Live Forever - The MJ Monument Design Competition (results)


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2009
Brooklyn/Manhattan, NY
The first place winner is pretty interesting:


The monument is a digital display which counts down to the moment when all of Michael Jacksons’ creative content will enter the public domain. In 70 years when the clock reaches zero it will play Billy Jean on loud speakers, making it the first time the song is played free of copyright. An online version of the countdown can be seen here. The monument is not location specific, and could be adapted to other venues.

Michael Jackson public domain online countdown:
That's sad :( I stilll can't believe he's gone. Most of us won't even be alive in 70 years.
I like this

The Michael Jackson Memorial Orphanage & Hospice
By sstutter (london)
The ‘Michael Jackson Memorial Orphanage and Hospice’ is a place where love conquers all. This is a place where children without hope can reach out a desperate hand and be greeted by the king of pop’s glory. The children arrive in the friendliest of ambulances and they spend their days at the fairground of unrivalled joy. The legend lives on as he waits for them but not before fulfilling their dreams within the luxury care home and secluded surroundings of peace and tranquillity.

Healing the world, one cell at the time.
By monocultured (Gothenburg)
This electron microscope image shows a MJ–Ganglia assembly releasing nanobots which are disintegrating the membrane of a cancerous pyramidal neurone. The cancerous neurone is coloured red, with the MJGa and the released nanobots are blue.

When I read healing the world, one cell at the time I didn´t think of cancer but we can begin with very small things to create a better world.
70 years I will be 100 years old by then. If I am still alive by then. Which I very much doubt. Cause as great as that might sound. It is still very sad as well. Because it just another reminder of how much I still miss Michael. 70 years why couldn't it be 70 days instead?
Well that's....different.
But 70 years!? I'll be 86 years old...damn.