Live Video of Funeral Provided by Jackson Family?


Proud Member
Aug 28, 2009
Watching the CNN coverage, Anderson Cooper mentioned awhile ago that the live video was being provided by the Jackson Family...that CNN has no control over what we are seeing, since they (the family) are providing it. So it would seem that while the family wanted to keep the media out of the service (and very rightfully so!), they did not mind having cameras present.
It's their(Michael's family) decision. I am not surprised they wanted to share the videos with Michael's fans. There sure are enough of us.
Gosh, poor Katherine! She is not with everyone else. She is continually looking down. Poor lady! :(
Good nice and private! To tell the truth I though they weren't going to show anything at all. The memorial was basicly the public funeral this is family and friends
the Jackson's feed has ended. when they bring him out and turn him the video cuts off.
i am gratefull we were able to see many celebrities and that we were somehow "allowed" to see the inside of the funeral..... but again... feel a bit ackward... and weird about the camera and the fact that soon or later... a dvd of the funeral will be on ebay for sale..... you know what i mean? but... if the estate is earning from it, who knows... i don't know... i am totally confused and shocked as many of us didn't expect to relive another day of funeral... memorial was a funeral to me... but... again.. may you rest in peace micheal...
The BBC said the family would provide the feed until the coffin arrived and that happened.

There were helicopters taking footage after that stopped and they did show the coffin being carried by his brothers and the kids outting the crown on top of the coffin.

They also said that the cameras allowed by the family only filmed certain people, Lisa Marie was there but they did not show her face, you could only see the top of her head.
but again... feel a bit ackward... and weird about the camera and the fact that soon or later... a dvd of the funeral will be on ebay for sale..... you know what i mean? but... if the estate is earning from it, who knows... i don't know...

they plan to sell footage of the burial? is this just your opinion??

i personally can't see them doing that, surely if they wanted us to see such a private moment they would have just left the cameras rolling.
they plan to sell footage of the burial? is this just your opinion??

i personally can't see them doing that, surely if they wanted us to see such a private moment they would have just left the cameras rolling.

The BBC reported that the family was planning a DVD release with footage of the funeral on it. How they know this, I do not know.
The BBC reported that the family was planning a DVD release with footage of the funeral on it. How they know this, I do not know.

That's what I was wondering....because during the aerial shots, before the family's live feed was even cut off, you could see cameras and booms (mic's) on the ground there filming. And you could still see one on a long "arm" (for lack of the correct word) that was panning over the crowd after the live feed cut off. And it really would surprise me if they sold that footage. Just doesn't seem like they would. But then also, they could have been filming it for themselves too.
The BBC reported that the family was planning a DVD release with footage of the funeral on it. How they know this, I do not know.

They said something similiar on GMA, but they made it sound like it was just speculation.

Imma guess it is speculation. Just cuz they got cameras filming don't mean it wasn't meant soley for family. My family films and takes pics of funerals like crazy. Its part of the spiritual process of coping.
Fury over Jackson's funeral filming
(UKPA) – 10 hours ago

Michael Jackson's brother Randy condemned as "surreptitious" the overhead filming of his brother's funeral.

The family allowed a live video feed of guests arriving at the ceremony in Los Angeles on Friday - but it was cut abruptly for privacy reasons as the hearse carrying the late pop star's body arrived.

A news camera on a hovering helicopter continued to film the burial service at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park, however, which Randy Jackson said left him "dismayed" and "severely disrupted" proceedings.
The former Jacksons band member said in a statement: "I was dismayed on Friday night and again on Saturday at the coverage I saw on television of our ceremony for Michael.

"We had asked the media to respect the privacy and the sanctity of this event; to give us one moment of privacy to mourn as a family out of the public spotlight.

"Unfortunately, despite a no-fly zone around Forest Lawn, many media organisations decided to ignore our wishes. They employed helicopters that not only surreptitiously recorded our private family ceremony, but also severely disrupted it."

He added: "As a family, we are all aware of how Michael's life, and his death, touched so many around the world. "It is why we held a public memorial in my brother's honor. And it is the reason we chose to release a small amount of footage leading up to yesterday's ceremony at Forest Lawn.

"I therefore ask today that media organisations airing helicopter footage of the ceremony we held for my brother immediately pull that footage from their air and refrain from airing it in the future."

Around 200 mourners gathered at the cemetery to pay their respects to Jackson - a man whose music provided a soundtrack for generations.

Copyright © 2009 The Press Association. All rights reserved.
Watching the CNN coverage, Anderson Cooper mentioned awhile ago that the live video was being provided by the Jackson Family...that CNN has no control over what we are seeing, since they (the family) are providing it. So it would seem that while the family wanted to keep the media out of the service (and very rightfully so!), they did not mind having cameras present.

WEll, I am pissed off at the Jackson family. They had it filmed for the This is It movie, not because they wanted the fans to 'share'. The actual private ceremony was inside. If they filmed that, this will be the part of the film where I either a) take a restroom break, or b) regurgitate.
Fury over Jackson's funeral filming
(UKPA) – 10 hours ago

Michael Jackson's brother Randy condemned as "surreptitious" the overhead filming of his brother's funeral.

The family allowed a live video feed of guests arriving at the ceremony in Los Angeles on Friday - but it was cut abruptly for privacy reasons as the hearse carrying the late pop star's body arrived.

A news camera on a hovering helicopter continued to film the burial service at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park, however, which Randy Jackson said left him "dismayed" and "severely disrupted" proceedings.
The former Jacksons band member said in a statement: "I was dismayed on Friday night and again on Saturday at the coverage I saw on television of our ceremony for Michael.

"We had asked the media to respect the privacy and the sanctity of this event; to give us one moment of privacy to mourn as a family out of the public spotlight.

"Unfortunately, despite a no-fly zone around Forest Lawn, many media organisations decided to ignore our wishes. They employed helicopters that not only surreptitiously recorded our private family ceremony, but also severely disrupted it."

He added: "As a family, we are all aware of how Michael's life, and his death, touched so many around the world. "It is why we held a public memorial in my brother's honor. And it is the reason we chose to release a small amount of footage leading up to yesterday's ceremony at Forest Lawn.

"I therefore ask today that media organisations airing helicopter footage of the ceremony we held for my brother immediately pull that footage from their air and refrain from airing it in the future."

Around 200 mourners gathered at the cemetery to pay their respects to Jackson - a man whose music provided a soundtrack for generations.

Copyright © 2009 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

I don't trust a single one of the Jacksons. I TOTALLY agree that the invasion of privacy was HORRID, but how could they not have anticipated this. Just look at Liz Taylor's wedding at neverland. For XXXist's sake, a person parachuted in. However, to act as if he doesn't want the footage shown is ridiculous, because they have already sold it to AEG/SONY to include in the This is It movie (disgusting!)
Gosh, poor Katherine! She is not with everyone else. She is continually looking down. Poor lady! :(

I am sorry, I need to take one thing out of my last post and make a caveat, which is, I don't trust a single member of the Jackson family, EXCEPT for Katherine.