Living With Michael Jackson MSNBC tonight and a question.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's going to be shown again tonight on MSNBC 8/7 central. I do have a question, I haven't watched it since it first came on, and I caught bits and pieces of it on VH1 when the trial was going on. But do they still show Gavin's part or do they just cut that part out? I don't want to offend anyone I'm just curious.
Thanks for the heads up! And no, they don't show it for some reason, it's only an hour long, or at least the version of it they've been airing on MSNBC since he died has been...
Yeah they showed it an hour earlier than what it said on my Dish guide. Does anyone know why they cut so much of it? I remember the original starting with him climbing a tree, they cut out a lot of Neverland visit (the movie theater, riding the train), him and the kids (loved it when he was singing to them), the shopping trip. I mean, it's understandable that they cut out the whole Gavin part because of all the trash that happened after wards. But why the other things?
Thanks for the heads up! And no, they don't show it for some reason, it's only an hour long, or at least the version of it they've been airing on MSNBC since he died has been...
I wonder why they're showing it at all, especially since there are much better things out there to show.