Little Susie

I Think I Wanna Rock

Proud Member
Oct 8, 2012

Like every song on HIStory it is amazing. I Love Little Susie, it's a beautiful song. However if i listen to this song on my own at night in the dark i can't help but feel scared by the first 2 minutes. I Don't know why as it really shouldn't be scary lol.

So Is it Scary for Ya Baby?
It certainly is an emotional and sad song. I just love that song, and when I close my mind I can see that little girl lying there, it is a little scary and very sad. Michael had an incredible way of telling a story in a song, you can just see it as well as hear it.
it is a very good song, in my opinion the sragest of his works that I have heard yet. I actually really like the start of the song it's very pretty but I always wonder why he wrote it. I also saw a lyrical (think ballet and jazz mixed) performed to this song
It is most certainly a beautiful song with deep meaning to it.

The truth to why it scares me is quite a funny story. In 1995 my brother and cousin listened to the History album all the way through in the pitch black at night in my cousins loft. They were fairly young themselves at the time and neither was a huge MJ fan. Well when they got to Little Susie and the first couple of minutes kicked in they both got really scared. I was only 4 at the time when my brother told me the story and played the song, it made me scared lol. For years after that whenever i got scared or heard a noise from outside at night, he would tease me that it was Little Susie. It sounds so silly now but trust me it was scary for a long time and bare in mind that i am somebody who scares pretty easily. When i listen to it on my own now, i still get a bit scared, i just cant help it no matter what a wonderful song it is.
Little children can be very creepy IMO, especially when its the ghost of a little child humming. The opera-like part doesn't scare me, but I get the slight creeps when I hear the music box and the little girl humming.
That song never scare me. Especially since I was 15 years old when I first heard that song. Back in the summer of 1995. I just found that song really sad to listen to. In fact that song as well as Stranger In Moscow were the only 2 songs on that album. That made me cry the first few times of hearing them. And I had wonder for years what made Michael write a song that was so very sad. Until I read this story in a MJ site that is no longer around.:

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Susie. She was like the child any parent would dream of, smart, sweet, and adorable. She did everything for her family but nobody loved her. Her mother was a drug dealer and her father was in a mental institution. her older sister Anna was the only one who took care of her. Anna was the mother Susie never had and loved Susie like a daughter rather than a sister. But one day Anna was walking to the market and was hit by a truck and dies soon after in the nearby hospital. Susie cried and didn't know who would take care of her now. She starved for days and never once got to leave the cold dark house. Finally her mother died of an overdose of drugs and Susie was sent to the mountains to live with her grandfather. her grandfather raped and abused her for two whole years. One day he got drunk and left the house leaving Susie to fend for herself. She went upstairs to listen to her musicbox. Someone broke into the house to steel all of their money and vivaciously attacked poor Susie. When the police came to investigate, all the money was gone and Susie lie on the bottom step of the staircase, eyes rolled back and blood drenching her hair, dead. After only a quick look, the men pushed Susie's body aside and continued the investigation. Her body was burned to ashes and those ashes were given to her grandfather. but only a week later he lost interest in them and dumped them into the river. They say to this day if you call Susie's name, and listen hard enough, you can still hear her sad and innocent cries calling out for a help that never came.

After reading that story it did scared me just a tiny bit. Of what song was based on. And what made Michael write a song like that. Which made me L.O.V.E. the song even more. This story from what I had read was supposily base on a true story that happen in 1972.
It's a wonderful song with an very sad story. Does somebody knows if he talks about a real happend story? Was there in time around HIStory happen something that remembers the lyrics of this song??

To me it's very sad that this great song is so forgotten. Who knows this song? His Fans, yes, but other people? I don't think so. The most people knows Michael just for songs like Billie Jean, Beat It or Bad. But those songs like Little Susie knows nobody. This song shows the great Artist Michael was in so many ways. As a singer, as a songwriter as a storyteller.

Thank you Michael for such great music...
Little children can be very creepy IMO, especially when its the ghost of a little child humming. The opera-like part doesn't scare me, but I get the slight creeps when I hear the music box and the little girl humming.

This is exactly why this song creeps me out at times lol. Btw, didin't he write this song way back in 1978?
Little Susie is a story about an abused child and that´s scary.

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When I watch youtube videos to little Susie I find other stories too like Sara

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To be damned to know hoping is dead and you're doomed
Then to scream out
And nobody's there...

She knew no one cared...

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Little Susie is one of the saddest song Michael ever sang. When i first heard it back in 1995 i was 9 years old and didn't pay attetion to the lyrics. All i knew about the song was that it was about a little girl who died and that's it!! Years later i was really listening the lyrics carefully and since then everytime i hear it i'm about to cry!! Everytime!!! But I really like it when songs have this impact on me!!
That song is just brilliant. But also the saddest one.
One of my favorite pieces for sure
I :love: that song... It's ONE of my MOST FAVE ones... I even want it played at my funeral :blush:

Creepy, NAH...
It's a thing that really bothers me cause kids should be 'protected' and 'loved' instead of 'used, abused and neglected'... :blink:

It's a heartfelt topic for me and I love the classical piece at the beginning... It's indeed a sad story :(

That's the Magic of Michael... I call it cause Michael just didn't sing songs... He used to tell stories too and before you realized it... You've learnt a valuable lesson... That's the POWER he knew how to bring AWARENESS...

That's the reason WHY I love that song :cheeky:
Very well written song its like being told a story, be it a very sad one, it is so sad to think that things like that actually happen everyday, terrible reality isnt it. But i love this song, and i understand what people are saying about the scary element, with the humming and the start of the music gives me chills everytime
The music is haunting yet beautiful at the same time. Combine that with Michael's chilling but gorgeous vocals and you have a masterpiece. Nobody can create a song like that anymore. It's a very sad song, and I believe one of his saddest. This is a song where you really need to listen to the lyrics. He's telling an incredibly sad and scary story. It's too bad nobody's outside of the fan world don't knows this song.

My boyfriend is incredibly freaked out by this song because when I play it for him, he doesn't actually listen to the words and the story being told. I doubt the general public would understand the song and they would probably write it off as Michael being “strange” again. It’s truly a shame that nobody else can see the beauty and sadness in this song. Michael’s emotions pour out in all aspects of the song: the music, lyrics, melody. Again, nobody today could ever compose a piece like this.

I always thought this song was an indirect reference to Michael himself. The song is about child abuse and while I don’t think his situation was as severe, I feel like he felt himself relating to this story. I learned a lot about Michael when I first listened to this song. I think he was really feelling the pain “Little Susie” felt because he too once felt neglected and abused. Very, very sad.

“Neglection can kill like a knife in your soul, oh it will.” *Shivers* Such a powerful line and the way Michael sings it blows me away every single time.
It's a very, very good musical piece. The story is so haunting, yet so realistic. I can picture some incredible, eery things whilst listening to the masterpiece that it is.
I find it very sad, I feel like crying to this song.
I love "Little Susie". It definitely needs more recognition, even from MJ fans. It stuns me when some fans say they never heard this song in its entirety, because they are afraid by the little girl singing.

This song is a masterpiece. Michael sings with so much emotion, his vocals are out of this world.
I love "Little Susie". It definitely needs more recognition, even from MJ fans. It stuns me when some fans say they never heard this song in its entirety, because they are afraid by the little girl singing.

This song is a masterpiece. Michael sings with so much emotion, his vocals are out of this world.

Exactly....Unfortunately is an underrated song. And it's a same because is soooo beautiful!!!!!!!
I love this song. The composition is just amazing. I find myself playing the intro to this song a lot on my piano. Very emotional song though.