Live coverage of Chris Brown going to court.

yes..i just saw him. he certainly has his fans, but he's not waving at them....

edit. but, on the way out, there were no screaming fans. i guess that's all media. it really didn't look like there were that many people out there. and they cut it off before Geragos could say anything. i almost didn't recognize Geragos.
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he needs to do a plea deal the longer this drags out the worse it's going to hurt his already dented reputation.
I saw Larry King and he showed a clip of when Brown was on the Tyra Banks show saying he witnessed one of his close relatives suffering domestic violence. I hope Rihanna speaks up whatever happened.
Yeah I kown I'm late for this but Chris Brown was so sad when he enter the courtroom so serious. I hope I still going to stupport him no mattet what happends to him.