Lockerz actually worked for my brother, and as a more selfish desire, to get 3 more members to invite so that I can receive my free t-shirt hehe.. Once again, I apologize if this is violating the terms of services or any policies on this forum.
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