Local Builder Reminisces About Michael Jackson and Creating Neverland


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
From Thrusting Crotch at the KOP
Hey everyone!

This article was posted in Michaels local paper. Its a really nice article and I enjoyred reading it.

I just wanted to ask if you have a spare moment to please go to the link and leave a positive comment about this article, you dont have to register. The woman who wrote this (I know her personally) has not always had very positive things to say about Michael and this article was so nice of her to write and I would just really like her to see that writing truth and positivity isnt a bad thing and that Michael was really a great guy afterall.

Lots of comments about Michael and what an amazing guy he is would be good for her to see! Dont say anything nasty, just leave a nice comment about the story and Michael if you have time! That will do the trick!

Please, please take the time to Click on the Link Below read the very positive article and leave a comment on the local paper's Website expressing your :clapping:appreciation to the local paper for printing a positive article about Michael Jackson.


Contractor Tony Urquidez displays some of the memorabilia he acquired during his 20-year business relationship and friendship with the late pop star Michael Jackson, such as a hat from the “Smooth Criminal” video and renderings of plans for the 2,700-acre property where he worked extensively. / Raiza Canelon/Staff

“He wasn’t the demanding type, but more of a little kid that wanted things immediately. We had crews working all hours of the day, and you could tell Michael was so excited. He put pressure on me, but it was a different kind of pressure, a fun pressure,” Urquidez said.
Once the theater was completed, Urquidez would get calls in the middle of the night from Jackson, asking

him to come watch a movie or just talking about ideas he had for the next project.

“Michael gave me a mental visual of what he wanted, and I had the freedom to create. After several projects like the ‘Magic Walkway,’ the bridge to the treehouse, the pirate ship, and the water fort, we had a language to ourselves. I knew what he was envisioning and I made it happen,” Urquidez said.

“Working with him so regularly, you forgot how big he was. I got a rare glimpse into his life and sometimes he would just burst into song or dance and I would think to myself, ‘Wow, that’s Michael Jackson!,” Urquidez said.

That reminds me of when I first became a fan. When I was watching the Bashir doc I thought "Wow.Michael Jackson is the coolest person ever." Then he sang the jingle for Green Giant and I remembered he was a singer.
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Once the theater was completed, Urquidez would get calls in the middle of the night from Jackson, asking him to come watch a movie or just talking about ideas he had for the next project.

AWW, Michael you angel.
Thanks Urquidez.

Thanks family Urquidez. Thanks family Urquidez. Thanks family Urquidez. You, Mr. Tony Urquidez, not for money, but to give the opportunity to a fan of Michael to realize the dream to have an original object belonged to Michael have gift to me a splendid opportunity.
And now, the white fedora hat from the "Smooth Criminal" video has finally arrived to me. And' is only thanks to the generosity of this man, friend and collaborator of Michael for so many years, that I have been able to realize mine small great dream.
It is to him I will eternally be thankful...
Thanks Tony and Julie. Gianluca
That was lovely! I left a comment too. Michael's so awesome, I miss him.
Aw, that was so sweet. Thanks for posting it.
Great article. Thanks for posting it. It's so nice to hear from people who really knew him! I left a comment too.
hahaa its really funny that people hung up the phone when michael jackson call them cause they don't believe that its really him :)
thanks for sharing!