Liz taylor

elusive moonwalker

anyone heard anymore news about her supposedly being really ill in hospital? the only source ive read it from is the enquirer so hopefully its their same ole B.S
There's tons of reports out there about it, but they all appear to originate from tabloid sources. I certainly hope it's just the annual rumor and nothing more. It's more than disgusting how Enquirer and other tabloids have been talking about, and insisting upon Taylor's 'death' for more than a decade now, every so many months the ugly rumors start up again.
thanks TS i just read it for the first time over here tonight. whether its been in the uk papers i dont know. hopefully its their yearly B.S but the story was quite detailed with dates etc so hopefully its not true
a while back there was still a pix of her when she was out and about allthough in a wheelchair and in the same time the press mentioned she was very very ill so dont worry yet
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Good news for Elizabeth Taylor's jewels (and, of course, Elizabeth Taylor): Mama's coming home!

A rep for the aging screen icon has shot down tabloid reports that the 76-year-old two-time Oscar winner was on her deathbed suffering congestive heart failure, telling E! News that while Taylor did briefly check into a hospital, she's in no danger of meeting her maker anytime soon.

"Ms. Taylor is fine," said longtime rep Dick Guttman. "The rumors which began in England about her health are dramatic, overstated and untrue.

"Her hospital visit was precautionary. She will be returning home shortly. At present, she is surrounded by family, friends and fabulous jewels."

Rumors began circulating earlier today that the Cleopatra star was in a grim state when the National Enquirer reported that Taylor's children were called to her bedside after she was placed on life support. (Britain's Daily Mail published a similar account).

Taylor has suffered a slew of both real and tabloid-imagined health problems in recent years. Per the Enquirer, her latest alleged ailment followed a particularly harsh bout of pneumonia.

Though Guttman did not say where Taylor was admitted, reports have placed her at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica.

Guttman knows the routine when it comes to shooting down death rumors. Similar strories circulated back in 2006, leading Taylor to appear on Larry King Live to prove her vitality.

—Additional reporting by Matt Donnelly

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz.....i was hella worried all damn day. read it on my e! alert then on perez and was stressing all day at work till perez printed the comments from her rep. damn im so glad she ok

Good news for Elizabeth Taylor's jewels (and, of course, Elizabeth Taylor): Mama's coming home!

A rep for the aging screen icon has shot down tabloid reports that the 76-year-old two-time Oscar winner was on her deathbed suffering congestive heart failure, telling E! News that while Taylor did briefly check into a hospital, she's in no danger of meeting her maker anytime soon.

"Ms. Taylor is fine," said longtime rep Dick Guttman. "The rumors which began in England about her health are dramatic, overstated and untrue.

"Her hospital visit was precautionary. She will be returning home shortly. At present, she is surrounded by family, friends and fabulous jewels."

Rumors began circulating earlier today that the Cleopatra star was in a grim state when the National Enquirer reported that Taylor's children were called to her bedside after she was placed on life support. (Britain's Daily Mail published a similar account).

Taylor has suffered a slew of both real and tabloid-imagined health problems in recent years. Per the Enquirer, her latest alleged ailment followed a particularly harsh bout of pneumonia.

Though Guttman did not say where Taylor was admitted, reports have placed her at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica.

Guttman knows the routine when it comes to shooting down death rumors. Similar strories circulated back in 2006, leading Taylor to appear on Larry King Live to prove her vitality.

—Additional reporting by Matt Donnelly

Thanks for that :)
"Her hospital visit was precautionary. She will be returning home shortly. At present, she is surrounded by family, friends and fabulous jewels."

ahaha love it :)

Glad to hear she's doing ok I just love this woman ^_^

Want to watch her do some brilliant acting? Get yourself a copy of "Suddenly Last Summer" with her and Katharine Hepburn. Brilliant acting by both leading ladies in my humble opinion :)
This is so good to hear...I hate hearing about Liz being sick.. I grew up watching Liz Taylor movies...and watching her through all of those years...she is certainly one special lady too. A lady and a friend to MJ. I hope she is better...and that this is just a tabloid rumor.
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Great to hear!
I love Liz, shes fabulous!

And what a nerve, starting rumours on people's imminent death....:no:

you're a parasite in black and white...
Thats just flat out mean. They know how much Mike means to her and vice versa -_-
I'm so glad shes ok, I hate these fucking tabloids always saying over the top shit to get a story! Imagine how Elizabeth must feel reading that shes dying or on her way out every few months. It must be a pleasure to read that people think your living through your final moments. Its disgusting
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I hate the tabloids too!! OOH!! Why do they keep doing this?? It's horrible. I am glad Liz is okay. I have such a deep respect for the woman, it isn't funny. She is the DAME in my book. NOONE has come close to her...I hope she finds this type of talk funny...I'd be bothered about it if I were her...
I think she just ignores it

doesn't make it right but I guess she is used to it as well as her loved ones
She is always in my Prayers :flowers: God Bless her
Elizabeth Taylor Visits Hospital, To Return Home

LOS ANGELES - Elizabeth Taylor was hospitalized for an undisclosed reason but was expected to return home soon, representatives for the Oscar-winning actress said Thursday.
A statement released by Dick Guttman, her Los Angeles-based publicist, did not say where Taylor was staying, nor did it specify what was ailing the 76-year-old actress.
"Ms. Taylor is fine," the statement read. "Her hospital visit was precautionary. She will be returning home shortly. At present, she is surrounded by family, friends and fabulous jewels."
Guttman said he had no further details about Taylor's health or whereabouts. A person who answered a call placed to Taylor's home Thursday, who would not give her full name, said only that Taylor's condition was "nothing to worry about."
A number of health issues have dogged Taylor through the years, including congestive heart failure in 2004 that, compounded with spinal fractures and the effects of scoliosis, left her nearly bedridden. She's also battled ulcers, amoebic dysentery, bursitis, acute bronchitis, two serious bouts of pneumonia, drug and alcohol addiction and a benign brain tumor that was removed in 1997.
The actress has remained a tireless AIDS activist, making rare public appearances to support the cause. She appeared wheelchair bound and swathed in jewels at the dedication of the UCLA Clinical AIDS Research and Education Center in November 2005. Her performance of "Love Letters" in December generated more than $1 million for AIDS research.
Taylor won Oscars for roles in "Butterfield 8" in 1960 and "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" in 1966. She also won a special Oscar, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, mainly for her work as an AIDS activist, in 1993. She still lives in Bel-Air, a tony section of Los Angeles that's home to many of Hollywood's elite figures.
Her book, "Elizabeth Taylor: My Love Affair with Jewelry," was published in 2003. In it, Taylor writes about the many famous jewels in her personal collection, including the 33.19-carat Krupp diamond (a gift from Richard Burton) and the Duchess of Windsor diamond brooch.
Taylor continues to design her namesake jewelry line, available at posh retailers such as Christie's, and is developing a new fragrance.

Source: AP
Re: Elizabeth Taylor Visits Hospital, To Return Home

i heard it on CNN. thank God shes fine :) God bless her :heart: